Save Me a Seat Summary, Characters and Themes

“Save Me a Seat” is an young adult novel set in the halls of Albert Einstein Elementary School, where two fifth-graders, Joe and Ravi, navigate the complexities of friendship, bullying, and cultural misunderstandings during their first week of school. 

Published in 2016, this novel intricately brings the lives of its protagonists, who come from vastly different backgrounds, into a story that resonates with the trials and triumphs of school life.


Ravi, freshly arrived in Hamilton, New Jersey, from Bangalore, India, enters the school with confidence. In India, he was a star student and athlete, beloved by peers and teachers alike. He anticipates a similar reception in the United States, eager to impress with his prowess in academics and sports. 

However, Ravi’s expectations clash with reality as he faces unforeseen challenges, including being misunderstood because of his accent and grappling with the true nature of Dillon Samreen, the school’s bully, whom he initially mistakes for a friend.

Joe, on the other hand, has always called Hamilton his home. Unlike Ravi, he dreads school, primarily due to Dillon’s relentless bullying. 

Joe’s quiet nature, often mistaken for a lack of intelligence, actually stems from his struggle with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), which complicates his ability to filter out background noise. 

Despite these challenges, Joe finds solace in the predictability of lunchtime—a break from the academic and social pressures of school.

The story unfolds through alternating first-person narratives from Joe and Ravi, offering readers a dual perspective on the events that transpire. 

This narrative style enriches the storytelling, providing insights into each character’s thoughts and feelings, and setting the stage for moments of dramatic irony where the audience knows more than the characters themselves. 

The novel’s structure, divided into the days of the school week, cleverly ties each day’s events to the school’s lunch menu, adding a unique flavor to the narrative.

As the week progresses, both boys face and overcome personal and social hurdles. Misunderstandings and misinterpretations abound, highlighting the theme that assumptions can be misleading. 

The boys’ journey is a testament to the power of friendship and the importance of challenging preconceived notions about intelligence, capability, and cultural differences.

In addition to its exploration of friendship, “Save Me a Seat” delves into the significance of names, the role of family support in overcoming adversity, and the impact of bullying. 

The novel’s limited female characters, primarily teachers and mothers, play crucial roles in the boys’ lives, emphasizing the importance of understanding and compassion from adults.

Save Me a Seat Summary



Ravi is a recent immigrant from Bangalore, India, to Hamilton, New Jersey. 

Back in India, he was a top student and popular among his peers, confident in his abilities both academically and in sports. However, his transition to an American school is fraught with challenges. 

Ravi’s initial confidence is tested as he encounters cultural barriers and misunderstandings, particularly with his classmates and the school bully, Dillon. His journey is one of self-discovery, resilience, and the realization that success in a new country requires adaptability and understanding. 

Ravi’s character highlights the immigrant experience, showcasing the difficulties of fitting into a new culture while trying to maintain one’s identity.


Joe, a lifelong resident of Hamilton, New Jersey, faces his own set of challenges. Unlike Ravi, Joe dreads school primarily because of bullying from Dillon. 

Joe’s quiet nature, often mistaken for a lack of intelligence, actually stems from his struggle with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), which complicates his ability to filter out background noise. Joe’s character arc is about overcoming social obstacles and finding strength in adversity. 

His growth is evident in how he deals with bullying, his relationship with his mother, and ultimately, his friendship with Ravi. Joe’s story emphasizes the importance of understanding and empathy, showcasing how perceived weaknesses can be sources of strength.

Dillon Samreen

Dillon Samreen serves as the antagonist of the novel, embodying the role of the school bully. His interactions with both Ravi and Joe highlight the impact of bullying on students. 

Dillon’s character is a catalyst for change in both Ravi and Joe, pushing them towards growth and self-realization. 

While Dillon is primarily portrayed through the lens of his negative actions, his presence in the novel underscores the themes of resilience, the consequences of bullying, and the journey towards understanding and friendship.


1. The Complications of Assumptions and Misunderstandings

The book delves deeply into the theme of assumptions and how they can lead to misunderstandings between people from different backgrounds. 

Through the characters of Ravi and Joe, the novel showcases the dangers of presuming to understand others without truly getting to know them. 

Ravi’s belief in his ability to seamlessly transition into his new school environment in the U.S., based on his previous successes in India, quickly collides with the reality of cultural and linguistic barriers. Similarly, Joe’s quiet demeanor, a result of his struggle with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), is mistakenly interpreted as a lack of intelligence by his peers and teachers. 

These instances highlight the novel’s message that assumptions can cloud our perceptions of others, emphasizing the importance of open communication and empathy in overcoming these barriers.

2. The Impact of Bullying on Individual Identity and Relationships

A significant part of the narrative focuses on the experiences of bullying at school, particularly through the character of Dillon Samreen and his interactions with Joe and Ravi. 

The novel explores the various dimensions of bullying, from overt physical aggression to subtler forms of manipulation and exclusion. This theme serves as a critical backdrop for the development of the protagonists, influencing their perceptions of self and their interactions with others. 

Joe’s reluctance to speak out about Dillon’s bullying stems from fear of further isolation, while Ravi’s initial misinterpretation of Dillon’s intentions underscores the challenge of navigating social dynamics in a new cultural setting. 

The resolution of this theme, with Joe and Ravi coming together to address their common adversary, speaks to the resilience of individuals in the face of bullying and the power of solidarity.

3. Friendship as a Bridge Across Cultural Divides

At its heart, the book is all but a story about the formation of an unlikely friendship between two boys from vastly different worlds. The novel meticulously portrays how Joe and Ravi, despite their initial misunderstandings and the cultural chasm that separates them, gradually come to understand and appreciate each other’s struggles and strengths. 

This theme is a testament to the novel’s belief in the possibility of empathy and connection across cultural divides. 

Through shared experiences and the common goal of overcoming Dillon’s bullying, Joe and Ravi’s friendship blossoms into a powerful alliance that defies the expectations placed upon them. 

The book suggests that friendship can act as a catalyst for personal growth and social change, offering a hopeful perspective on the potential for unity in diversity.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, “Save Me a Seat” is a heartwarming tale of two boys who, through their struggles and triumphs, learn the value of seeing the world through someone else’s eyes. 

It’s a story that champions the idea that true friendship can bridge cultural divides and personal challenges, making it a must-read for young adults and anyone who remembers the joys and jitters of school life.