Bride by Ali Hazelwood Summary, Characters and Themes

Bride, Ali Hazelwood’s latest novel, marks a departure from her previous STEM-focused romances. This paranormal tale features Misery Lark, a Vampyre compelled to wed Lowe Moreland, the alluring Werewolf alpha, to uphold an ancient alliance. 

However, Misery’s motives extend beyond duty; she seeks to uncover the truth behind her best friend’s disappearance, with Lowe as the prime suspect. Will she find the answers she seeks, or will she succumb to the charms of her dangerous new husband?


Misery Lark, a Vampyre, is thrust into an arranged marriage with Lowe Moreland, the Alpha of the Weres, to maintain peace between their species. 

However, Misery has a hidden motive: to investigate the disappearance of her best friend, Serena, with the only clue being a mysterious name, potentially Lowe’s, written in Serena’s planner.

Relocated to Lowe’s home, Misery faces suspicion and hostility from the Were pack. She discovers Lowe’s young sister, Ana, is half-Were, half-Human, and develops a bond with the lonely child. 

When Ana is endangered, Misery’s protective instincts emerge, leading her to use her unique Vampyre abilities to help the pack.

Amidst the distrust, Misery finds herself drawn to Lowe, who reciprocates her feelings. Their connection deepens as they work together to uncover the truth behind Serena’s disappearance.

 They discover that Serena was also half-Were, half-Human, and had been investigating Ana’s father, who died mysteriously.

Misery’s life takes a dangerous turn when she is poisoned. Lowe’s unwavering care during her recovery intensifies their bond, leading to intimate encounters. However, their budding relationship faces a hurdle due to Lowe’s unique Were biology, which causes complications during intercourse.

Meanwhile, Misery’s brother, Owen, uncovers a conspiracy involving their father, who seeks to control half-Were, half-Human individuals. He plans to overthrow their father and secure true peace between the species.

Misery and Lowe’s investigation leads them to the former Human governor, who confesses to killing Ana’s father to protect his own secrets. 

Armed with this information, they return to the Were territory, where Misery is kidnapped and brought to her father.

A dramatic confrontation ensues, revealing that Serena is also captive. Misery’s father intends to use her as leverage to obtain Ana. However, Owen and Lowe, with Serena’s unexpected help, rescue Misery and defeat her father.

In the aftermath, Misery and Lowe’s bond solidifies, and he finally confesses that she is his true mate. They overcome their physical incompatibilities and embrace their love, looking forward to a future together. 

The story concludes with a heartwarming reunion as Ana returns to Lowe, and it is revealed that she is the daughter of Lowe’s friend, Koen.

Bride Summary


Misery Lark

Misery is the protagonist of the story, a Vampyre woman who is strong-willed, intelligent, and independent. 

Despite her often bleak outlook on life, her name being a constant reminder, she possesses a hidden resilience and compassion. She is fiercely loyal to her friends, particularly Serena, and is driven by the desire to uncover the truth about her disappearance. 

Throughout the novel, Misery grapples with her identity as a Vampyre and her evolving feelings for Lowe. She is a complex and well-rounded character who defies stereotypes, showcasing both vulnerability and strength.

Lowe Moreland

Lowe, the Alpha of the Weres, is a commanding and enigmatic figure. He is initially presented as a formidable leader, burdened with the responsibility of protecting his pack. 

However, as the story progresses, we see glimpses of his vulnerability and his growing affection for Misery. Lowe is a man of few words, but his actions speak volumes. 

He is fiercely protective of those he cares about, especially his sister Ana, and is willing to go to great lengths to ensure their safety.


Serena, Misery’s best friend, is a journalist who mysteriously disappears at the beginning of the novel. 

Her disappearance serves as the catalyst for Misery’s journey to uncover the truth. Although Serena’s physical presence is limited, her character looms large throughout the story. 

She is revealed to be a half-Were, half-Human, a secret that plays a crucial role in the unfolding events.

Owen Lark

Owen, Misery’s brother, is initially portrayed as a self-centered playboy. 

However, he undergoes a significant transformation throughout the novel, revealing a deeper understanding of his sister’s struggles and a desire to bring about real peace between Vampyres and Weres. 

Owen’s loyalty to his sister and his newfound sense of responsibility make him an unexpected ally in Misery’s quest for the truth.

Henry Lark

Henry Lark, Misery’s father, is the chair of the Vampyre ruling body. 

He is a stern and authoritative figure who prioritizes duty and tradition above all else. His actions are often driven by fear and prejudice, particularly towards those who are half-Were, half-Human. 

His character serves as a foil to Misery, highlighting the conflict between tradition and progress.

Ana Moreland

Ana, Lowe’s little sister, is a half-Were, half-Human child. 

She is curious, intelligent, and possesses a unique understanding of both species. 

Ana’s character adds a touch of innocence and hope to the otherwise dark and complex narrative. 

Her relationship with Misery highlights the possibility of connection and understanding between different species.


1. Duty vs. Desire

A central theme in “Bride” is the conflict between duty and desire. 

Misery Lark, a Vampyre, is burdened with the duty of upholding an ancient alliance between her kind and the Weres. 

Her arranged marriage to Lowe Moreland, the Were Alpha, is a political move to maintain peace. However, Misery’s personal desires clash with her obligations. She yearns to uncover the truth behind her best friend’s disappearance and to explore her budding feelings for Lowe, despite their differences. 

The novel explores how Misery navigates this conflict, ultimately choosing to follow her heart and prioritize her personal happiness over societal expectations.

2. Acceptance and Belonging

The theme of acceptance and belonging is prevalent throughout the story. Misery, as a Vampyre, has always felt like an outsider. 

She struggles to fit in with her own kind and faces prejudice from the Weres. However, as she spends more time with Lowe and his pack, she begins to find acceptance and belonging. 

Lowe, despite his initial reservations, comes to appreciate Misery’s unique qualities and defends her against those who judge her. 

The novel highlights the importance of embracing individuality and finding a place where one truly belongs, regardless of societal norms or expectations.

3. Trust and Betrayal

The theme of trust and betrayal is woven throughout the narrative. 

Misery enters her marriage with Lowe harboring suspicion, believing him to be connected to her friend’s disappearance. As the story progresses, however, she learns to trust Lowe and his intentions. 

This trust is reciprocated as Lowe gradually opens up to Misery, revealing his vulnerabilities and secrets. 

However, the theme of betrayal also emerges through the actions of other characters, such as Misery’s father and Mick, who manipulate and deceive for their own selfish purposes. 

The novel emphasizes the importance of discerning true loyalty and the devastating consequences of broken trust.

4. Transformation and Growth

Both Misery and Lowe undergo significant transformations throughout the story. 

Misery, initially timid and insecure, discovers her own strength and resilience as she faces challenges and confronts her past traumas. 

She learns to embrace her true self, shedding the disguises she once wore to fit in. Lowe, initially closed off and emotionally guarded, learns to open up and connect with Misery on a deeper level. 

He sheds his preconceived notions about Vampyres and grows to appreciate Misery’s unique qualities. 

The novel highlights the transformative power of love and how it can inspire personal growth and self-discovery.