Children of Time Summary, Characters and Themes

“Children of Time” by Adrian Tchaikovsky is a science fiction novel that earned the prestigious Arthur C. Clarke Award in 2016. 

This novel, admired for its exploration of grand themes like artificial intelligence, the nature of gods, and the essence of alien life, has also captured the imagination of filmmakers, with its rights optioned for a potential movie adaptation in 2017. Tchaikovsky’s saga continued with “Children of Ruin” in 2019 and “Children of Memory” in 2022, culminating in a Hugo Award for Best Series in 2023.


Set in a future where the once-mighty Earth Empire has crumbled, “Children of Time” follows the ambitious terraforming project of Avrana Kern. Kern’s vision transcends mere planetary transformation; she sees herself as a creator of worlds. 

As Kern oversees her project from space, a crisis forces her to make a drastic decision—releasing a nanovirus onto the planet, inadvertently setting the stage for an extraordinary evolutionary journey.

The planet, initially intended for human colonization, becomes a cradle for rapid evolutionary advancements in its native species, notably spiders and ants. 

These creatures, empowered by the nanovirus, embark on a remarkable evolutionary path, echoing humanity’s own ascent from primitive beings to space explorers.

Meanwhile, the narrative also follows the crew of the spaceship Gilgamesh. As generations pass in suspended animation, the crew’s story unfolds—a tale of societal shifts, political strife, and the enduring human spirit. 

Key figures like Commander Guyen, social historian Holsten, chief engineer Lain, and chief science officer Vitas anchor this human saga.

The book masterfully intertwines these two narratives: the evolutionary epic of the spiders and ants on the planet and the human drama aboard the Gilgamesh. 

The juxtaposition of the rapidly evolving species on the planet with the slowly changing human society in space sets the stage for an inevitable and dramatic encounter.

As the Gilgamesh eventually returns to Kern’s world, a gripping climax unfolds. The now highly evolved spiders are determined to defend their home against human intrusion. 

The resolution hinges on the nanovirus—the catalyst of the spiders’ evolution and a key element in a surprising twist that shapes the future of interspecies interaction and cooperation.

Children of Time Summary


Avrana Kern

Avrana Kern is the central visionary behind the terraforming project. A scientist with a godlike perspective on her creation, she oversees the transformation of a new world from her orbiting spaceship. Kern’s role becomes crucial when she decides to release a nanovirus onto the planet, a pivotal action that drastically alters the planet’s evolutionary trajectory.

Commander Guyen

Commander Guyen is one of the key figures aboard the spaceship Gilgamesh. He represents the authority and leadership within the human society in space. His decisions and actions significantly influence the journey and experiences of the crew, especially in their interactions with Kern’s world.


Holsten serves as a social historian on the Gilgamesh. His role is vital in providing a perspective on the societal and cultural developments within the spaceship. As a character, he offers insight into the human condition and the complexities of a society evolving in isolation and confined space.


Lain is the chief engineer of the Gilgamesh. His technical expertise and problem-solving skills are crucial for the survival and functionality of the spaceship. Lain’s character is pivotal in navigating the challenges that arise during their long journey in space.


Vitas is the chief science officer on the Gilgamesh. Her role involves overseeing scientific research and understanding the new worlds they encounter, including Kern’s terraformed planet. Vitas’ character embodies the quest for knowledge and understanding in the novel.


Portia is a significant character among the evolved spiders on the terraformed planet. She is depicted as a warrior priestess, symbolizing the evolved intelligence and societal structures of the spider species. Her actions and decisions reflect the advanced evolutionary stage reached by the spiders.


Fabian is another key figure among the spiders, characterized as a rebel leader. His role adds depth to the societal dynamics of the spider civilization, illustrating the complexities and conflicts that arise even in a non-human society.


1. Evolution and Adaptation

The book delves deeply into the theme of evolution, showcasing how species adapt and evolve in response to their environments and challenges. 

Tchaikovsky doesn’t limit this exploration to just the physical evolution of species, but also extends it to societal and technological progressions. 

The novel vividly depicts the accelerated evolution of spiders and ants on a terraformed planet, driven by a nanovirus. This rapid evolutionary process mirrors the slower, but no less significant, changes in human society aboard the Gilgamesh, as it traverses the cosmos. 

The contrast between the two evolutions—one at a breakneck pace and the other spanning generations—presents a fascinating study of how lifeforms, whether terrestrial or extraterrestrial, adapt to survive and thrive.

2. The Nature of Intelligence and Consciousness

Tchaikovsky’s narrative is a profound exploration of intelligence and consciousness, not just in humans but across different species. 

The evolving spiders and ants on the terraformed planet develop complex societies and technologies, challenging the human-centric view of intelligence and civilization. 

This theme raises compelling questions about the nature of consciousness, the potential forms intelligence can take, and the ethical considerations of recognizing and interacting with non-human intelligences. 

The evolution of these creatures provides a stark contrast to the human characters, offering a unique perspective on what it means to be intelligent and conscious.

3. Humanity’s Role in the Universe and the Ethics of Creation

At its core, the book grapples with the philosophical and ethical implications of humanity’s role as creators and destroyers. 

The story begins with a human-led terraforming project, symbolizing our species’ desire to play God and shape worlds. However, the unintended consequences of this act—the rapid evolution of other species—prompt a reevaluation of humanity’s place in the cosmos. 

The novel raises critical questions about the ethics of terraforming, the responsibilities that come with playing God, and the ramifications of interfering with natural evolutionary processes. 

This theme resonates throughout the book, as characters confront the consequences of their actions and the moral dilemmas of coexisting with life forms they inadvertently created.

Final Thoughts

“Children of Time” is not just a story of evolution and space exploration; it’s a profound examination of what happens when creation is left to chance, when species evolve beyond their original design, and when disparate paths of development converge. 

This novel is a testament to the endless possibilities of science fiction and the enduring quest to understand our place in the universe.