King of Greed Summary, Characters and Themes

King of Greed by Ana Huang is the third installment in the Kings of Sin series, a steamy second-chance romance centering on a troubled marriage. The story focuses on Dominic and Alessandra Davenport, a power couple on the verge of divorce after ten years together. 

Dominic, a billionaire who rose from nothing to dominate Wall Street, has neglected his wife in favor of his career. When Alessandra reaches her breaking point, she decides to walk away. The novel explores Dominic’s desperate fight to win her back, diving deep into themes of love, ambition, and emotional growth.


Alessandra Davenport has spent a decade as the supportive wife to Dominic Davenport, a man whose rise from humble beginnings to the heights of Wall Street success has come at a cost—his marriage. 

From the outside, they seem like a picture-perfect couple, with a life filled with luxury and status. But behind closed doors, the cracks are growing wider. 

Dominic’s relentless pursuit of wealth and power has left Alessandra feeling emotionally abandoned, and despite her own accomplishments and intelligence, she’s become a trophy wife, fading into the background of their opulent lifestyle.

As their ten-year wedding anniversary approaches, Alessandra makes a heartfelt plea to Dominic: she needs him to be present, to show that their relationship still matters. Instead, Dominic disappoints her once again, prioritizing work over their celebration. 

His absence that evening is the final straw for Alessandra, who has endured years of neglect. When Dominic returns home late, he finds that his wife is gone—not just physically, but emotionally. 

She’s had enough, and after years of feeling like she’s been playing a role in someone else’s life, Alessandra declares that she wants a divorce.

Dominic is stunned. He’s used to getting everything he wants, whether it’s success in business or control over his personal life. But now, for the first time, he’s faced with losing the one person who truly matters to him. 

Despite his alpha-male persona and his drive to conquer everything in his path, Dominic is forced to confront the emotional void that he’s created in their marriage. He tries to fix things in his usual dominant fashion, initially believing that he can simply win Alessandra back through persistence and grand gestures. 

However, it’s not that simple. Alessandra isn’t asking for material things—she wants respect, love, and a partner who truly sees her.

The story alternates between their perspectives, giving readers a deep look into their past and present. Flashbacks reveal how Dominic and Alessandra fell in love quickly, before his career consumed him. 

Those early days were filled with passion and promise, but over the years, Dominic’s obsession with work overshadowed everything else. Alessandra’s journey is one of self-discovery. No longer willing to live in her husband’s shadow, she embarks on rebuilding her life, both personally and professionally. 

Her decision to launch her own floral business symbolizes her reclaiming her identity.

As Dominic grapples with his mistakes, he realizes that Alessandra’s departure is a wake-up call. Desperate to change, he signs the divorce papers she gives him—an act of surrender that shocks both her and himself. 

He knows he must show Alessandra that he’s capable of growth, that he can balance his ambition with being the partner she needs. But his efforts to win her back aren’t straightforward. 

The couple faces cycles of emotional push and pull, as Dominic tries to prove his love, and Alessandra hesitates to trust him again.

Ultimately, Dominic’s persistence and genuine transformation break through Alessandra’s defenses. As she sees him making real changes, not just offering apologies, their relationship slowly rekindles. 

By the end, they find their way back to each other, stronger than before, ready to start anew—this time, with the promise of a deeper connection and the surprising news of a baby on the way.

King of Greed Summary


Dominic Davenport

Dominic Davenport is a quintessential alpha male figure in romance fiction, marked by his ambition, drive, and ruthlessness in pursuit of success. He is introduced as the “King of Wall Street,” a self-made billionaire who worked his way up from a difficult childhood in the foster care system.

Dominic’s background—growing up in poverty and dealing with dyslexia—plays a significant role in shaping his obsession with wealth and power, which he equates with security. Despite his immense success, Dominic is emotionally unavailable and neglectful towards his wife, Alessandra.

His focus on work and material accomplishments blinds him to the emotional and relational needs of his marriage. At the start of the book, Dominic’s workaholism and inability to balance his personal and professional life have reached a breaking point, driving Alessandra to seek a divorce.

What sets Dominic apart from a typical romance alpha is his emotional vulnerability, which becomes evident once he realizes he may have permanently lost Alessandra. Throughout the book, he undergoes a significant transformation as he attempts to win her back, showing genuine remorse for his neglect.

His journey is not just about proving his love to Alessandra but also about understanding his own emotional deficiencies. He learns the value of relationships over monetary success. Dominic’s growth as a character is marked by his eventual recognition of the importance of balance—learning to give Alessandra the emotional support she needs while still pursuing his ambitions.

His willingness to sign the divorce papers, an unexpected move for an alpha male character, reflects a moment of true sacrifice and growth.

Alessandra Davenport

Alessandra Davenport is portrayed as a kind, intelligent, and thoughtful woman who has spent much of her marriage playing the role of the perfect “trophy wife.” In the early years of their relationship, she supported Dominic while he built his empire, but over time, she began to lose herself in the process.

Alessandra’s decision to leave Dominic stems from years of emotional neglect, as she feels like she has become a mere accessory to his life, rather than a partner. Her sense of dissatisfaction grows as she realizes that despite their wealth and status, she is deeply unhappy and unfulfilled.

A significant aspect of Alessandra’s character is her journey toward self-empowerment. After leaving Dominic, she works on rediscovering her identity outside of her role as his wife, focusing on her passion for floral artistry and building her own business.

Her decision to prioritize her own needs and happiness reflects her inner strength, despite the pain of walking away from the man she still loves. Alessandra’s character arc revolves around her need for independence and emotional fulfillment, as she learns to reclaim her life and self-worth after years of silence and sacrifice.

Her emotional vulnerability is juxtaposed with her determination to set boundaries and not be swayed by Dominic’s grand gestures until she sees genuine change in him. Although Alessandra still loves Dominic, her internal conflict stems from her desire to protect herself from further heartache.

She is not willing to take him back easily, and the story reflects her deep need for Dominic to demonstrate real, lasting change. In the end, her acceptance of Dominic’s efforts to repair their relationship showcases her ability to forgive and rebuild, but only after she sees evidence that he is willing to prioritize her needs alongside his ambitions.


Roman plays a secondary but important role in the novel as Dominic’s foster brother, someone Dominic considers his closest confidant and family. Roman’s background mirrors Dominic’s in many ways, as both men share the experience of growing up in the foster care system.

Roman serves as a grounding influence in Dominic’s life, someone who understands his complexities and ambitions better than anyone else. His presence in the story not only highlights Dominic’s personal struggles but also adds depth to Dominic’s character by showing a different side of him—one that is loyal, caring, and capable of deep bonds outside of his marriage.

Roman’s role in the book is also tied to the subplot of business-related drama, which adds an element of tension and stakes beyond the romantic conflict. He is supportive of Dominic’s attempts to win Alessandra back, providing a voice of reason and sometimes acting as a mediator between the two.

Roman’s relationship with Dominic showcases the familial bond between them, one built not on blood but on shared experiences and trust. This brotherly dynamic humanizes Dominic and provides insight into his motivations and vulnerabilities.

Marcelo and Alessandra’s Family

Alessandra’s brother, Marcelo, and her mother make appearances in the novel, adding context to her personal life outside of her relationship with Dominic. Marcelo, in particular, is protective of Alessandra and plays a minor role in supporting her decision to leave Dominic.

His presence in the story emphasizes the close-knit bond Alessandra has with her family, contrasting with Dominic’s more isolated upbringing. While Marcelo and Alessandra’s mother do not have a large role in the plot, their inclusion helps to flesh out Alessandra’s character and the motivations behind her desire for independence.

Her family serves as a source of strength and validation as she navigates the difficult process of separating from Dominic and finding her own path.

Kai, Dante, Vivian, and Sloan

The story also features a cast of supporting characters, including friends like Kai, Dante, Vivian, and Sloan, who make appearances throughout the narrative. These characters serve as part of the broader Kings of Sin universe, providing continuity for readers familiar with the previous books in the series.

While they do not have a significant impact on the central plot of Alessandra and Dominic’s relationship, their presence adds layers to the world Ana Huang has created. These characters contribute to the overall sense of community and interconnectedness within the series.

These supporting characters may have their own stories and struggles, but they serve as a backdrop to the main couple’s journey.


The Complex Interplay of Ambition and Emotional Neglect in Relationships

In King of Greed, Ana Huang explores the intricate and often destructive relationship between personal ambition and emotional neglect. Dominic Davenport’s relentless pursuit of success and wealth drives the narrative, setting up the core conflict in his marriage with Alessandra.

As a man who came from nothing, Dominic’s obsession with accumulating power and riches becomes his primary identity, overshadowing his emotional responsibilities as a husband. The novel emphasizes how ambition, while often celebrated in society, can lead to an unintentional dehumanization of personal relationships when it dominates every facet of life.

Dominic’s focus on becoming the “King of Wall Street” and his prioritization of work over his marriage showcase how unchecked ambition can hollow out the foundations of intimate relationships. Alessandra, who once supported Dominic’s dreams, becomes emotionally unfulfilled, underscoring how love and partnership can deteriorate when one partner’s ambitions erase the needs of the other.

The Repercussions of Long-Term Emotional Suppression and Personal Identity Loss

Alessandra’s character arc delves deeply into the consequences of emotional suppression over an extended period. The gradual erosion of self-identity in the context of a one-sided marriage is a focal point of her journey.

As a “trophy wife” who has stood by Dominic’s side for ten years, Alessandra’s unhappiness stems from Dominic’s neglect but also from her own inability to voice her dissatisfaction. The novel reflects on how prolonged emotional suppression can manifest as a profound loss of self, with Alessandra becoming a shell of the person she once was.

Her journey towards independence—manifested through her decision to leave Dominic and start her own business—serves as a poignant exploration of the struggle to reclaim one’s identity after years of putting another’s needs first. The thematic focus here is not merely on the breakdown of communication but on the far-reaching effects of internalized silence.

Navigating Relationship Stagnation and Fake “Happily Ever After” Marriage Scenarios

Ana Huang’s novel ventures beyond the traditional romantic arc by focusing on what happens after the “happily ever after.” It showcases the fragility of marriages that stagnate when personal growth is stifled.

Dominic and Alessandra’s marriage, though seemingly perfect from the outside, collapses when they stop growing together as individuals and as a couple. The initial romantic ideal of building a life together gives way to the reality of unmet emotional needs and growing discontent.

Dominic’s neglect is not portrayed as the result of a lack of love but a lack of attention and understanding. The repetitive back-and-forth pattern—Dominic’s attempts to win Alessandra back and her continued resistance—exemplifies how even deep love can falter when partners fail to address underlying emotional fractures.

The Psychological Tension of Second Chances in Love and the Burden of Proving Change

A central theme in King of Greed is the psychological complexity involved in second-chance romances. Particularly, the emotional labor of proving one’s transformation plays a significant role.

Dominic’s desperate attempts to demonstrate his change after Alessandra leaves him drive the latter half of the novel. The narrative highlights the emotional burden placed on individuals who must work to undo years of neglect and missteps.

The novel underscores how the process of reconciling after deep emotional wounds requires not just love but tangible proof of growth, sacrifice, and a realignment of priorities. Dominic’s struggle to convince Alessandra he has changed, despite her resistance, serves as a meditation on the difficulty of rebuilding trust.

The Influence of Societal Expectations on Marital Dynamics and Individual Fulfillment

Societal expectations and pressures play a significant role in shaping Dominic and Alessandra’s marriage. Dominic’s desire to rise from nothing to become a billionaire and Alessandra’s role as a supportive wife reflect larger societal narratives about gender roles, success, and marriage.

The novel critiques the societal glorification of financial success as the ultimate measure of worth, particularly for men like Dominic, who believe providing material wealth fulfills their role as husbands. Meanwhile, Alessandra’s initial acceptance of her role as a “trophy wife” and her subsequent rejection of that identity highlight the societal pressures women face to conform to traditional marital roles.

Her journey towards self-empowerment critiques how societal expectations can trap individuals in roles that prevent personal fulfillment. Her eventual reclamation of her independence is a rejection of those limiting norms.

The Cyclical Nature of Relationship Reconciliation and the Pitfalls of Repetition

As many reviewers have noted, one of the more frustrating aspects of King of Greed is the repetitive nature of Dominic and Alessandra’s interactions. After the divorce papers are signed, the cyclical back-and-forth in their relationship highlights a larger theme about the difficulties of true reconciliation.

The novel’s repetitiveness serves as a metaphor for the real-life struggles couples face when attempting to repair a fractured relationship. Without genuine, lasting change, the characters’ relationship becomes stuck in a loop of temporary resolution followed by regression.

This thematic focus on the pitfalls of repetition emphasizes the need for deeper personal growth. It highlights the importance of breaking destructive patterns to foster a healthier, more stable relationship.