The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins Summary, Characters and Themes

The Heiress, a 2024 novel by Rachel Hawkins, is a gothic mystery/thriller exploring themes of family secrets, inheritance, and the dark side of wealth. The story centers around Ruby McTavish Kenmore, North Carolina’s wealthiest and most enigmatic woman, who dies leaving her vast fortune and estate to her adopted son, Camden.

Camden, who has distanced himself from his family and their legacy, is drawn back into their world upon Ruby’s death. Along with his wife, Jules, he returns to the imposing Ashby House, where secrets and mysteries surrounding Ruby’s past and her four deceased husbands begin to unravel.


Cam McTavish, a quiet high school teacher, is drawn back to his family’s decaying estate, Ashby House, after a decade of self-imposed exile. 

His return is prompted by an email from his cousin, Ben, urging him to address the crumbling mansion he inherited from his adoptive mother, Ruby.

Cam’s reluctance stems from a dark past involving Ruby, who, despite not being a blood McTavish, inherited a vast fortune and the estate. 

Upon their arrival, Cam and his wife Jules are confronted by his snobbish grandmother, Nelle, and manipulative cousins Ben and Libby, who all live off the family’s wealth.

As Cam explores the town of Tavistock, he rediscovers fond memories with Ruby, which he had buried for years. 

Meanwhile, Ben and Jules reveal a secret alliance formed to lure Cam back to Ashby House, with Jules believing they can make it their home.

During dinner, Ben and Libby drop a bombshell, revealing DNA tests proving Ruby wasn’t a McTavish, but actually Dora Darnell. 

Cam already knew this but asserts his rightful claim to the inheritance. 

However, threatened with an investigation into Ruby’s death, he decides to relinquish everything.

Cam confesses to Jules that he let Ruby die when she overdosed on pills, seeking liberation from her manipulations. 

Overwhelmed by grief and guilt, he had kept this secret for years.

The morning after the confession, Nelle is found dead, prompting Cam and Jules to leave. 

However, while Cam is in town, Ashby House is set ablaze, resulting in Ben and Libby’s deaths. Jules blames Ben, but Cam suspects her involvement.

After the fire, they buy a house near the ocean, away from the McTavish legacy. As Jules discovers her pregnancy, Cam feels a sense of relief, liberated from his family’s burden.

The narrative interweaves letters from Ruby, revealing her abduction as a child and the subsequent discovery of her true identity as Dora Darnell. 

Ruby recounts the deaths of her four husbands, each under suspicious circumstances, driven by a desire for freedom and a twisted sense of justice.

Ruby’s final letter discloses her correspondence with Jules, who is actually the granddaughter of Ruby’s sister, Claire. 

They had devised a plan to pass the McTavish fortune to Cam while sharing it with the Darnells through Jules’ relationship with Cam.

Jules reveals that she carried out their plan, falling unexpectedly in love with Cam. 

She remains unaware that Cam has known about the scheme all along but reciprocates her feelings regardless.

The novel concludes with Cam and Jules embracing a new beginning, their love genuine despite the hidden truths. 

The lingering portrait of Ruby serves as a reminder of their complex past, as they embark on a future free from the shadows of Ashby House.

The Heiress Summary


Ruby McTavish Kenmore

Ruby is the enigmatic heiress whose mysterious past and suspicious deaths of her four husbands drive the plot of The Heiress. 

Kidnapped as a child and later returned to a life of privilege, Ruby’s experiences shape her complex personality. She is both manipulative and vulnerable, capable of both ruthlessness and deep affection. 

Her letters reveal a woman grappling with the trauma of her past and the burden of her secrets. 

Despite her flaws, Ruby possesses a certain magnetism and a determination to control her own destiny, even if it means resorting to extreme measures.

Camden “Cam” McTavish

Cam, Ruby’s adopted son, is the reluctant heir to the McTavish fortune. He grapples with feelings of guilt and complicity in Ruby’s death, haunted by the decision he made that night. 

Cam’s character arc revolves around his journey to confront his past, reconcile with his family’s legacy, and find redemption. 

His quiet strength and moral compass provide a counterpoint to the more morally ambiguous characters in the novel.

Jules Brewster (née Darnell)

Jules, Cam’s wife, is a seemingly innocent outsider who becomes entangled in the McTavish family’s web of secrets. 

Her motivations are initially unclear, but as the story unfolds, her connection to Ruby’s past is revealed, adding a layer of complexity to her character. Jules is driven by a desire for justice for her family and a longing for a connection to her roots. 

Her actions, while sometimes questionable, stem from a deep love for Cam and a desire to protect him from the destructive forces of his family.

Ben and Libby McTavish

Ben and Libby, the grandchildren of Ruby’s sister Nelle, embody the entitled and manipulative nature of the McTavish family. They are driven by greed and a sense of entitlement to the family fortune. 

Their actions throughout the novel reveal their willingness to exploit others and disregard the consequences of their choices.

Nelle McTavish

Nelle, Ruby’s sister, is a formidable and bitter woman who resents Ruby’s wealth and power. 

Her disdain for Cam and Jules stems from her belief that they are interlopers who do not deserve the McTavish legacy. 

Nelle’s character represents the destructive influence of jealousy and resentment within families.


Rediscovering the Past From a New Perspective

A significant theme in The Heiress revolves around the characters’ rediscovery of their pasts and the subsequent reevaluation of their identities. 

Cam, upon returning to Ashby House, confronts memories of his childhood and relationship with Ruby, leading him to question his understanding of his adoptive mother. 

The revelation of Ruby’s true identity as Dora Darnell further complicates his perception of his family history

Similarly, Jules grapples with the truth about her grandmother’s involvement in the McTavish family’s affairs and the manipulation behind her relationship with Cam.

Through these experiences, both characters are forced to confront the complexities of their pasts and reinterpret their identities in light of newfound knowledge.

The Influence of Family Culture on the Individual

The Heiress examines the profound impact of family culture on individual development and choices. 

The McTavish family, characterized by entitlement, manipulation, and greed, significantly shapes Cam’s upbringing and his subsequent decision to distance himself from them. 

Ruby’s traumatic childhood abduction and her experiences within the McTavish household contribute to her complex and morally ambiguous actions. 

Even Jules, despite her initial good intentions, becomes entangled in the web of family secrets and manipulations, ultimately resorting to desperate measures to protect her interests. 

The novel demonstrates how family dynamics and inherited values can profoundly shape individual behavior, choices, and ultimately, their destinies.

What Makes a Good Person?

The Heiress raises questions about morality and the definition of a “good person.” Ruby McTavish, despite her murderous past, exhibits moments of kindness and vulnerability, especially in her relationship with Cam. 

Her actions are driven by a complex mix of trauma, revenge, and a desire to protect her adopted son. Similarly, Jules, initially presented as a sympathetic character, reveals a darker side as she manipulates events to secure her and Cam’s future. 

Cam himself grapples with guilt over his inaction in Ruby’s death, yet he ultimately chooses a path of honesty and forgiveness. 

The novel challenges readers to consider whether individuals can be defined by their actions alone or if their motivations and circumstances should be taken into account when judging their moral character.

The Destructive Nature of Secrets and Greed

The Heiress explores the corrosive effects of secrets and greed on individuals and families. The McTavish family’s history is riddled with hidden truths and manipulative behaviors, ultimately leading to tragedy and the destruction of Ashby House. 

Ruby’s life is consumed by the need to conceal her past and the deaths of her husbands, resulting in a cycle of violence and isolation. 

The Darnell family’s desire for revenge and their pursuit of the McTavish fortune fuels a destructive plot that further exacerbates the existing conflicts. 

The novel serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of harboring secrets and succumbing to greed, highlighting the importance of honesty, forgiveness, and prioritizing genuine connection over material wealth.