Daisy Miller Summary, Characters and Themes

Daisy Miller is a novella by Henry James. 

It tells the story of a young, free-spirited American woman named Daisy who travels to Europe with her family. Daisy’s flirtatious nature and disregard for social conventions scandalize the American expatriate community, particularly a man named Winterbourne who is intrigued by her.

The novella explores themes of societal expectations, clashing cultures (American vs. European), and the tragic consequences of misunderstanding.


The story begins in Vevey, Switzerland, where Frederick Winterbourne, a young American long residing in Europe, encounters the Miller family. Winterbourne is captivated by Daisy’s beauty and free-spirited nature, which sharply contrasts with the reserved demeanor of European women he’s accustomed to. 

However, Daisy’s open flirtations and unchaperoned interactions with men raise eyebrows, particularly those of his aunt, Mrs. Costello, a staunch upholder of societal propriety.

Despite warnings from his aunt and society at large, Winterbourne finds himself drawn to Daisy and her innocent charm. 

Their connection deepens when he accompanies her on a solo excursion to the Chateau de Chillon, further fueling gossip among the American expatriate community. Winterbourne struggles to reconcile his attraction to Daisy with her apparent defiance of social expectations.

Their paths cross again in Rome several months later. Daisy continues to generate disapproval for her close friendship with Mr. Giovanelli, a charming but socially questionable Italian gentleman. 

Rumors swirl as she openly spends time with him, defying the chaperone conventions deemed essential for young ladies.

Winterbourne witnesses Daisy’s social transgressions with growing unease. When Mrs. Walker, a prominent American socialite, ostracizes Daisy after she attends a party with Giovanelli, Winterbourne’s confusion about Daisy’s true character intensifies. 

His aunt’s disapproval and society’s condemnation seem to bear weight, yet he can’t deny a lingering sense of Daisy’s underlying innocence.

The tragic climax arrives when Daisy falls ill with Roman Fever after a late-night visit to the Colosseum with Giovanelli. During this era, the Colosseum was notorious as a breeding ground for the disease. 

Her death plunges Winterbourne into a state of melancholy and reflection. He wrestles with conflicting emotions—was Daisy a victim of societal rigidity or an architect of her own misfortune? 

A conversation with Giovanelli paints Daisy as pure and innocent, further casting doubt on society’s harsh judgment.

Winterbourne is left haunted by the question of Daisy’s true nature. 

Her death serves as a haunting reminder of the clash between American and European values, and the devastating consequences of misunderstanding and inflexible social rules. 

Ultimately, the story leaves a lingering question: was Daisy Miller a rebellious trailblazer or a naive young woman crushed by the weight of social expectations?

Daisy Miller Summary, Characters and Themes


Daisy Miller

The titular character is a complex enigma at the core of the novella. Her youthful beauty, vibrant personality, and open disdain for European social conventions make her both alluring and perplexing. 

Daisy’s actions often appear as either deliberate rebellion or charming naivete. 

It’s this ambiguity that leaves lasting questions – was she willfully defying social order, or merely oblivious to its intricacies? 

Her flirtatiousness and pursuit of freedom could be read as an attempt to break free from stifling societal roles, but her ignorance of consequences and ultimate downfall highlight the potential danger of such defiance without adequate context.

Frederick Winterbourne

As the primary observer of Daisy’s story, Winterbourne embodies the conflict between American and European sensibilities. 

Having lived much of his life in Europe, he has internalized a degree of Old World conservatism. Yet, his fascination with Daisy suggests an underlying admiration for her independent spirit. Winterbourne struggles to reconcile his attraction to her with society’s condemnation. 

His indecision and inaction ultimately contribute to Daisy’s tragic fate, raising questions about the responsibility of those who observe but fail to intervene in upholding rigid social codes.

Mrs. Miller

Daisy’s mother is a surprisingly passive figure. Preoccupied with her own health concerns, she seems oblivious to the social ramifications of her daughter’s behavior and offers little guidance. 

Mrs. Miller can be seen as representative of an older generation of American wealth that lacks an understanding of European social nuances. 

Her ineffectual parenting casts a stark light on the damaging consequences of leaving young women to navigate complex societies without support or understanding.

Mr. Giovanelli

This Italian gentleman is shrouded in ambiguity. While Daisy’s flirtations with him are socially scandalous, it’s unclear whether his intentions are dishonorable. He may be a fortune hunter seeking to exploit Daisy’s wealth, or genuinely charmed by her uninhibited nature. 

His ultimate assertion of Daisy’s innocence to Winterbourne adds to the complexity of both Daisy and Giovanelli’s characters. It leaves the reader wondering whether Giovanelli was an opportunist or merely another victim of the clash between American and European social expectations.

Mrs. Costello

Winterbourne’s aunt represents the rigid, old-fashioned European aristocracy. She vehemently disapproves of Daisy’s behavior, seeing it as a threat to the established social order. 

Mrs. Costello embodies the judgmental gaze of a society unwilling to accept deviations from tradition, even if those deviations stem from simple ignorance rather than defiance.


1. Clashing Cultures and Societal Expectations

Henry James masterfully explores the clash of American and European social codes through Daisy Miller’s journey. 

Daisy represents the emerging American spirit of independence and spontaneity, values that often collide with the old-world emphasis on tradition and social hierarchy. Her disregard for chaperones, open flirtations, and casual interactions with men are not intended as malicious defiance but rather reflect a cultural difference in how women were expected to behave. 

This misunderstanding leads to her social ostracism by the American expatriate community, highlighting the rigid boundaries of acceptable behavior and the severe consequences for those who dare to cross them. 

The novella questions whether American freedom can truly thrive within the strictures of European society, or if the price of acceptance is the suppression of one’s true self.

2.  Judgment vs. Understanding

“Daisy Miller” dives deep into the complexities of human judgment and the ease with which appearances can deceive. Winterbourne, as a central observer, struggles to reconcile Daisy’s seemingly brazen behavior with his lingering perception of her innocence. 

The American expatriate community is quick to judge Daisy as a “flirt,” failing to grasp the subtleties of her character. They focus on her external actions rather than seeking to understand her motivations or cultural background. 

This superficial judgment leads to Daisy’s tragic demise, revealing the dangers of social scrutiny and the need to look beyond surface appearances when forming opinions about individuals.

3. The Ambiguity of Innocence

Perhaps the most captivating theme in “Daisy Miller” is the ambiguity surrounding Daisy’s innocence. 

Is she truly a naïve young woman unaware of social rules, or is she deliberately provocative?

The novella never offers a definitive answer. 

Winterbourne, as well as the reader, are left to wrestle with this moral complexity. Her actions could be interpreted as a form of rebellion against confining societal expectations, an expression of a free spirit who refuses to be defined by others’ limitations. 

On the other hand, her actions can also be viewed as misguided due to a lack of understanding of the consequences. 

It is this ambiguity that elevates “Daisy Miller” beyond a simple morality tale, urging the reader to ponder the complexities of female desire, the societal constraints imposed upon women, and the thin line between innocence and social transgression.