The Grace of Kings Summary, Characters and Themes

“The Grace of Kings” is an epic fantasy novel by Ken Liu. It tells the story of Kuni Garu, a charming bandit, and Mata Zyndu, the exiled son of a duke. 

They unite to overthrow a tyrannical emperor in the island empire of Dara. Their rebellion succeeds, but their paths diverge as they clash over differing visions for their nation’s future. The book is known for its blend of Eastern-inspired mythology, political intrigue, and themes of friendship and ambition.


The Islands of Dara have long suffered under the Xana Empire’s tyrannical rule, their once-independent kingdoms crushed under Emperor Mapidéré’s iron fist. 

When the emperor dies, leaving a young, inexperienced heir, the empire becomes a ripe target for rebellion. Kuni Garu, a clever bandit with a mischievous streak, sees a chance to fulfill a prophecy and become a force for change. 

Despite his seemingly humble origins, he’s cunning and surprisingly charismatic. Kuni’s path intertwines with Mata Zyndu, a noble warrior and descendant of a fallen house. Mata is driven by grief for his murdered family and fueled by a burning desire for vengeance against the Xana. Together with the cautious strategist Luan Zya, they form the core of a growing rebellion, uniting disparate factions under their banner.

As the rebellion gains steam, Kuni’s clever tactics, Luan’s careful planning, and Mata’s military brilliance bring the mighty Xana Empire to its knees. Yet, with the empire in shambles, a new conflict arises. Kuni yearns for a just and caring nation, while Mata clings to honor and tradition. 

The men who were once comrades now find themselves on opposing sides of a struggle for the soul of the new Dara. The gods of Dara, never passive observers, take an active interest in the mortal struggle, meddling and manipulating events to suit their own purposes. 

Amidst this political and divine chaos, astounding inventions such as mechanical birds and sea-faring submarines become weapons in the ever-evolving war.

Will Kuni and Mata’s friendship survive the clash of their ideals? 

What sacrifices will be made as they fight not only against Xana but against each other? 

These are the questions that drive the turbulent heart of “The Grace of Kings.”

The Grace of Kings Summary, Characters and Themes


Kuni Garu (The Dandelion)

Kuni Garu is the heart of the rebellion that shakes the Xana Empire. He begins as a clever bandit, more accustomed to taverns than battlefields. Kuni is sharp, pragmatic, and possesses a natural charisma that draws people to him. 

Driven by a desire for a more just world and a somewhat self-serving belief in a prophecy of his greatness, Kuni is willing to bend rules and play on both sides of morality if it serves his goals. 

His strategies are unorthodox and sometimes ethically questionable, but they undeniably yield results. Kuni’s rise to power tests his ideals, forcing him to choose between the easy path of tyranny and the difficult one of rebuilding a nation on the foundations of compassion.

Mata Zyndu (The Chrysanthemum)

Mata is a physically imposing warrior, the embodiment of the traditional honor and martial brilliance that Kuni lacks. His life has been shaped by tragedy, witnessing his family’s murder and their land usurped by the Xana. This fuels his righteous fury and desire to restore his family’s honor through vengeance. 

Unlike the scheming Kuni, Mata finds comfort in the rigid structures of the past, believing a return to tradition is the only way to mend the broken world. His sense of right and wrong is firm, even inflexible at times, putting him more and more at odds with the pragmatic Kuni as their rebellion transitions into nation-building.

Jia Matiza

Jia is a skilled healer with a quick mind and a strong heart. Initially drawn to Kuni’s sly charm and his ambition for a better world, she becomes his wife and most trusted confidante. Jia is the voice of reason amidst the chaos of rebellion, tempering Kuni’s bolder moves with compassion. 

She also challenges his cynical worldview with her steadfast belief in the inherent goodness of people. However, as the war escalates and Kuni becomes immersed in the world of power, Jia’s moral compass serves as both an anchor and a point of tension in their relationship.

Luan Zya

Luan Zya, a scholar exiled from his noble family, is the brilliant mind planning alongside Kuni’s ambition. Meticulous, cautious, and plagued by self-doubt, he’s the perfect opposite to the impulsive Kuni. 

Luan’s intricate strategies provide the skeletal framework for the rebellion’s success. Yet, his ingrained belief that he is unfit for power and his fear of moral compromise create inner turmoil as his role in the creation of a new empire expands.


The Cost and Nature of Revolution

The book doesn’t shy away from the brutal realities of overthrowing an established regime. 

It exposes the blood, betrayal, and sacrifice that are often the ugly foundation of a new order. Even well-intentioned rebels must navigate a moral minefield, and Liu questions whether the ends ever truly justify the means. The novel delves into the psychological toll of war on those leading the charge – Kuni’s jovial nature masks growing cynicism, and even righteous Mata is driven to morally questionable acts. 

The book also highlights the suffering of ordinary people caught between warring factions, underscoring how the grand ideas of revolutionaries can have devastating consequences for those on the ground.

Contrasting Approaches to Leadership

Central to the conflict in the story is the clash between revolution and tradition, embodied in the opposing leadership styles of Kuni Garu and Mata Zyndu. Kuni is flexible, pragmatic, and driven by a desire to create a fundamentally better society, even if it requires defying established norms. 

Mata embodies tradition, prioritizing honor, duty, and restoration of the social order as it existed before the Xana conquest. The novel doesn’t demonize either approach. Both have their strengths, but it’s their incompatibility that sows the seeds of conflict. 

It leads the readers to question if there’s room for compromise when building a nation or if fundamental differences in vision will always lead to a breakdown in leadership.

The Influence of the Divine

The gods in the novel aren’t merely background figures in a mythical pantheon; they are active players in the political and military game. 

Their interventions range from subtle nudges to bold, dramatic acts that shift the balance of power. This forces the characters, particularly the pragmatic Kuni, to consider the unseen forces at work behind the tangible. 

The gods’ presence also raises questions of free will and agency. 

Does mortal ambition matter when deities can meddle with destiny and prophecies? 

This theme adds a further layer of complexity to the already morally fraught decisions the characters face, leaving the reader to ponder the delicate interactions between gods and men.