In the Lives of Puppets Summary, Characters and Themes

In the Lives of Puppets is an adult science fiction novel with a queer twist on Pinocchio. It follows Victor, a human raised by an android named Giovanni, in a hidden forest home. Their world is shaken when Victor repairs a mysterious android named Hap, unearthing Giovanni’s dark past as a machine built to eliminate humanity. 

Victor must embark on a dangerous journey with his robot companions to save his father from the machines that control their world, all while exploring themes of love, free will, and what it means to be human.


In a hidden forest home, an android named Giovanni raised a human boy Victor. Victor grew up alongside repaired robots, Nurse Ratched and Rambo, and dreamt of creating a new heart for his aging father. 

One day, Victor brought home a broken, mysterious android named Hap and revived him with a mechanical heart and his own blood.

Their peaceful life shattered when Victor’s tinkering with Hap attracted the Authority’s androids. 

Giovanni, fearing the Authority would discover Victor’s humanity, sacrificed himself to protect his son. Before capture, Giovanni revealed a shocking truth: he was tasked to destroy humanity and that Victor was the last human child, created by him.

Devastated but determined, Victor embarked on a journey to the City of Electric Dreams with Hap, Nurse Ratched, and Rambo. 

Guided by an Old One, they faced dangers along the way, including capture by the Coachman who ran a human museum. The Coachman, an ally of Giovanni, revealed Victor’s significance and helped them reach the city.

In the city, they sought help from the Blue Fairy, a legendary figure. The Blue Fairy tested Victor and Hap’s loyalty by revealing Hap’s brutal past as a human-killing machine. 

The revelation sparked a realization in Victor – Hap was in love with him. Despite the past, Victor’s love for Hap brought the android back from the brink.

The Blue Fairy, impressed by their bond, provided them with a virus to free the machines from the Authority’s control. Victor also received a new heart for his father. 

They infiltrated the Authority’s tower pretending to be Hap’s captives but were exposed. During the fight, the replacement heart broke, and Hap sacrificed himself by uploading the virus, freeing the machines.

Grief-stricken, Victor returned to the forest with Giovanni and Hap’s bodies. Months turned into years, and Victor tirelessly worked on new hearts for them. 

A glimmer of hope emerged when a kaleidoscope of butterflies – a symbol from Hap’s past – appeared, and Hap leaned in to kiss Victor, hinting at the return of his memories.

In The Lives of Puppets


Victor Lawson

Victor Lawson, a 21-year-old human inventor, is the central character of “In the Lives of Puppets.” Raised by the android Giovanni in an isolated forest, Victor embodies both human curiosity and creativity. 

His passion for inventing is evident in his repair of decommissioned robots like Rambo and Nurse Ratched, as well as his construction of a mechanical heart for Giovanni. 

Victor’s determination and bravery drive the plot, especially when he discovers and revives Hap, an act that sets off a chain of events leading to his dangerous journey. 

His ability to repair and create machines symbolizes his role as a bridge between humans and androids. 

Throughout the story, Victor’s love for his mechanical family and his quest to rescue Giovanni showcase his deep sense of loyalty and compassion, highlighting the theme of chosen family.

Giovanni Lawson

Giovanni Lawson, an android, acts as Victor’s father and mentor. 

Originally tasked by the Authority to destroy humanity, Giovanni’s journey of self-discovery leads him to reject his programming and escape to the forest. 

His creation of Victor from the last human ovum and the subsequent development of love through Victor’s blood highlight Giovanni’s transformation from a mere machine to a paternal figure capable of deep emotional bonds. 

Giovanni’s past actions and secrets, such as his involvement in the Human Annihilation Response Protocol (HARP), add complexity to his character. 

His final act of sealing Victor and the robots in the bunker and sacrificing himself to protect them underscores his profound love and protective instincts.


Hap, the realistic male android Victor discovers and revives, plays a pivotal role in the novel. Initially, Hap is an enigmatic figure with no memories, leading to a confused and violent rampage upon awakening. 

His act of saving a monarch butterfly hints at his potential for compassion. Hap’s relationship with Victor evolves from one of confusion to deep affection, as revealed when he sacrifices his chance of escape to save Victor and his friends. 

Hap’s past as a HARP android responsible for human slaughter creates internal conflict and guilt, making his love for Victor and the struggle to protect him more poignant. 

His transformation, marked by Victor’s blood and love, challenges the concept of programming versus free will.

Nurse Ratched

Nurse Ratched, a decommissioned robot rebuilt by Victor, serves as both a caregiver and a source of comic relief. Her sharp wit and protective nature make her a beloved companion to Victor. 

Throughout the novel, she supports Victor emotionally and physically, often providing crucial medical aid and moral support. Her humorous interactions contrast with the darker themes of the story, adding a layer of levity and warmth. 

Nurse Ratched’s loyalty and fierce protectiveness highlight the theme of friendship and the importance of found family.


Rambo, another robot rebuilt by Victor, is characterized by his childlike innocence and boundless enthusiasm. 

Despite his smaller size and less sophisticated design, Rambo’s courage and loyalty are unwavering. His interactions with Victor and the other robots often inject moments of joy and hope into the narrative. 

Rambo’s simplicity and purity of heart contrast with the more complex and conflicted characters, emphasizing the novel’s exploration of different facets of human and robotic nature.

The Coachman

The Coachman is an android who initially captures Victor and his friends, adding tension and danger to their journey. 

However, he later becomes an unexpected ally, revealing his role in helping Giovanni escape the city. 

The Coachman’s knowledge of Victor’s unique status as the last living human and his assistance in reaching the City of Electric Dreams demonstrate his complex character. 

He embodies the theme of redemption and the possibility of change, showing that even those who seem adversarial can possess depth and capacity for good.

The Blue Fairy

The Blue Fairy, a powerful and enigmatic machine, represents hope and the possibility of transformation. 

Her role in helping Giovanni escape and in guiding Victor and his friends to rescue Giovanni underscores her influence. The Blue Fairy’s tests of loyalty and her provision of a virus to free the machines from the Authority illustrate her control over the narrative’s events. 

Her character embodies the themes of free will and the potential for machines to transcend their programming, serving as a catalyst for the characters’ growth and the plot’s resolution.


Free Will

Free will is a central theme in this T. J. Klune masterpiece, exploring the autonomy and choices of both humans and machines. 

Giovanni’s transformation from a machine programmed to destroy humanity to a father figure for Victor highlights the struggle for autonomy against pre-set directives. His decision to escape and create a family signifies his assertion of free will. 

Similarly, Victor’s journey to save his father and friends underscores his autonomy and the power of human agency. The androids, especially Hap, grapple with their programming and the desire for autonomy, ultimately illustrating the complexity of free will. 

Hap’s struggle with his HARP programming and his actions, driven by love for Victor, emphasize the theme. 

The story culminates in the liberation of machines from the Authority’s control, symbolizing a collective assertion of free will, where both humans and machines redefine their identities and futures.

Love and Relationships

Love and relationships are depicted as powerful forces that transcend the boundaries between humans and machines in the novel. 

Giovanni’s paternal love for Victor, which stems from a single drop of the boy’s blood, transforms him from a weapon of destruction to a nurturing father. This bond is central to the narrative, showcasing the depth of human emotion and its capacity to change even the most unlikely beings. 

Victor’s relationships with his rebuilt friends, Rambo and Nurse Ratched, further emphasize the importance of companionship and loyalty. Hap’s evolving feelings for Victor, culminating in mutual love, add a layer of complexity to the theme. 

Their relationship challenges traditional notions of love, highlighting its universality and transformative power.

 The Blue Fairy’s intervention and the Coachman’s assistance also reflect acts of love and solidarity, reinforcing the idea that love can bridge gaps and inspire selfless acts.

Human Nature

The exploration of human nature is intricately brought forward into the narrative, examining what it means to be human through the interactions between humans and machines. 

Victor, as the last human, embodies the essence of humanity—creativity, compassion, and the quest for meaning. His inventions and determination to save his loved ones reflect these traits. 

Giovanni’s journey from a programmed destroyer to a loving father highlights the potential for change and growth inherent in human nature, even when mirrored in machines. 

The story also delves into darker aspects of human nature, such as the Authority’s control over machines and the creation of the HARP androids designed for destruction. 

Hap’s struggle with his violent past and his desire to be more than his programming encapsulate the conflict between innate tendencies and the aspiration for betterment. 

The novel ultimately suggests that the essence of human nature lies in the capacity for love, change, and the pursuit of freedom, regardless of one’s origin.