One of Us Is Next Summary, Characters and Themes

“One of Us Is Next,” the gripping sequel to Karen M. McManus’s bestselling “One of Us Is Lying,” plunges readers back into the treacherous world of Bayview High, where secrets and lies are the currency of choice. In this thrilling continuation, a dangerous game of Truth or Dare emerges, dragging three new protagonists—Maeve Rojas, Phoebe Lawton, and Knox Myers—into its web. 

As the game escalates, dark secrets are exposed, and the lines between friend and foe blur. McManus deftly explores the toxic effects of cyberbullying, the hunger for popularity, and the destructive power of gossip in the age of social media.


The story opens with a local news report about a mysterious new death at Bayview High and the reactivation of a sinister Reddit subforum, Vengeance Is Mine, previously frequented by the infamous Simon Kelleher. 

The first part introduces the characters as Phoebe Lawton receives a cryptic text inviting her to play a game of Truth or Dare. Refusing to engage, Phoebe is horrified when her deepest secret—that she slept with her sister Emma’s boyfriend—is broadcast to the entire school. 

The revelation drives a wedge between the sisters, exacerbating the emotional strain following their father’s tragic death in a work accident.

Meanwhile, Maeve Rojas, struggling with fears of a leukemia relapse, also receives a message from Unknown. Unlike Phoebe, Maeve decides to investigate the source, while her friend Knox Myers, who works at a law firm, becomes increasingly anxious after receiving a similar text. 

At a bachelorette party, Phoebe witnesses a daring kiss between her friend Jules and Nate Macauley, part of a dare orchestrated by the unknown texter.

As the game intensifies, Maeve is humiliated when her private life with Knox is exposed to the entire school, making Knox the subject of relentless bullying. Maeve begins a tentative romance with Luis Santos, but the sinister game continues to unravel the lives of the Bayview students. 

Tragedy strikes when Brandon Weber, a student known for his questionable past, dies in a construction site accident. Knox, who was present, survives but is left with fragmented memories of the incident. 

Suspicion falls on Sean Murdock, who claims to have saved Knox, though Knox doubts the truth of his account.

Knox, Maeve, and Phoebe work together to uncover the truth about Brandon’s death, suspecting it to be linked to a dare gone wrong. Their investigation leads them to Jared Jackson, who has a vendetta against Knox’s boss, Eli. Jared’s brother had been arrested due to Eli’s actions, and Jared is out for revenge. 

The trio uncovers Jared’s plan to bomb Eli’s rehearsal dinner, but Knox bravely intervenes, saving lives by moving the bomb.

The climax reveals Emma’s dark involvement in the game, initially teaming up with Jared to expose Brandon’s role in their father’s death. However, when the game spiraled out of control, Emma tried to distance herself. 

In a shocking twist, Phoebe realizes that someone else, likely their younger brother Owen, continued the game after Emma stopped. 

The story ends on an unsettling note, with Emma and Phoebe protecting Owen’s secret, leaving the true mastermind behind the game a mystery.

One of Us Is Next Summary, Characters and Themes


Maeve Rojas

Maeve Rojas, one of the central protagonists in One of Us Is Next, is portrayed as a resilient and intelligent young woman. She is still grappling with the aftereffects of her past battles with leukemia.

Maeve’s character is defined by her sharp mind, resourcefulness, and a sense of independence. This often drives her to handle her problems on her own. Her fear of a potential relapse of her illness looms over her, making her hesitant to share her concerns with her family.

This hesitation reflects her inner strength and desire to protect those she loves. Maeve’s relationship with technology and her curiosity lead her to delve into the mystery of the threatening messages.

This showcases her determination and problem-solving skills. However, her refusal to play the game initiated by “Unknown” and her subsequent humiliation highlight her vulnerabilities, particularly when it comes to her personal life and relationships.

Her budding romance with Luis Santos adds another layer to her character, revealing a softer, more emotional side. This contrasts with her otherwise logical and composed demeanor. Maeve’s journey in the novel is one of self-discovery as she navigates the complexities of friendship, love, and the lingering fear of her illness returning.

Phoebe Lawton

Phoebe Lawton is another key protagonist in the story. She is depicted as a character struggling with the fallout of her father’s death and the subsequent breakdown of her family dynamics.

Phoebe is burdened with guilt and shame, particularly after her secret—sleeping with her sister Emma’s boyfriend—is exposed to the entire school. This revelation strains her already fragile relationship with Emma, leading to tension and conflict within her family.

Phoebe’s character is marked by a deep sense of loneliness and a longing for connection. This is evident in her interactions with others and her attempts to mend her broken relationships.

Her involvement in the Truth or Dare game against her will further isolates her, making her a target of gossip and bullying. Despite these challenges, Phoebe shows resilience and a capacity for empathy, particularly in her growing friendship with Knox.

Her journey is one of seeking redemption and forgiveness, both from others and herself. She tries to navigate the complexities of her relationships and the trauma of her father’s death.

Knox Myers

Knox Myers is portrayed as an underdog, often underestimated by those around him, including his friends and family. His character is shaped by a series of humiliations, most notably the revelation of his sexual inadequacy, which makes him a target of ridicule at school.

Knox’s character arc is defined by his struggle to assert himself and prove his worth, both to himself and others. He is hardworking, as seen in his job at the law firm, and is deeply concerned about justice and fairness, particularly in his quest to uncover the truth about Brandon Weber’s death.

Knox’s relationship with Maeve is complex, marked by a mixture of friendship, romantic tension, and the awkwardness of their past. Despite his insecurities, Knox displays courage, especially in the later parts of the novel where he takes risks to protect others, such as when he intervenes to prevent the bomb from going off.

Knox’s character evolves from being a passive, somewhat insecure individual to someone who takes decisive action. This shows growth in confidence and maturity.

Emma Lawton

Emma Lawton, Phoebe’s older sister, is a character steeped in grief and bitterness following their father’s death. Her relationship with Phoebe is strained, primarily due to Phoebe’s betrayal, which exacerbates Emma’s already fragile emotional state.

Emma is depicted as someone who is deeply affected by the loss of her father, and this grief manifests in self-destructive behavior, such as her excessive drinking and her withdrawal from social interactions. Her involvement in the Truth or Dare game, particularly her collaboration with Jared Jackson, reveals a darker, more vengeful side of her character.

Emma’s actions are driven by a desire for justice or revenge for her father’s death, but they ultimately spiral out of control. This leads to further complications and emotional turmoil.

By the end of the novel, Emma’s character undergoes a transformation as she begins to confront the consequences of her actions and her role in the events that unfolded. Her relationship with Phoebe also starts to mend as they both come to terms with their respective guilt and begin to seek reconciliation.

Luis Santos

Luis Santos is a secondary character who plays a significant role in Maeve’s life. He is depicted as a kind, supportive figure who brings out a more affectionate and vulnerable side in Maeve.

Luis’s character is grounded in loyalty and a strong sense of morality, as seen in his willingness to help Maeve and her friends uncover the truth about the events surrounding the Truth or Dare game. His relationship with Maeve develops naturally over the course of the novel, providing her with emotional support during her struggles.

Luis is also instrumental in gathering evidence that helps the group understand the circumstances of Brandon Weber’s death. This showcases his resourcefulness and dedication.

While Luis is not as deeply involved in the central mystery as the main protagonists, his presence is crucial in providing stability and support to Maeve. He helps her to face her fears and challenges with greater confidence.

Jared Jackson (Darkestmind)

Jared Jackson, who goes by the username “Darkestmind,” serves as one of the primary antagonists in the novel. His character is driven by a desire for revenge, particularly against Eli, whom he blames for his brother’s arrest.

Jared is depicted as a disturbed individual, capable of orchestrating dangerous schemes, such as the Truth or Dare game and the attempted bombing at Eli and Ashton’s rehearsal dinner. His motivations are rooted in a sense of perceived injustice, and he manipulates others, including Emma, to achieve his goals.

Jared’s character is a representation of how unchecked anger and a desire for vengeance can lead to destructive behavior. His interactions with Emma, and later his continuation of the game without her, reveal a calculating and sinister personality, willing to harm others to get what he wants.

Jared’s eventual downfall comes as his plans are thwarted by the protagonists. However, not before causing significant damage and fear, leaving a lasting impact on the Bayview community.

Owen Lawton

Owen Lawton, the younger brother of Phoebe and Emma, is a minor but pivotal character in the story. Although he does not play a central role in the events, his character is crucial to the resolution of the mystery.

Owen is depicted as an innocent, somewhat naive child who is caught in the crossfire of his family’s issues and the larger events at Bayview High. His innocence is juxtaposed with the darker themes of the novel.

It is ultimately his unintentional involvement that leads to the discovery of the second person communicating with Jared. The revelation that Owen was unknowingly involved, particularly through the spelling error that Phoebe recognizes, adds a layer of tragedy to his character.

This highlights how even the most innocent can become entangled in the consequences of others’ actions.

Eli Kleinfelter and Ashton Prentiss

Eli Kleinfelter and Ashton Prentiss serve as the adult figures in the novel. They provide a contrast to the teenage protagonists.

Eli, a lawyer who previously helped the Bayview Four, is depicted as a principled and determined individual who is committed to seeking justice. His relationship with Ashton, which culminates in their marriage, adds a subplot of adult romance and stability to the otherwise tumultuous lives of the younger characters.

Ashton’s character is supportive and nurturing, particularly towards the younger characters, offering them advice and a sense of security. The couple’s near-tragedy at their rehearsal dinner, due to Jared’s bomb, serves to heighten the stakes of the novel.

This shows that the dangers the teens face have very real consequences for the adults around them as well. Their characters underscore the theme of justice versus revenge, with Eli embodying the pursuit of justice through legal means, in contrast to Jared’s pursuit of revenge.


Cyberbullying and the Dark Side of Social Media

One of the central themes in One of Us Is Next is the pervasive and destructive impact of cyberbullying. This is particularly evident in a digital age where social media plays an integral role in teenagers’ lives.

Karen M. McManus explores how the anonymity and reach of online platforms can facilitate malicious behavior. This leads to devastating consequences for those targeted.

The Truth or Dare game orchestrated by an anonymous individual, “Unknown,” serves as a vehicle for this exploration. The game weaponizes secrets and dares, compelling participants to either comply with the often humiliating and dangerous tasks or face the exposure of their darkest secrets.

The power of the game is magnified by the speed and spread of information through texts and social media. This illustrates how technology can amplify the effects of bullying, making it nearly impossible for victims to escape public scrutiny.

This theme underscores the dangers of being consumed by social media and how the quest for popularity and status can lead individuals down harmful paths.

Gossip and its Consequences

Another prominent theme in the novel is the destructive power of gossip. The narrative shows that gossip thrives on secrecy and the eagerness of people to consume and spread rumors.

The students at Bayview High are caught in a cycle where their personal lives become fodder for public consumption. This leads to fractured relationships, public humiliation, and even dangerous situations.

McManus suggests that gossip only has as much power as people allow it to have. The protagonists gradually learn that by refusing to participate in the dissemination of gossip—whether by not engaging in the Truth or Dare game or by supporting one another instead of turning on each other—they can diminish its power.

The novel portrays how gossip can be weaponized to control and harm others. It also shows that its influence can be mitigated through trust, communication, and solidarity among friends.

The Impact of Secrets on Relationships

The theme of secrets and their impact on relationships is woven throughout the novel. Each character harbors secrets that, once revealed, have significant repercussions on their personal relationships and social standing.

Phoebe’s secret about sleeping with her sister’s boyfriend, for example, creates a rift between her and her sister Emma. This strains an already fragile relationship.

Similarly, Maeve and Knox’s secret about their failed romantic encounter leads to public humiliation and social ostracism. The novel explores how secrets, when kept hidden, can fester and damage relationships.

However, it also shows how revealing them can lead to either destruction or, in some cases, healing and growth. McManus suggests that while secrets can be powerful, the manner in which they are handled—whether through honest communication or destructive gossip—determines their ultimate impact on individuals and their relationships.

Grief and Coping with Loss

Grief and the various ways individuals cope with loss is another significant theme in the novel. Phoebe’s family, still reeling from the death of her father, exemplifies how loss can alter family dynamics and create emotional distance between loved ones.

Phoebe, Emma, and their younger brother Owen all deal with their grief differently. Phoebe becomes reckless, Emma withdraws and turns to alcohol, and Owen internalizes his pain.

The novel explores how unresolved grief can manifest in unhealthy ways, such as Emma’s involvement in the dangerous game that spirals out of control. McManus also portrays the journey toward healing as characters begin to confront their grief, communicate openly, and seek support from one another.

This theme underscores the importance of facing grief and loss head-on. It also suggests the dangers of allowing grief to push individuals further into isolation and despair.

Justice, Revenge, and Moral Ambiguity

The theme of justice and revenge is central to the plot. This is particularly true through the actions of characters like Emma and Jared Jackson.

Emma’s initial involvement with Jared, motivated by a desire for revenge against those she holds responsible for her father’s death, illustrates how the pursuit of justice can quickly devolve into a quest for revenge. This can lead to unintended and often tragic consequences.

The novel explores the moral ambiguity of seeking revenge under the guise of justice. It shows how it can cloud judgment and lead to destructive choices.

Jared’s actions, which escalate from online manipulation to attempted murder, further highlight the dangers of taking justice into one’s own hands. The novel ultimately suggests that true justice cannot be achieved through revenge.

It also implies that seeking vengeance often perpetuates a cycle of harm rather than resolving the underlying issues.

Friendship and Loyalty

Finally, One of Us Is Next delves into the theme of friendship and loyalty, particularly how these bonds are tested under pressure. The protagonists—Maeve, Phoebe, and Knox—find themselves increasingly isolated as their secrets are exposed and they become targets of the Truth or Dare game.

However, their loyalty to one another provides them with the strength to face these challenges. The novel illustrates that while friendships can be strained by external pressures, such as public humiliation and the threat of physical harm, they can also be a source of support and resilience.

McManus emphasizes the importance of standing by friends in times of crisis. She suggests that loyalty and mutual support are essential in overcoming adversity.

The evolution of these friendships, from being tested by secrets and gossip to being solidified through trust and mutual understanding, is a key aspect of the characters’ development throughout the novel.