People of the Book Summary, Characters and Themes

“People of the Book” is a historical novel written by Geraldine Brooks. Published in 2008, it tells the story of a rare manuscript known as the Sarajevo Haggadah, an illuminated Hebrew manuscript that survives various historical periods and conflicts. 

The novel explores the journey of the book through different times and places, tracing the lives of those who interacted with it, from its creation in medieval Spain to its preservation during the Bosnian War in the 1990s. Through its narrative, “People of the Book” delves into themes of cultural heritage, religious tolerance, and the power of literature to transcend time and conflict.


At the heart of the narrative is Hanna Heath, an Australian conservator with a passion for history and the intricate details that objects from the past can reveal. 

Summoned to Sarajevo, Hanna is tasked with conserving the Sarajevo Haggadah, an illuminated manuscript that has survived numerous threats, including the recent Bosnian War. 

Its survival is nothing short of miraculous, especially considering the Jewish prohibition against illustrations in religious texts during the time it was created.

The Haggadah’s journey is as colorful and fraught with danger as the history it encompasses. 

Rescued from the Nazis in the 1940s by a Muslim librarian and hidden with a Muslim family in the mountains, each page of the manuscript holds secrets waiting to be uncovered by Hanna. 

From a butterfly wing fragment to the mysterious presence of a black girl in a Seder illustration, Hanna’s investigation unfolds like a detective story, leading her to friends around the globe who assist in unraveling the manuscript’s mysteries.

The narrative skillfully alternates between Hanna’s contemporary investigation and the historical events that the Haggadah witnessed. 

The blood and wine stains, a testament to a Catholic priest’s tragic past; the white hair from a Persian cat, used in the creation of art; and the story of Zahra, a Muslim slave who finds freedom and leaves her mark on the Haggadah, enrich the manuscript’s narrative, making it a symbol of survival and testament to the interconnectivity of faiths and cultures.

The plot thickens when Hanna discovers the Haggadah on display is a forgery. Despite the disbelief of her mentor, Werner Heinrich, and the head librarian, Ozren Karaman, the truth unfolds six years later.

In a twist that ties the past and present, Hanna learns that to protect the Haggadah from further harm, a perfect copy was made and the original sent to Israel. 

Agreeing to keep the secret to avoid an international incident, Hanna’s final act of adding an Australian Moreton Bay fig seed to the manuscript ensures that her chapter in the Haggadah’s long history will not be forgotten.

People of the Book Summary


Hanna Heath

Hanna is the protagonist, an Australian manuscript conservator with a deep reverence for history and the stories hidden within ancient texts. She embodies curiosity, intelligence, and determination. 

Her journey with the Sarajevo Haggadah is not just professional but deeply personal, leading her to confront her own past, beliefs, and the complexities of human nature. Through her investigations, Hanna serves as a bridge between the past and present, uncovering the interconnectedness of different cultures and religions.

Ozren Karaman

The head librarian who rescues the Haggadah during the Bosnian War, Ozren is a character marked by resilience and tragedy. 

His personal losses during the war add depth to his character, making him a symbol of the enduring human spirit amid conflict. His initial skepticism about the forgery Hanna discovers reflects his protective instincts towards the Haggadah and its significance.

Werner Heinrich

Hanna’s mentor, Werner embodies wisdom, experience, and the ethical dilemmas faced by those who work to preserve history. His involvement in the creation of the Haggadah’s forgery and decision to hide the original manuscript highlights the moral complexities surrounding the protection of cultural heritage.


A Muslim slave who becomes an unlikely contributor to the Haggadah, Zahra represents the themes of freedom and resilience. 

Her story is a poignant reminder of the individual lives that intersect with historical artifacts, adding layers of depth and humanity to the manuscript’s history.

David Ben Shoushan

The creator of the Sarajevo Haggadah for his nephew, David represents the enduring power of faith and the role of art in expressing and preserving religious beliefs. 

His decision to include Zahra’s illustrations in the Haggadah symbolizes the acceptance and integration of diverse perspectives within a faith tradition.


1. The Endurance of Cultural Heritage Across Time

“People of the Book” explores how cultural artifacts, specifically the Sarajevo Haggadah, serve as vessels of history, preserving the stories, beliefs, and traditions of people across centuries. 

Through the Haggadah’s survival—from medieval Spain to war-torn Sarajevo—the novel underscores the resilience of cultural heritage against the forces of destruction and forgetfulness. 

This theme celebrates the power of preservation and the role of individuals, like Hanna Heath and the various protectors of the Haggadah, in safeguarding cultural legacies. 

It reflects on the lengths to which people will go to protect their heritage, highlighting the importance of cultural artifacts as links to our past, teachers of tolerance, and bridges to understanding among diverse communities.

2. The Intersection and Impact of Faiths on Individual Lives

Geraldine Brooks delves into the interplay of different religions, showcasing how the Sarajevo Haggadah, a Jewish manuscript, becomes a symbol of unity and division, impacting lives across various religious backgrounds.

The novel reveals the interconnectedness of humanity, regardless of faith, through the shared history of the Haggadah. 

This manuscript’s journey through time—touching the lives of Muslims, Christians, and Jews—illustrates the complex ways in which religions intersect, sometimes leading to conflict and other times to cooperation and mutual respect. 

The narrative challenges the reader to consider the profound effects of religious beliefs on individuals’ lives and the potential for understanding and harmony that exists when we look beyond our differences.

3. The Search for Identity and Connection

At its core, the book is also a profound exploration of identity and the human need for connection. 

Through Hanna’s journey, both professionally in her conservation work and personally in her quest for understanding her own roots, the novel addresses themes of belonging, the discovery of self through the exploration of the past, and the formation of connections that transcend time and geography. 

Hanna’s relationship with the Haggadah becomes a metaphor for the search for identity, as she uncovers not only the history of the manuscript but also learns about her own heritage and finds a deeper sense of purpose. 

The novel suggests that our connections to the past and to each other are essential to understanding who we are and what we can become, emphasizing the importance of stories and artifacts in shaping our identities and fostering connections across generations.

Final Thoughts

“People of the Book” is a testament to the enduring power of stories, the complexities of history, and the unbreakable human spirit. 

Through Hanna’s eyes, we see the importance of preserving the past, not just for the sake of history, but for the lessons it teaches us about resilience, tolerance, and the beauty of diversity woven through the fabric of time.