Right Man, Right Time Summary, Characters and Themes

Right Man, Right Time by Meghan Quinn is the third book in the Vancouver Agitators series, blending humor, romance, and the irresistible allure of hockey players. The story revolves around Ollie, a college student who, in a moment of panic, kisses a stranger at a bar to avoid the awkwardness of seeing her ex with her nemesis. 

The stranger, Silas, happens to be a famous hockey player with his own relationship baggage. What starts as a fake dating arrangement to benefit both quickly evolves into something deeper, filled with playful banter, sizzling chemistry, and emotional growth. It’s a steamy sports romance packed with charm, humor, and heart.


In Right Man, Right Time, Ollie is a spirited college student juggling school, work, and her tumultuous emotions after finding out her ex is dating her nemesis. Things get awkward when she unexpectedly runs into them at a bar, leaving her flustered and desperate. 

In a split-second decision, Ollie kisses the first attractive guy she sees, hoping to make her ex jealous and escape the humiliation. Little does she know, the guy she locks lips with is none other than Silas, a well-known professional hockey player for the Vancouver Agitators.

Silas, who has his own complicated past involving a cheating ex, goes along with Ollie’s impulsive kiss, and when she tries to thank him and leave, he surprises her with the words, “You owe me.” 

With these three words, Silas suggests they enter a mutually beneficial arrangement: they will pretend to date to keep his ex at bay and give Ollie the appearance of having moved on. In return, Silas offers to help Ollie with her internship, where she has to report on hockey players, a world she knows little about.

The plan starts off easy enough. Ollie and Silas establish a friendly relationship, and Ollie soon learns about the pressures Silas faces in his professional life as well as his unresolved feelings toward his ex, who now works for his team. 

For Silas, the fake relationship gives him a chance to show his ex he’s moved on, while helping Ollie boosts his spirits. 

They start spending more time together, with Silas even crashing at Ollie’s dorm from time to time. 

This arrangement becomes tricky as both begin to catch feelings.

Ollie’s fun-loving and quirky personality starts to break down Silas’s emotional walls. Despite their ten-year age gap, the chemistry between them is undeniable. 

However, complications arise when they both struggle with their growing emotions. Ollie, while young, is wise beyond her years, and Silas starts to question whether he’s truly over his ex. 

His self-doubt and lingering feelings towards his ex create tension, particularly when his ex is constantly in the picture, stirring up drama.

As their fake relationship begins to blur the lines between what’s real and what’s pretend, their physical attraction becomes harder to ignore. 

Silas and Ollie’s banter turns into deeper conversations, and their nights together lead to undeniable intimacy. But when Silas’s unresolved issues with his ex come to the forefront, he pushes Ollie away, causing a brief separation. 

Despite their emotional connection, Silas’s fear of being hurt again and Ollie’s own insecurities about their age gap complicate matters.

Eventually, Silas realizes that he has developed real feelings for Ollie and is ready to let go of the past. 

The couple reconciles, and after sharing heartfelt confessions, they move forward in their relationship. 

Although the ending feels somewhat abrupt, it offers hope for their future together, with Silas and Ollie embracing their romance, having found the right person at the right time.

This fun, steamy, and emotional romance delivers on witty dialogue, sizzling chemistry, and the allure of a hockey romance.

Right Man, Right Time Summary



Silas is the male protagonist, a professional hockey player ten years older than Ollie. At the beginning of the novel, he’s dealing with a messy breakup after finding his ex-girlfriend cheating on him.

The emotional scars from that relationship, combined with his age and status, shape his character as someone deeply affected by mistrust and self-doubt. Silas struggles with a “never love again” mindset, making him come across as emotionally distant and obsessed with his past.

This focus on his ex’s beauty and betrayal leaves readers wondering whether he’s truly over her. As the story unfolds, Silas grows more emotionally connected to Ollie, and his protectiveness over her shows his shift towards healing.

His gruffness and uncertainty sometimes make him appear wishy-washy, but his kindness and deepening affection for Ollie slowly break down his emotional barriers. He’s a complex mix of vulnerability and strength, and his Jacob’s ladder piercing becomes a point of fascination that speaks to his edgier, more adventurous side.

While some readers may find him frustrating due to his slow emotional growth and continued focus on his ex, Silas ultimately transforms into a partner willing to risk his heart again.


Ollie is the female protagonist, a college student in her early twenties. She’s a lively, confident, and sometimes impulsive character, with a boldness that drives her decision-making throughout the novel.

Her initial move to kiss Silas at the bar—motivated by the need to save face in front of her ex and nemesis—shows her spontaneity and desperation. Despite her young age, Ollie is ambitious, aiming for a career in journalism, which is a central part of her life outside of the romance.

Her interactions with Silas reveal a more playful, sexually confident side. This confidence extends into her frankness about her desires, leading to entertaining banter between her and Silas.

Despite her charm and comedic relief, Ollie does have moments of immaturity that surface throughout the story, especially in her more stubborn and pushy moments regarding their relationship. Her boldness sometimes feels over-the-top, but her development over the novel shows her emotional growth and her ability to handle more complex feelings.

Candace (Silas’s Ex-Girlfriend)

Candace, Silas’s ex, is a central figure in the conflict of the novel. She cheated on Silas, shattering his trust and leaving him emotionally scarred.

Although not a central character in terms of page time, her presence looms large over Silas’s emotional state. Her return to his life, now working with his hockey team, represents a constant source of stress for Silas, as he continues to struggle with unresolved feelings of betrayal and anger.

Candace is portrayed as manipulative and somewhat vindictive, but Silas’s continued fixation on her beauty and grace makes it difficult to fully despise her from his perspective. However, to the reader, she’s largely seen as a negative force—a catalyst for many of Silas’s emotional barriers.

Ross (Ollie’s Best Friend)

Ross is the quintessential gay best friend character, providing Ollie with support, comic relief, and sometimes much-needed advice. He plays a crucial role in her life, acting as a sounding board for her feelings and decisions regarding Silas.

His lighthearted nature and flamboyant personality add humor to the story, and he stands out for his loyalty to Ollie. Ross’s playful banter and bold opinions are often key moments of levity in the narrative.

He also stands up for Ollie when needed, particularly in the moments where Silas needs a reality check. Ross’s sharp wit and unwavering friendship make him a standout side character in the story, providing emotional balance to Ollie’s more serious romantic dilemmas.

Posey and Pacey (Hockey Team Friends of Silas)

Posey and Pacey are secondary characters who represent Silas’s circle of friends on the hockey team. Their roles in the story are more supportive, acting as part of the broader backdrop of Silas’s life.

Posey is more vocal in confronting negative characters like Sarah (Ollie’s nemesis), showing a protective side of the team dynamic. Both friends serve to underscore the strong brotherhood that Silas shares with his teammates, and they add humor and camaraderie to the novel.

Their presence helps highlight Silas’s evolution as he moves from a solitary, brooding figure to someone more willing to open up and trust those around him.

Sarah (Ollie’s Nemesis)

Sarah is the antagonist in Ollie’s world, dating her ex-boyfriend and working with her at the same company. She’s depicted as vindictive and mean-spirited, someone who enjoys making Ollie feel small.

Her actions are largely self-serving, and she adds tension to the story by consistently being a thorn in Ollie’s side. While Sarah doesn’t get much character depth beyond her villainous role, she serves as an effective plot device to push Ollie into more extreme emotional decisions, such as initiating the fake relationship with Silas.

Her vindictiveness is somewhat stereotypical, but it effectively creates the external pressure that Ollie must overcome.


Navigating Emotional Baggage While Trying to Build New Relationships

One of the most prominent themes in this novel is how past emotional scars can interfere with forming new, healthy relationships. Silas, the male protagonist, is burdened with the emotional baggage of a previous long-term relationship where he was deeply hurt by his ex-girlfriend’s betrayal.

The novel explores how his unresolved feelings—though he claims to be over her—linger beneath the surface, affecting his ability to fully commit to Ollie. Silas’s hyper-awareness of his ex’s beauty and presence signals that he hasn’t fully processed the end of that relationship, and his obsession, though framed as disgust, reveals a residual attachment.

This complicates his budding romance with Ollie. The fact that Silas listens more to his ex than to Ollie in critical moments indicates his struggle to fully detach from that past hurt.

His journey throughout the novel highlights the difficult balance between protecting oneself from future pain and opening up to new love.

The Age Gap and Power Dynamics in Romantic Relationships

Another nuanced theme Quinn explores is the complexities that arise from an age gap between romantic partners. Silas is a decade older than Ollie, and while their initial attraction is physical, the emotional and intellectual dynamics of their relationship are not always equal.

Ollie, a college student, is depicted as being “wise beyond her years,” but her immaturity is occasionally evident, particularly in her interactions with Silas. This is especially true in her navigation of adult situations like workplace conflicts and romantic entanglements.

The book questions whether the gap between their stages of life can truly allow for a balanced, healthy relationship. The age gap acts as a vehicle to explore issues of maturity, life experience, and power imbalances in their relationship.

Ollie is portrayed as sexually confident, but Silas’s life experience sometimes positions him as the more dominant, emotionally controlled figure. This complicates the dynamics of their fake relationship-turned-real.

The Use of Humor and Banter as a Coping Mechanism for Emotional Vulnerability

One of the standout elements of Right Man, Right Time is the light-hearted banter between Ollie and Silas. The humor in their exchanges serves a deeper purpose beyond just adding charm to their interactions.

Quinn uses humor as a tool to diffuse the emotional tension both characters face, especially when vulnerability might otherwise overwhelm them. The playful teasing, witty comebacks, and comedic moments create a buffer for the characters.

This humor allows them to sidestep the deeper, more serious conversations that could expose their true feelings too soon. The theme touches on how humor can both bond couples and serve as a defense mechanism in relationships.

Ollie especially uses humor to hide her insecurities. Meanwhile, Silas’s gruff exterior softens through their humorous exchanges, making him more accessible to Ollie and the reader.

The Struggle for Emotional Reciprocity in Relationships Defined by External Motivations

While fake dating is a common romance trope, Quinn complicates it by embedding within it a theme of emotional reciprocity—or the lack thereof. Initially, both Ollie and Silas enter their arrangement out of practical self-interest.

Ollie wants to save face in front of her ex, while Silas needs to prove that he has moved on from his ex-girlfriend. As their feelings grow, the imbalance of emotional investment becomes more apparent.

Silas’s struggle to fully let go of his ex creates a barrier to the emotional reciprocity that Ollie seeks as the relationship progresses. The third-act breakup highlights this imbalance, with Silas being emotionally unavailable when Ollie tries to communicate.

This lack of reciprocity is not just about love or affection but about emotional transparency and mutual understanding. Quinn uses this theme to show how relationships require both partners to be equally vulnerable and emotionally invested.

Gender Dynamics and the Subversion of Traditional Masculinity in the Context of Romance

A subtle but powerful theme in Right Man, Right Time is the subversion of traditional masculine stereotypes. Silas, as a professional hockey player, initially embodies traits associated with conventional masculinity: strength, emotional guardedness, and career focus.

However, Quinn peels back the layers of his tough exterior to reveal a man who is emotionally wounded and uncertain about his ability to love again. This theme addresses how romance novels are redefining masculinity, allowing male characters to be emotionally complex.

Silas’s journey from a closed-off, embittered man to someone capable of vulnerability challenges traditional notions of masculinity. His eventual willingness to admit his feelings for Ollie shows that vulnerability can coexist with strength.

This shift in romance literature reflects a more nuanced portrayal of male emotional experiences. It allows characters like Silas to express vulnerability without diminishing their attractiveness.

The Intersection of Sexual Exploration and Emotional Intimacy in Modern Romance

Sexuality plays a significant role in Right Man, Right Time, but it serves more than just a surface-level purpose. Quinn uses sexual exploration between Ollie and Silas to deepen their emotional connection.

Their sexual chemistry is undeniable, and the explicit scenes are intertwined with emotional depth. These scenes highlight their growing trust and comfort with each other.

The frequent mention of Silas’s body piercings, specifically his Jacob’s ladder, symbolizes both his sexual experience and the trust he places in Ollie. Sexual intimacy in the novel acts as a bridge for deeper emotional understanding.

Through their sexual relationship, Ollie and Silas navigate their insecurities and vulnerabilities. They use intimacy to communicate feelings that words alone cannot express.