Interior Chinatown Summary, Characters and Themes

“Interior Chinatown” by Charles Yu, a remarkable work of Chinese Fiction and Asian American Literature, brilliantly integrates humor into a tale that unfolds uniquely as a screenplay, chronicling the life of Willis Wu, a Taiwanese American actor.

Full Summary

Willis, trapped in the world of stereotypical roles in the police show “Black and White,” aspires for more than just being Background Oriental Male or Dead Asian Man. 

He dreams of becoming Kung Fu Guy, the epitome of success for Asian actors in his eyes. Living in a Chinatown SRO, he’s surrounded by his aging parents, who themselves have been pigeonholed into roles like Old Asian Man and Old Asian Woman. 

His father, once the admired Sifu, and his mother, a former Asiatic Seductress, now lead lives shadowed by their past glories. His brother, who briefly achieved the coveted Kung Fu Guy status, mysteriously disappears, further complicating Willis’s life.

As “Black and White” investigates his brother’s disappearance, Willis’s role evolves. He becomes Special Guest Star, finding fleeting success and a romantic connection with actress Karen Lee. 

But this success is short-lived as his character is abruptly killed off. This period of “death” leads Willis to reflect on his identity and the roles that define him.

The narrative shifts to explore the backstories of Willis’s parents, highlighting the struggles and dreams of Taiwanese immigrants in America. 

Their journey is marred by racism and unfulfilled dreams, painting a poignant picture of their lives in Chinatown.

Returning to Willis’s story, his relationship with Karen grows, although their careers diverge. Karen’s rise as an actress contrasts with Willis’s stagnant career, constantly chasing the elusive Kung Fu Guy role. 

When Karen becomes pregnant, Willis’s concerns about his career and providing for his family grow.

The birth of their daughter Phoebe brings temporary joy, but Willis’s obsession with his career strains his marriage, leading to its eventual collapse. Willis finally achieves his dream role, but at a great personal cost. 

In a twist of fate, he reunites with his daughter in “Phoebe Land,” a children’s show where he plays Kung Fu Dad.

The climax unfolds in a courtroom, where Willis is on trial, symbolizing his struggle with identity and the stereotypes imposed upon him. The trial ends in chaos, and Willis, in a dramatic turn, “dies” again.

In the end, Willis awakens to a new understanding. He rejects his past roles, choosing instead to focus on his family. The novel concludes with Willis, hopeful for a future where he and his daughter can navigate their identities freely, unburdened by the roles they once played.

“Interior Chinatown” is not just a story about an actor; it’s a powerful commentary on identity, culture, and the roles we are forced to play. Through Willis Wu’s journey, Charles Yu masterfully depicts the challenges faced by Asian Americans, blending humor with poignant insights into the human condition.

Interior Chinatown summary


Willis Wu

Willis is the protagonist, an Asian American actor of Taiwanese descent, struggling with the limitations of stereotypical roles in Hollywood. He aspires to be “Kung Fu Guy,” seeing it as the pinnacle of success for Asian actors. Willis’s journey through various minor roles on the show “Black and White” reflects his internal struggle with identity and the stereotypes imposed on him.

Older Brother

Willis’s brother, who once played the role of Kung Fu Guy, represents the path not taken by Willis. His mysterious disappearance becomes a significant plot point in “Black and White,” and his character symbolizes the possibilities and limitations within the acting world for Asian Americans.

Ming-Chen Wu and Dorothy

Willis’s parents, Taiwanese immigrants, embody the challenges faced by Asian Americans in the past. Ming-Chen Wu, once a Kung Fu Master in his acting roles, and Dorothy, formerly cast as an Asiatic Seductress, now find themselves in diminished, aging roles. Their backstory highlights the struggle for identity and dignity amidst racism and stereotyping.

Karen Lee

An actress and Willis’s love interest, Karen represents both a romantic subplot and a contrast to Willis’s career trajectory. Her character’s success and the roles available to her as an attractive woman contrast with Willis’s stagnant career, highlighting gender dynamics in the industry.

Turner and Green

The main characters of “Black and White,” Turner (a Black detective) and Green (a white detective), are central to the fictional show within the novel. They symbolize the dominant racial narratives in Hollywood, often overshadowing the stories of characters like Willis.


Willis and Karen’s daughter, Phoebe, represents the new generation. She stars in a children’s show, “Phoebe Land,” where she navigates her mixed heritage with ease. Her character offers hope for a future where identity can be more fluid and less constrained by stereotypes.


1. The Struggle with Stereotypes and Identity

The book delves deeply into the complex interplay between stereotypes and personal identity, particularly within the Asian American community. 

Through the protagonist Willis Wu, the novel portrays how stereotypical roles in the entertainment industry, such as Background Oriental Male or Kung Fu Guy, significantly influence and often distort the self-perception and identity of Asian actors. 

Willis’s journey is a poignant exploration of the internal conflict between embracing one’s cultural heritage and conforming to the limited, often superficial roles offered by society. 

This theme extends beyond the realm of acting, metaphorically representing the broader experiences of Asian Americans who navigate a landscape marked by racial stereotypes and cultural expectations.

2. Immigrant Experience and Cultural Assimilation

Charles Yu skillfully portrays the immigrant experience through the lens of Willis’s parents, Ming-Chen Wu and Dorothy. 

Their story highlights the challenges faced by immigrants, including racism, economic hardship, and the struggle to assimilate while preserving cultural identity. Ming-Chen Wu and Dorothy’s efforts to adapt to American life, from altering their accents to encouraging their son to speak only English, underscore the sacrifices and compromises immigrants often make. 

This theme is a critical examination of the American Dream, juxtaposing the aspirations and hopes of immigrants with the harsh realities they encounter, and the intergenerational impact this has on families like Willis’s.

3. The Search for Authenticity in a Performative World

The novel insightfully comments on the nature of performance, both literal, as seen in Willis’s acting career, and metaphorical, in the roles individuals play in society. Willis’s life on and off the set blurs, symbolizing the broader human condition where everyone, to some extent, performs roles dictated by societal expectations. 

The narrative questions the possibility of authentic existence when one’s identity is continuously shaped and reshaped by external influences. 

Willis’s ultimate realization that he must shed his performative identities to embrace a more genuine self speaks to a universal human desire for authenticity in a world where people often feel compelled to conform to predefined roles.

Final Thoughts

“Interior Chinatown” is a profoundly insightful and innovative novel that skillfully blends humor with serious commentary on race, identity, and the Asian American experience. 

Charles Yu’s choice of the screenplay format is not only original but also highly effective in emphasizing the performative aspects of racial and cultural stereotypes. 

The novel’s exploration of the impact of these stereotypes on multiple generations, as well as the personal and professional struggles of its characters, makes it a compelling and thought-provoking read. 

Ultimately, this book is a reflection on the search for authenticity and belonging in a world that often seeks to categorize and confine based on race and ethnicity.