Good Girl, Bad Blood Summary, Characters and Themes

“Good Girl, Bad Blood,” the second installment in the “A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder” series, unfolds in the seemingly tranquil town of Fairview, Connecticut. 

This young adult crime fiction novel, set over a suspenseful two-month period, is masterfully narrated through the eyes of Pippa Fitz-Amobi, an 18-year-old high school student. The story not only immerses readers in Pip’s perspective but also enriches the narrative with unique elements like witness interview transcriptions, Missing posters, maps, and Pip’s case notes, all enhancing the true-crime ambiance of her investigation.

Full Summary

As we delve into the novel, we find Pip grappling with the aftermath of a harrowing cold-case murder investigation that she had previously undertaken. Despite the trauma and personal losses incurred, she successfully brought two murderers to justice and exposed a serial rapist. 

Resolved to never venture into the realm of true crime podcasts again, Pip is ready to move forward, mourning the tragic deaths of Andie Bell and Sal Singh, and cherishing her newfound relationship with Sal’s younger brother, Ravi.

The plot thickens when Jamie Reynolds, the older brother of Pip’s classmate, mysteriously vanishes. 

Despite her initial reluctance, Pip realizes she’s uniquely positioned to help find Jamie. Alongside Ravi, she embarks on a quest for answers, leveraging social media and community resources to trace Jamie’s last known steps. 

Their investigation uncovers a sinister web involving an online catfish known as Layla, who targets a specific demographic of young men, including Jamie.

The story takes a dramatic turn as Pip and her friends unravel the connection between Laylay’s catfishing and a chilling serial killer case from two decades past. 

Stanley Forbes, a once-convicted accomplice of his serial killer father, emerges as a central figure. 

His past shrouded in secrecy due to sealed juvenile records, Stanley attempts to live a low-profile life in Fairview, unknowingly marked for vengeance.

In a shocking revelation, it’s discovered that Charlie Green, a seemingly benign neighbor, is behind the Layla persona. 

Utilizing Pip’s investigative prowess, he orchestrates a deadly encounter between Jamie and Stanley, seeking retribution for his brother, one of the last victims of Stanley’s father.

The novel culminates with Stanley’s tragic death at the hands of Charlie, leaving Pip to introspect on the consequences of her actions and the ethical boundaries in her relentless pursuit of justice. 

“Good Girl, Bad Blood” not only offers a gripping mystery but also delves into profound themes like the impact of social media, the complexities of identity, and the moral dilemmas faced in the quest for truth and justice.

Good Girl Bad Blood Summary


Pippa Fitz-Amobi (Pip)

Pip is the 18-year-old protagonist, a high school student known for her keen investigative skills. 

Having solved a cold-case murder, she’s deeply affected by the trauma it brought but remains committed to uncovering the truth. Intelligent, resourceful, and driven, Pip becomes embroiled in another case when she decides to help find her classmate’s missing brother.

Jamie Reynolds

Jamie, a 24-year-old, is the older brother of Pip’s classmate, Connor. His mysterious disappearance forms the crux of the novel’s plot. Portrayed as anxious and distracted, his vanishing act propels Pip into her second major investigation.

Ravi Singh

Ravi, the younger brother of Sal Singh and Pip’s boyfriend, plays a significant supportive role in the story. His connection to Pip’s previous case and his ongoing support in her investigation highlight his loyalty and resourcefulness.


Connor, a classmate of Pip, is Jamie Reynolds’ younger brother. His concern and desperation over his brother’s disappearance are pivotal in convincing Pip to take on the case.

Stanley Forbes

Stanley is a character with a dark past, being the son of a notorious serial killer and an accomplice in his father’s crimes during his youth. Despite trying to live a reformed life in Fairview, he becomes a tragic figure, entangled in a plot of revenge that leads to his untimely demise.

Charlie Green

Charlie, initially appearing as a benign neighbor, is revealed to be the mastermind behind the “Layla” catfish scheme. Driven by a desire for vengeance for his brother, a victim of Stanley’s father, Charlie manipulates events to exact his retribution, showcasing the lengths to which grief and anger can drive a person.


1. The Impact of Social Media on Modern Society

“Good Girl, Bad Blood” dives deep into the multifaceted role of social media in contemporary life. 

Through the character of Layla, the novel explores how online platforms can be manipulated for deceitful purposes, such as the catfishing scheme that plays a pivotal role in the plot. 

The story also highlights the paradox of social media: while it serves as a tool for connecting people and disseminating information quickly, as seen in Pip’s use of it to gather clues, it also poses risks of misinformation and manipulation. 

This duality prompts readers to consider the ethical implications and the responsibility that comes with digital interconnectedness in today’s world.

2. Questions of Identity and Redemption

At the heart of the novel lies the exploration of identity and the possibility of redemption. 

Characters like Stanley Forbes, burdened with a dark past connected to his father’s heinous crimes, bring to the forefront questions about the extent to which individuals can escape their history and whether society allows for true redemption. 

The novel scrutinizes the idea of inherited guilt and challenges the notion that one’s identity is permanently defined by past actions. 

This theme is further complicated by the actions of Charlie Green, who assumes a false identity to exact revenge, raising questions about the fluidity of identity and the lengths to which individuals will go to rectify past wrongs.

3. The Ethical Boundaries in the Pursuit of Truth and Justice

The book intricately examines the moral complexities encountered in the pursuit of justice. 

Pip’s journey, initially driven by a desire to uncover the truth and help those in need, inadvertently leads to unintended consequences, prompting a reflection on the ethical limits one should observe in such pursuits. 

The novel questions whether the end justifies the means, especially when those means involve manipulation or deception. This theme resonates profoundly in today’s world, where the lines between right and wrong are often blurred in the quest for justice, both in the legal system and in personal endeavors. 

The narrative challenges readers to contemplate the balance between seeking justice and adhering to moral principles.

Final Thoughts

“Good Girl, Bad Blood” masterfully weaves a complex narrative that balances the thrill of a crime investigation with deep psychological insights. 

The novel excels in building suspense and developing multifaceted characters, while also tackling significant themes such as the impact of trauma, the dangers of social media, and the gray areas of moral justice. The inclusion of mixed media elements like case notes and interviews adds a layer of authenticity, immersing readers further into Pip’s world.