I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter Summary, Characters and Themes

“I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter” by Erika L. Sánchez is a tale set in Chicago, following the life of 15-year-old Julia Reyes after the tragic death of her older sister, Olga. 

Olga’s passing leaves a void in the family, as she was seen as the quintessential ‘perfect Mexican daughter’, in stark contrast to the rebellious and outspoken Julia. With her family grappling with loss, Julia feels more isolated than ever in her small, predominantly immigrant neighborhood.

Full Summary

The story intensifies when Julia discovers hints of a secret life led by Olga, including lingerie and a hotel room key hidden in her sister’s room. This discovery ignites a burning curiosity in Julia, driving her to unravel the mysteries of Olga’s hidden life. 

Her quest for truth, however, strains her already tumultuous relationship with her mother, who is overwhelmed by grief and cultural expectations.

Despite facing challenges at school and clashing with authority, Julia’s passion for reading and writing shines as a beacon of hope. 

Her dream of becoming a writer and moving to New York is fueled by the encouragement of her English teacher, Mr. Ingman. Yet, under the surface, Julia battles severe depression and anxiety, which are exacerbated by her mother’s misplaced blame for Olga’s death.

Julia’s life takes a hopeful turn when she meets Connor at a bookstore, sparking a romance that becomes a solace amidst her struggles. But as her relationship with her mother reaches a breaking point, Julia’s mental health deteriorates, leading to a heart-wrenching turn of events.

In an unexpected twist, Julia’s journey takes her to Mexico to visit her grandmother, a trip that becomes a transformative experience. 

There, she reconnects with her roots, learns of her parents’ painful pasts, and gains insights into the complex realities of life in Mexico. This revelation helps to mend her relationship with her mother and provides Julia with a new perspective on her family and heritage.

The novel reaches its climax as Julia uncovers the truth about Olga’s affair with an older doctor and her secret pregnancy, revelations that reshape her understanding of her sister and family. As she confronts these realities, Julia’s resilience and growth are evident.

Ultimately, the story concludes on a hopeful note. 

Julia’s acceptance to New York University on a full scholarship marks the beginning of a new chapter in her life. As she sets off for New York, holding the ultrasound image of Olga’s unborn child, Julia reflects on the profound journey she has undertaken, a journey marked by loss, discovery, and the enduring strength of family and self-identity.

I am Not Your Perfect Mexican daughter summary


Julia Reyes

Julia is the protagonist, a 15-year-old Mexican-American girl with a rebellious and independent spirit. 

She struggles with the cultural expectations placed upon her, particularly in the wake of her sister’s death. An avid reader and aspiring writer, Julia dreams of escaping her impoverished Chicago neighborhood for a new life in New York. 

She battles with depression and anxiety, which significantly impact her life and relationships.

Olga Reyes

Olga, Julia’s older sister, dies tragically at the start of the novel. She is remembered as the “perfect Mexican daughter,” who seemed to embody the ideals and expectations of their culture. 

Olga’s death sets off the central conflict of the story as Julia delves into her sister’s secret life, revealing complexities that challenge her initial perceptions.

Amá (Julia’s Mother)

Amá is a traditional and conservative figure in Julia’s life. She deeply grieves Olga’s death and struggles to understand and connect with Julia, often leading to conflicts. 

Amá’s character is a depiction of the challenges faced by immigrant parents balancing cultural traditions with the realities of life in America.

Apá (Julia’s Father)

Apá is Julia’s father, a figure who is somewhat more peripheral in the story. He, too, deals with the loss of Olga and the cultural and generational gap with Julia. His character adds to the dynamic of a traditional Mexican family grappling with change and tragedy.


Lorena is Julia’s best friend, described as “unlikely” due to their contrasting personalities. She provides a support system for Julia, though their friendship faces its own trials, particularly when Lorena befriends Juanga, causing some tension between them.

Mr. Ingman

Mr. Ingman is Julia’s English teacher who recognizes her talent and potential. He plays a crucial role in encouraging Julia’s aspirations of becoming a writer. His support is a key factor in helping Julia cope with her challenges at school and in her personal life.


Connor is a romantic interest for Julia, whom she meets at a bookshop. Their relationship becomes a significant part of Julia’s life, offering her a sense of normalcy and happiness amidst her struggles.

Dr. Cooke

Dr. Cooke is the psychiatrist who helps Julia in the psychiatric unit after her suicide attempt. She leads the outpatient therapy program that Julia attends, playing a critical role in Julia’s journey towards healing and understanding her mental health issues.

Dr. Castillo

Dr. Castillo is revealed as Olga’s secret lover and the father of her unborn child. His character is central to the novel’s climax, as Julia discovers more about Olga’s hidden life and confronts him, leading to significant revelations about her sister.


1. The Complexity of Cultural Identity and Expectations

The novel paints a vivid picture of the struggles faced by first-generation Mexican immigrants in the United States, particularly through the contrasting characters of Julia and Olga. 

Olga embodies the traditional, idealized ‘perfect Mexican daughter,’ adhering to the cultural norms and expectations of her immigrant family. In contrast, Julia, bold and questioning, often finds herself at odds with these expectations. 

This tension highlights the challenges of balancing one’s cultural heritage with the desire to forge an individual identity, especially in the melting pot of American society. 

The novel doesn’t shy away from depicting the internal and external conflicts that arise from this balancing act, effectively showcasing the nuanced realities of growing up in a bicultural environment.

2. Mental Health and its Stigma in Immigrant Communities

Sánchez skillfully addresses the often-taboo subject of mental health, particularly its perception in immigrant communities. 

Julia’s battle with depression and anxiety is a central plot point, depicting the internal turmoil and the lack of understanding she faces from her family. 

The novel brings to the forefront the challenges of discussing mental health within cultures that may not traditionally acknowledge or understand it. 

This theme is critical in highlighting the need for empathy, awareness, and open conversation about mental health issues, especially among young people.

3. The Dynamics of Family Relationships and Grief

At its core, the novel is a poignant exploration of family relationships, intricately bound with the theme of grief. 

Following Olga’s death, each family member copes differently, revealing the complexities and nuances of familial love, guilt, and expectation. Julia’s relationship with her parents, particularly her mother, is fraught with tension, misunderstandings, and unspoken emotions. 

The novel deftly portrays how grief can both strain and strengthen family bonds, and how individuals within a family experience and express grief in diverse ways. 

This theme resonates deeply, as it speaks to the universal experience of loss and the winding path towards healing and understanding within a family unit.

Final Thoughts

“I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter” is a deeply moving and insightful novel that masterfully explores themes of cultural identity, family, and mental health. 

Erika L. Sánchez captures the complexity of the immigrant experience through Julia’s poignant journey, blending raw emotion with moments of resilience and growth. 

This story resonates profoundly, offering a powerful reflection on navigating personal and cultural expectations while forging one’s own path.