Dear Edward Summary, Characters and Themes

“Dear Edward,” a novel by Ann Napolitano published in 2020, brings to us the heart-wrenching tale of a 12-year-old boy, Edward Adler, who miraculously survives a devastating plane crash that claims the lives of 191 souls, including his own family. 

This work of fiction, inspired by true events, delves into Edward’s struggle with grief and his path to healing, guided by the compassion and connection found in unexpected places.


The narrative unfolds across two timelines: the life Edward must navigate after the catastrophe, and the poignant hours leading up to the crash. With its present-tense narration, the third-person omniscient prose masterfully captures the diverse experiences and emotions of its characters, offering readers a deep, immersive dive into their world.

Edward’s journey begins with a fateful decision: to move across the country for his mother’s writing career, the family boards Flight 2977 from Newark to Los Angeles. Tragedy strikes mid-flight, and in the aftermath, Edward is the sole survivor, his world irrevocably altered. 

As he recuperates from his physical wounds, the emotional scars run deeper, and his relocation to his aunt and uncle’s home marks the beginning of a new, unfamiliar life. The decision to place Edward in the nursery, a room haunted by past losses, symbolizes the myriad ways grief manifests in their household.

In the midst of adjusting to this new existence, Edward forms a pivotal connection with Shay, his neighbor’s daughter. 

Their bond becomes a cornerstone of his recovery, offering him solace and companionship in a world that views him through a lens of morbid fascination and tragedy. 

Edward’s reluctant celebrity status, spawned by the crash, becomes a double-edged sword, complicating his desire for normalcy and privacy.

A significant turning point in Edward’s healing journey arises when he discovers a collection of letters from the families of Flight 2977’s victims. These letters, filled with pain, love, and unfulfilled dreams, expand Edward’s understanding of the crash’s far-reaching impact. 

Alongside Shay, Edward embarks on a quest to honor the memories of those lost, a mission that leads them to the heart of New York City and back, forging deeper connections and revealing the strength found in shared grief.

The novel’s climax sees Edward grappling with the decision to use a substantial inheritance from a fellow victim’s sibling to aid those affected by the tragedy. 

This act of generosity and closure symbolizes a pivotal step in Edward’s journey towards healing and redefining his purpose.

Dear Edward Summary


Edward Adler

Edward is the 12-year-old protagonist who miraculously survives a plane crash that kills his family and all other passengers. 

Struggling with grief, guilt, and the challenges of his new life with his aunt and uncle, Edward’s journey is one of healing, self-discovery, and finding new purposes through connections with others and confronting his past.

Lacey and John

Edward’s aunt and uncle who take him in after the crash. They are caring but also dealing with their own grief and challenges, including Lacey’s history of miscarriages. 

They strive to create a supportive environment for Edward, despite not always knowing how best to help him navigate his trauma.


Shay is Edward’s neighbor and becomes his closest friend after the crash. She plays a crucial role in his recovery, offering companionship, understanding, and a sense of normalcy. 

Their relationship evolves from friendship into a deeper connection as they grow older.

Jordan Adler

Jordan is Edward’s older brother, who dies in the crash. Though his presence in the novel is primarily through Edward’s memories, Jordan’s influence and relationship with Edward deeply affect him, shaping his grief and his journey towards healing.


Besa is Shay’s mother and plays a supportive role in Edward’s life after the crash. Her acceptance and kindness help Edward feel more at home in his new environment and contribute to his healing process.

The Passengers of Flight 2977

These characters are explored through flashbacks to the flight before the crash. Their stories, problems, and interactions deepen the novel’s themes and connect to Edward’s experiences, illustrating the interconnectedness of life and the impact of the tragedy on a wide array of individuals.

The Paramedic

The paramedic who rescues Edward from the wreckage is a symbol of hope and survival. 

Although not a central character, his letter in the epilogue provides a poignant closure to Edward’s story, underscoring themes of gratitude, resilience, and the importance of moving forward.


Jax is the brother of a businessman who died in the crash, leaving him a significant inheritance. He reaches out to Edward with a letter and a check, symbolizing the bond shared by those affected by the tragedy and the potential for acts of kindness to facilitate healing.


1. Human Resilience in the Face of Tragedy

At the heart of “Dear Edward” lies the exploration of human resilience, the incredible strength individuals muster in the face of unimaginable loss. 

Through Edward’s journey, the novel illustrates how resilience is not a singular moment of overcoming but a gradual process of healing, adapting, and finding new ways to live. Edward’s survival and gradual adaptation to a life without his family members showcase the innate human capacity to endure and rebuild. 

This theme is further emphasized through the stories of other characters in the book, each grappling with their own forms of loss, yet finding ways to continue, transform, and even thrive.

2. The Interconnectedness of Lives

Napolitano masterfully reveals the intricate web of connections between individuals, underscoring the idea that no one is truly isolated in their experiences. 

The narrative structure itself, alternating between the crash’s aftermath and the passengers’ lives before the tragedy, serves to illustrate how each life aboard Flight 2977 was a thread in a larger tapestry of human experience. 

Edward’s discovery of the letters from the loved ones of the crash victims further expands on this theme, showing how his story is entwined with those of complete strangers. 

This interconnectedness fosters a sense of community and shared humanity, highlighting how individual actions can deeply affect others in ways one might not immediately recognize.

3. The Transformative Power of Grief

Grief is portrayed not just as a devastating emotion but also as a force that can lead to profound personal growth and change. 

“Dear Edward” delves into the various manifestations of grief, from Edward’s silent, aching loss to his aunt and uncle’s unspoken sorrows. The novel suggests that while grief can be all-consuming, it also has the capacity to open hearts, change perspectives, and even spur acts of kindness and generosity. 

Edward’s decision to use the inheritance from Jax to help others is a testament to the novel’s belief in the potential for grief to transform lives. 

It posits that through acknowledging loss and pain, individuals can find meaningful ways to honor those they have lost, thereby finding a path forward.

Final Thoughts

“Dear Edward” is not just Edward’s story; it is also a mosaic of lives intertwined by fate on Flight 2977. Through the eyes of its passengers, the novel explores themes of love, loss, and the human capacity for resilience. 

As Edward finds his way towards a future filled with hope and new beginnings, the narrative pays homage to the indelible impact of those we lose and the enduring strength of the human spirit to overcome the unthinkable.