Beartown Summary, Characters and Themes

In the heart of the Swedish forests lies Beartown, a small community whose heartbeat is synchronized with the rhythm of ice hockey.

Fredrik Backman’s 2017 novel, “Beartown,” masterfully brings to us this tale of loyalty, secrets, and the high cost of ambition in this hockey-obsessed town.


The story unfolds in the shadow of the local junior hockey team’s semifinal game, a beacon of hope in a town plagued by economic decline. 

The team’s journey to the finals is more than a game; it’s a lifeline for Beartown’s residents.

Central to the tale is Peter Andersson, the hockey club’s general manager, grappling with the contentious decision to replace the beloved A-team coach, Sune, with David, the juniors’ team coach. Peter’s turmoil is deepened by his personal connection to Sune, akin to a father figure.

Meanwhile, the novel introduces us to a diverse cast of characters, each with their unique struggles. 

Maya, Peter’s daughter, is a beacon of innocence, her life revolving around music and friendship. Kevin Erdahl and Benji Ovich stand as stars of the hockey team, embodying the town’s hopes and dreams. 

And then there’s Amat, the swift-skating underdog, whose ascent to the juniors’ team marks a turning point in the narrative.

As the story progresses, the darker aspects of Beartown’s hockey culture come to light. The team’s elevated status leads to unchecked behavior, both in the locker room and beyond. 

The pivotal moment comes at a post-game party where the lives of Kevin, Maya, and Amat collide in a harrowing encounter that changes everything.

Maya’s trauma following the party is heart-wrenching, as she grapples with the aftermath of Kevin’s violent act. 

Her journey from victim to survivor is a poignant exploration of strength and vulnerability. The community’s reaction, marked by disbelief and victim-blaming, paints a stark picture of a society struggling to face its demons.

The novel reaches its climax with the junior team’s final game, overshadowed by the unfolding scandal. 

In a twist of fate, the team’s loss in the finals becomes a metaphor for the town’s shattered illusions.

Backman skillfully uses an omniscient narrator to weave philosophical insights throughout the narrative, enriching the story with broader reflections on life, regret, and resilience. 

The brief, interlinked scenes create a tapestry of a community at a crossroads, with each character playing a pivotal role in the unfolding drama.

Beartown Summary


Maya Andersson 

Maya, 15, is the daughter of Peter and Kira Andersson and the older sister of Leo. A gifted musician, her passion lies in playing the guitar. Despite facing a traumatic experience at the hands of Kevin Erdahl, Maya’s resilience and strength are profound, as she navigates the aftermath of the assault with courage and determination.

Kevin Erdahl 

Kevin, 17, is Beartown’s hockey prodigy, with prospects of joining the professional A-team or being drafted into bigger leagues. Despite his athletic success, Kevin’s personal life is troubled, marked by detached parents and a lack of genuine emotional connection. His actions at a party, resulting in the assault of Maya, reveal the darker facets of his character shaped by his environment.

Peter Andersson 

Peter, father to Maya, Leo, and the late Isak, is the General Manager of Beartown’s hockey club and a former star hockey player. He is depicted as a man caught between his professional responsibilities and personal loyalties, particularly in the wake of the scandal involving Kevin.

Kira Andersson 

Kira, Peter’s wife and mother to Maya, Leo, and Isak, is characterized by her strong-willed and combative nature, both in her law practice and as a defender of her family. She plays a significant role in navigating the family through the crisis following Maya’s assault.


Amat, almost 16, is known for his exceptional speed in hockey, despite his small stature. His background and dedication to his mother, Fatima, shape his character, making him a symbol of perseverance and integrity, especially as he stands up for Maya in the aftermath of the assault.

Benjamin Ovich (Benji) 

Benji, 17, is a key player on the junior hockey team, recognized for his aggressive play and loyalty to Kevin, his best friend. As he grapples with his hidden sexuality and personal demons, including his father’s suicide, Benji’s character evolves, especially as he distances himself from Kevin post-assault.


David, 32, is the dedicated and obsessive coach of Beartown’s junior hockey team. Mentored by Sune, he embodies the single-minded pursuit of hockey excellence, often at the expense of personal relationships.


Sune, around 70, is the esteemed coach of Beartown’s professional team and a mentor to generations of players, including Peter and David. His character represents wisdom and a deep understanding of the game and its impact on the town.


Fatima, Amat’s mother, is a war widow who emigrated to Sweden with her son. Working as a cleaner at the hockey rink, her character demonstrates resilience and the sacrifices of an immigrant single mother.

Mr. Erdahl/Kevin’s dad 

Mr. Erdahl, Kevin’s father, is depicted as a man relentless in his pursuit of success and perfection, both for himself and his son. His influence in the hockey club and the town plays a pivotal role in the handling of Maya’s assault case.

Mrs. Erdahl/Kevin’s mom 

Mrs. Erdahl, Kevin’s mother, is a reserved yet successful businesswoman. Her struggle to connect with Kevin and her internal conflict following the assault reveal the complexities of parental relationships in the face of societal pressures.


Ana, Maya’s best friend since childhood, is characterized by her free-spirited and nature-loving personality. Her loyalty and support for Maya during the crisis highlight the strength of their friendship.


Bobo, a player on the junior hockey team, is initially aggressive towards Amat but gradually becomes sympathetic. His character represents the potential for change and empathy in a competitive sports environment.

William Lyt 

Lyt, a prominent member of the junior team and son of Maggan, is portrayed as someone seeking Kevin’s approval and basking in the glory associated with him. His character demonstrates the influence of peer dynamics in teenage social structures.


Zacharias, 15, is one of Amat’s best friends from the Hollow. His character, along with Lifa, represents the experiences of underprivileged youth in Beartown.


Ramona, the elderly owner of the Bearskin pub, is a beloved and heavy-drinking local figure. Her character adds depth to the town’s social fabric, especially in the context of her loyalty to the hockey club and her personal losses.


Tails, a successful supermarket chain owner and a former hockey player with Peter, is a staunch supporter of the hockey club. His character shows the influence of local business owners in town dynamics.

Club President 

The president of the Beartown hockey club is depicted as a nervous figure, constantly balancing stakeholder interests and the self-regulatory nature of hockey culture.

Leo Andersson 

Leo, the 12-year-old son of Peter and Kira and Maya’s brother, is a minor but supportive character in the narrative, showing familial bonds and the impact of the crisis on younger family members.

The Pack 

The Pack is a group of young men, often angry and violent, who are fervent hockey fans. Their presence in the novel illustrates the sometimes destructive passion for local sports in small communities.

Robbie Holts 

Robbie, a former promising hockey player whose career declined prematurely, represents the potential pitfalls of early sports stardom and the lasting impact of unfulfilled potential.


1. The Cost of Silence and Secrets

“Beartown” delves deep into the repercussions of a community’s collective silence and the burden of secrets. 

The town’s near-blind devotion to hockey creates an environment where misconduct is overlooked, and voices of dissent are stifled. 

This theme is poignantly illustrated through the aftermath of Maya’s assault, where the initial response of the town is one of denial and victim-blaming. 

The novel starkly portrays how silence can perpetuate harm and injustice, revealing the moral cost a community pays when it values its pride and reputation over truth and accountability. 

Backman invites readers to contemplate the dangerous consequences of a culture that prioritizes success and image over ethical conduct and empathy.

2. The Complexity of Loyalty and Community Identity

Backman expertly explores the theme of loyalty, weaving it into the fabric of Beartown’s identity. 

The town’s residents display an unwavering loyalty to their hockey team, which is both a source of pride and a curse. This loyalty is tested as the story unfolds, particularly when the town is forced to confront the actions of its beloved hockey stars. 

The novel raises critical questions about the nature of loyalty: Is it unconditional, or does it have its limits? 

How does loyalty to a group intersect with personal morals and ethics? 

The characters’ struggles with these questions reflect the broader societal challenges of balancing loyalty to one’s community with the pursuit of justice and truth.

3. Strength and Resilience

A central theme in the story is resilience, both individual and collective. 

The characters are constantly faced with challenges, from personal loss and betrayal to societal decline and moral dilemmas. 

Maya’s journey from victim to survivor embodies this theme, showcasing her inner strength and determination. Similarly, the town itself must find resilience as it grapples with the fallout from the scandal and reevaluates its identity. 

Backman illustrates how adversity can serve as a catalyst for growth and change, prompting individuals and communities to reforge their identities and emerge stronger. 

The novel ultimately becomes a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to endure hardship and emerge with renewed purpose and hope.

Final Thoughts

In the end, “Beartown” is more than a story about hockey; it’s a compelling examination of human nature, the complexities of societal norms, and the indomitable spirit of a community in the face of adversity. 

The novel closes on a note of redemption and hope, as a new era dawns in Beartown, marked by inclusivity and a renewed sense of purpose.