Rappaccini’s Daughter Summary, Characters and Themes

Nathaniel Hawthorne, a prominent figure in the American Gothic literary movement, penned the short story “Rappaccini’s Daughter” in 1844. It later found a place in the 1846 collection “Mosses from an Old Manse.” 

The story revolves around the mysteriously captivating Beatrice, the daughter of the reclusive scientist Dr. Giacomo Rappaccini, who cultivates a garden of poisonous plants. As Giovanni’s fascination with Beatrice deepens, he becomes entangled in a world where beauty and danger are inseparably intertwined, leading to a haunting climax that questions the nature of love, sacrifice, and the ethical boundaries of scientific pursuit. 

Full Summary

Set in the historic Italian city of Padua, “Rappaccini’s Daughter” unfolds the tale of Giovanni Guasconti, a young man who relocates there to study medicine. 

Financial constraints lead him to a decrepit manor, where he becomes fascinated by a neighboring garden, filled with toxic plants and under the care of the enigmatic Dr. Giacomo Rappaccini. 

Rappaccini’s daughter, Beatrice, a vibrant and stunning young woman, tends the most lethal plant – a purple-flowered shrub – with an unsettling ease.

Giovanni’s curiosity about Beatrice and the garden intensifies when he discusses Rappaccini with his mentor, Professor Pietro Baglioni, who views Rappaccini as a brilliant but heartless scientist, more interested in experimentation than human welfare. Baglioni warns Giovanni against any involvement with the Rappaccinis.

As Giovanni observes Beatrice, he realizes her touch is as lethal as the flowers she nurtures. Their budding romance is fraught with danger and mystery, particularly after Giovanni discovers that he, too, has become poisonous – a result of his interactions with Beatrice. 

Baglioni then offers Giovanni an antidote, suggesting it could cure both him and Beatrice.

In the story’s climax, Giovanni confronts Beatrice with his suspicions and the antidote. 

Dr. Rappaccini, appearing at this moment, reveals his grand experiment: crafting his daughter into a being immune to external harm yet feared for her deadly nature. Beatrice, in her desire for a normal life and love, drinks the antidote. 

As she dies, she questions whether Giovanni’s soul harbors more poison than her body ever did. Baglioni, witnessing this tragic end, laments Rappaccini’s hubris in attempting to manipulate nature, resulting in a creation more monstrous than anything in fiction.

Rappaccini's Daughter Summary


Giovanni Guasconti

Giovanni is a young student from Naples who moves to Padua to study medicine. 

He is captivated by the mysterious garden and Beatrice, eventually becoming entangled in the dangerous experiments of Dr. Rappaccini. His initial curiosity turns into obsession, and he becomes a victim of Rappaccini’s manipulation, transforming into a poisonous being himself.

Beatrice Rappaccini

Beatrice is the daughter of Dr. Rappaccini. She is a beautiful and innocent young woman who has been nurtured among poisonous plants, making her touch lethal. 

Despite her dangerous nature, she yearns for normal human interactions and falls in love with Giovanni. Tragically, her father’s experiments dictate her fate, leading to her demise.

Dr. Giacomo Rappaccini

Dr. Rappaccini is a scientist and Beatrice’s father. 

He is more interested in his scientific experiments than the wellbeing of others, including his daughter. He manipulates both plants and people, turning Beatrice into a poisonous being for his own scientific curiosity. 

He represents the dark side of scientific ambition and disregard for moral boundaries.

Professor Pietro Baglioni

Professor Baglioni is a colleague and rival of Dr. Rappaccini. 

He serves as a mentor to Giovanni and warns him about Rappaccini’s dangerous nature. Baglioni represents the more ethical side of science, contrasting with Rappaccini’s moral ambiguity. 

He provides Giovanni with the antidote that ultimately leads to Beatrice’s death.


1. The Perilous Pursuit of Knowledge and Scientific Ethicality

At the heart of the novel lies a profound exploration of the dangers inherent in the relentless pursuit of scientific knowledge without moral restraint. 

Hawthorne delves into the psyche of Dr. Rappaccini, a scientist whose quest for understanding and manipulating nature leads him to experiment on his own daughter, Beatrice. This character embodies the archetype of the mad scientist, blurring the lines between genius and insanity. 

The story prompts readers to ponder the ethical boundaries of scientific exploration, highlighting the potential consequences when humanity’s quest for knowledge overrides moral considerations. 

This theme resonates with the broader implications of scientific responsibility and the ethical dilemmas faced by researchers, echoing the timeless question of how far is too far in the pursuit of knowledge.

2. The Duality of Beauty and Danger

Hawthorne masterfully intertwines the concepts of beauty and danger, using the garden and Beatrice as central symbols of this duality. 

The garden, lush and vibrant, captivates Giovanni with its exotic allure. However, its beauty is a façade, masking the lethal nature of the plants within. 

Similarly, Beatrice, with her ethereal charm and grace, epitomizes the ideal of beauty. Yet, her very existence is a paradox, as she herself is both innocuous and deadly. 

This theme explores the idea that beauty can often conceal peril, and that attraction can lead to one’s downfall. 

Hawthorne uses this to delve into the complexities of human nature and relationships, where things are rarely as simple as they appear, and the allure of beauty can often lead to unexpected and tragic consequences.

3. Isolation and the Human Condition

The story is imbued with a deep sense of isolation and alienation, both physically and emotionally. 

Beatrice, raised in seclusion and imbued with poison, is the epitome of solitude. Her unique condition separates her from the rest of humanity, making her both an object of fascination and fear. 

This isolation extends to Giovanni as he becomes entangled in Beatrice’s world, leading to his own alienation as he grapples with the transformative effects of the garden and Beatrice’s influence. 

Hawthorne uses their predicament to reflect on the human condition, emphasizing the innate desire for connection and the profound impact of isolation. 

This theme resonates with the broader human experience, where the quest for understanding and connection often leads to an exploration of the self and one’s place in the world.

Final Thoughts

“Rappaccini’s Daughter” is a profound exploration of the dangers of unchecked scientific experimentation and the moral complexities involved in the pursuit of knowledge. 

Hawthorne masterfully intertwines themes of innocence, love, and sacrifice, creating a haunting narrative that questions the nature of good and evil. 

The story serves as a timeless reminder of the potential consequences when humanity attempts to manipulate and control nature’s forces.