Bookshops & Bonedust Summary, Characters and Themes

Bookshops & Bonedust is Travis Baldree’s second novel and the follow-up to his wildly successful debut, Legends & Lattes. This cozy fantasy is a prequel that takes readers back to the early days of Viv, a young orc mercenary who is more at home in battle than in the quiet seaside town where she finds herself. 

Forced to rest and recover from a serious injury, Viv discovers the unexpected pleasures of books, bakeries, and small-town friendships, all while confronting an old enemy and uncovering a mystery that threatens her newfound peace.


Viv, a young and formidable orc mercenary, is wounded in combat only a couple of months after joining the notorious mercenary group, Rackam’s Ravens. The gang is in pursuit of Varine the Pale, a dangerous and enigmatic figure, when Viv is injured. 

To recover, Viv is left behind in the sleepy coastal town of Murk, with a promise that the Ravens will return for her in a few weeks.

Accustomed to striking fear in others due to her size and strength, Viv is surprised to find that the townsfolk of Murk are largely unfazed by her presence. Her first encounter with the local bookstore, however, is less than ideal—she accidentally damages the boardwalk outside. 

Feeling guilty, she ventures inside and meets Fern, the shop’s owner. Despite Viv’s lack of interest in reading, Fern recommends an adventure book, which Viv reluctantly accepts.

The next day, Viv visits the local bakery and meets Maylee, the charming owner, who quickly takes a liking to her. As Viv returns to the bookstore, she enlists the help of a fellow orc to repair the damage she caused. 

This simple act marks the beginning of a friendship between her and Fern. 

At her lodging, The Perch, Viv encounters Gallina, a young and eager gnome who dreams of becoming a mercenary like Viv. The two become fast friends, frequently visiting both the bookshop and bakery together.

Viv begins helping Fern revamp the bookstore, offering her muscle to move furniture and her eye for detail in sprucing up the shop. During a trip to the marketplace, Viv notices a mysterious man in gray who gives her an eerie feeling. 

When she later spots him in the bookstore, her unease grows. Viv confronts the man outside, and they clash violently. The man, wielding a powerful magestone, gets the upper hand, but Gallina’s timely intervention saves Viv’s life. The local law enforcement, led by the Gatewarden Iridia, jails them all, but the man in gray escapes during the night. 

Viv suspects he’s tied to Varine.

As life in Murk resumes, Viv relaxes into her routine, growing closer to Maylee, who reveals that she, too, was once a mercenary. Their budding romance is bittersweet, as both know Viv’s stay in Murk is temporary. 

When the man in gray turns up dead, Iridia questions Viv, seeking information about Varine. Shortly after, Viv and Gallina discover the man’s satchel, which contains only bones and a vial of bonedust. 

In a strange twist, they reanimate the bones in Fern’s shop, bringing forth Satchel, a former servant of Varine.

Satchel identifies a mysterious book in the shop as belonging to Varine. When opened, the book reveals portals to hidden treasures, from which Viv retrieves a greatsword she instinctively bonds with. 

Satchel warns that Varine will come for the sword, and soon, signs of her army begin to appear. 

As the threat looms closer, Viv, Gallina, and Satchel prepare for battle.

Varine’s forces arrive, and Viv races to protect her friends. After a fierce struggle, Viv confronts Varine at the bookstore. With Satchel’s help, they trap Varine within the magical book and destroy it, ending the threat. As the dust settles, Viv bids farewell to Murk, leaving behind her blossoming relationships but carrying with her the experiences that will shape her future. 

Years later, she reflects on these times as she considers a new chapter in her life, perhaps one involving a bookshop of her own.

Bookshops and Bonedust Summary



Viv, the protagonist of Bookshops & Bonedust, is a young orc mercenary who displays a mix of strength, vulnerability, and growth throughout the story. Initially, Viv is portrayed as a typical orc: large, imposing, and a fierce warrior more accustomed to the battlefield than the quiet life of a small town.

However, after being injured in battle and left in Murk to recover, Viv undergoes significant character development. Her initial surprise at not being feared in her weakened state marks the beginning of her journey toward understanding that strength is not only about physical prowess.

Throughout the novel, Viv’s interactions with the townspeople, especially Fern and Maylee, reveal her softer side. She becomes deeply involved in the community, helping to revitalize the bookstore and forming close bonds with her new friends.

These experiences challenge her preconceptions and expand her understanding of herself. Viv’s relationship with Fern is particularly transformative, as it encourages her to see the value in knowledge, books, and friendship.

By the end of the novel, Viv’s character has grown from a solitary mercenary into someone who appreciates community, love, and the quieter pleasures of life. Even as she prepares to return to her mercenary roots, her newfound understanding remains.


Fern is the owner of the bookstore in Murk and represents a character who is comfortable in her own small world but open to change. Initially, Fern is depicted as a somewhat reserved individual, content with her life running a modest bookstore.

However, her friendship with Viv ignites a spark of ambition and adventure within her. Fern’s willingness to embrace Viv’s suggestions for updating the bookstore, along with her openness to the magical elements that later come into play, shows her adaptability and latent desire for something more in life.

Fern’s character is a blend of quiet strength and intellectual curiosity. She is not a warrior like Viv, but her courage is evident in her ability to face the strange and dangerous situations that arise, particularly when Varine’s minions threaten Murk.

Her relationship with Viv is central to her development, as it pushes her to expand her horizons and take risks. By the novel’s end, Fern has not only transformed her bookstore but also herself, becoming a more confident and active participant in her own life’s adventures.


Maylee, the local baker, is another key character who significantly impacts Viv’s stay in Murk. A former mercenary herself, Maylee represents a bridge between the life Viv is accustomed to and the peaceful, settled life that she begins to appreciate.

Maylee’s decision to retire from mercenary work and open a bakery shows her desire for stability and community. This contrasts with Viv’s ongoing commitment to the mercenary lifestyle.

However, Maylee’s past also makes her uniquely understanding of Viv’s situation, creating a bond between them that quickly develops into a romantic relationship. Maylee’s character is warm, nurturing, and grounded, qualities that provide a counterbalance to Viv’s more rugged and restless nature.

Their relationship is marked by mutual respect and understanding, though it is ultimately constrained by the different paths they choose. Maylee’s influence on Viv is significant, offering her a glimpse of what a different life could look like, even though they part ways when Viv decides to leave Murk.


Gallina is a young gnome who idolizes Viv and aspires to become a mercenary. Her character is energetic, enthusiastic, and somewhat naïve, representing the youthful ambition that Viv likely had at her age.

Gallina’s admiration for Viv leads to a mentor-mentee relationship, with Viv guiding her in the ways of a mercenary. However, Gallina also plays a crucial role in the story beyond her dynamic with Viv.

Her quick thinking and bravery are instrumental in several key moments. This includes saving Viv from the man in gray and later helping uncover the truth about Varine’s plans.

Gallina’s character arc is one of growing into her own potential. She transitions from an eager but inexperienced girl into a more seasoned and capable individual. Her decision to join Rackam’s Ravens at the end of the novel signals the beginning of her own journey as a mercenary, inspired and shaped by her time with Viv.


Satchel is one of the more enigmatic characters in the novel, initially appearing as a reanimated skeleton who was once a servant of Varine. His presence adds a supernatural element to the story, and his knowledge of Varine and her magical book is crucial to the plot’s resolution.

Despite his skeletal form, Satchel is a fully realized character with a distinct personality. He is knowledgeable, witty, and somewhat world-weary, having served a dark master in the past.

His decision to help Viv and her friends instead of returning to a life of servitude under Varine highlights his desire for redemption and a new beginning. Satchel’s relationship with Fern is particularly touching, as they bond over their shared love of books and their efforts to improve the bookstore.

By the end of the novel, Satchel decides to stay in Murk and becomes a part of the community. His journey shows that even the most unlikely characters can find a place to belong.

Varine the Pale

Varine the Pale serves as the novel’s primary antagonist, though she is more of a looming threat than a constant presence. Described as a beautiful but dangerous figure, Varine’s influence is felt throughout the story, particularly through her agents, like the man in gray, and the magical artifacts she has left behind.

Her pursuit of the Blackblood sword and her attempts to reclaim the magical book make her a formidable adversary. Varine’s character represents the darker side of the world that Viv inhabits, a constant reminder of the violence and danger that come with being a mercenary.

Although Varine does not have as much direct interaction with the other characters, her presence drives much of the plot and forces Viv and her friends to confront their fears and insecurities. In the end, Varine is vanquished, but her role in the story underscores the challenges and conflicts that Viv must face as she navigates her dual desires for a life of peace and the thrill of the mercenary life.


Friendship and Community

In Bookshops & Bonedust, one of the central themes is the importance of friendship and community, particularly as they form in unexpected places. Viv, an orc mercenary accustomed to the transient, combative lifestyle of a warrior, finds herself in the quiet seaside town of Murk.

Here, she begins to develop deep, meaningful relationships with the townspeople. Her initial interactions with Fern, the bookshop owner, and Maylee, the baker, are driven by circumstance and necessity, yet they gradually blossom into genuine friendships.

This theme is explored through Viv’s gradual integration into the town’s community. She helps Fern revitalize her bookstore and forms a bond with Gallina, a gnome with mercenary aspirations.

These connections are more than just alliances for survival. They represent a shift in Viv’s life from a solitary existence to one enriched by companionship and shared purpose.

The sense of belonging that Viv experiences in Murk contrasts with her previous life of constant movement and battle. This underscores the idea that true strength and fulfillment can be found in the relationships we build and the communities we support.

Identity and Transformation

Viv’s journey in Bookshops & Bonedust is as much about self-discovery as it is about the external conflict with Varine. Injured and temporarily sidelined from her mercenary duties, Viv is forced to confront a side of herself that she has long neglected.

In Murk, she is not just a fearsome warrior but a person with the capacity for gentleness, creativity, and love. The transformation of the bookstore, which Viv helps to facilitate, mirrors her own internal transformation.

As the bookstore evolves from a neglected space into a vibrant community hub, so too does Viv evolve from a hardened mercenary into someone capable of forming deep emotional connections. The sword, Blackblood, which she discovers and feels an affinity for, symbolizes her acceptance of both her past as a warrior and her potential for a different future.

This theme is also reflected in her relationships, particularly with Maylee, who, like Viv, has transitioned from a life of combat to one of peace. Viv’s growth throughout the novel suggests that identity is not fixed; it is shaped by our experiences and the choices we make along the way.

The Power of Stories and Knowledge

The theme of the power of stories and knowledge is woven throughout the narrative, particularly through the setting of Fern’s bookstore and the magical book that becomes central to the plot. Books and stories are not merely passive objects in Bookshops & Bonedust; they are dynamic forces that influence characters’ actions and the course of events.

Viv, who initially dismisses herself as not being much of a reader, finds herself increasingly drawn to the world of books. She recognizes the value they hold beyond mere entertainment.

Fern’s bookstore, initially struggling, becomes a symbol of the life-changing power of knowledge and storytelling. It becomes a place where people gather not just to buy books but to share ideas and experiences.

The magical book, with its pages that serve as portals to Varine’s treasures, literalizes the idea that stories can transport us to different realms and unlock hidden potentials. 

This theme also touches on the idea of legacy—Viv leaves Murk not just with memories but with a deeper understanding of herself and a connection to the stories that have shaped her journey.

The letter from Fern in the epilogue, suggesting the possibility of a bookstore next to Viv’s coffee shop, hints at the enduring influence of stories and the knowledge they impart. This influence extends beyond the confines of the narrative itself.