The Housemaid Summary, Review, Themes, Quotes and Characters

Freida McFadden has created a masterpiece with The Housemaid, a story of hope, survival and resilience. 

In this mysterious and suspenseful story, we follow the life of Millie, a woman with a dark past who lands a job as a housekeeper for the wealthy and enigmatic Nina Winchester. As Millie navigates the treacherous waters of the Winchester household, she soon realizes that there’s more to Nina’s erratic behavior than meets the eye.

Full Summary 

Central to the story is Wilhelmina “Millie” Calloway, a young woman with a criminal past, who lands a job as a live-in housekeeper for the affluent Nina Winchester. The mansion, grand but neglected, becomes Millie’s new realm, but it hides dark secrets behind its opulent facade.

Millie, despite her tainted history, is hired by Nina, a complex character oscillating between warmth and hostility. Nina’s erratic behavior, coupled with the mysterious warnings from Enzo, the landscaper, sets a tense backdrop. 

Nina’s family adds to the intricate web – her husband Andrew, charming yet enigmatic, and their daughter Cecelia, spoiled and difficult.

As Millie navigates this volatile environment, she uncovers unsettling truths about Nina’s past, including a stint in a psychiatric hospital and alarming medication in her cabinet. 

The plot thickens when Nina and Andrew confide their struggles with infertility, further straining their already fragile relationship.

The turning point arrives when Millie and Andrew, succumbing to a mutual attraction, share a night together – an act that sets off a catastrophic chain of events. Nina’s subsequent rage and accusations against Millie mark the beginning of a harrowing journey for Millie, who finds herself in a perilous game of cat and mouse within the mansion’s walls.

The narrative takes a dramatic turn as it reveals Nina’s past, marred by Andrew’s sadistic abuse and manipulation. 

This revelation recontextualizes Nina’s actions and her complex scheme involving Millie – a plan born out of desperation and a desire for vengeance against Andrew.

In a gripping climax, Millie turns the tables on Andrew, leading to a gruesome discovery and a confrontation that exposes the depths of human depravity and resilience. 

The story concludes with a twist that reshapes the characters’ futures, leaving a haunting impression of the lengths one might go to for survival and justice.


Wilhelmina “Millie” Calloway

At 27, Millie Calloway emerges from a decade-long imprisonment, embarking on a challenging quest for employment. Her journey leads her to the Winchester household as a live-in housemaid, a role she accepts with eagerness, given her limited options due to her criminal past.

Nina Winchester

Nina, the story’s co-narrator and a woman in her late thirties, presents a facade of the affluent, troubled housewife. Her marriage to Andrew and her role as a mother to Cecelia mask a deeper desperation to escape her life’s constraints. 

Nina’s manipulative actions, aimed at pushing Millie and Andrew together, stem from a protective maternal instinct and a desire for self-preservation.

Andrew Winchester

Andrew, initially seen as a sympathetic character trapped in a loveless marriage, is gradually revealed as the antagonist. His character embodies the themes of power, discipline, and the pursuit of perfection, shaped by a traumatic upbringing under his mother Evelyn’s harsh discipline. 

This past molds Andrew into a person who seeks control and perfection in his relationships, mistakenly equating abuse with moral righteousness. His complex character blurs the lines of traditional villainy, inviting introspection into the darker aspects of human psychology and the impact of upbringing on adult behavior.

Cecelia Winchester

Cecelia, Nina’s young daughter, initially appears as an odd, demanding child. Her peculiar behavior is a result of early trauma and the instability in her life due to Nina’s frequent absences. Cecelia’s character development highlights the indirect effects of abuse and the quest for perfection, showcasing how these dynamics impact the innocence of childhood. 

By the story’s end, Cecelia’s liberation from the oppressive environment signals hope and the possibility of a happier future.


Enzo, the Winchester’s Sicilian landscaper, is a character marked by his past and empathy. Escaping a violent situation in Sicily, he connects with Nina, recognizing the parallels with his sister’s abusive marriage. 

His character represents the theme of “the unseen,” belonging to a social class often overlooked yet playing a pivotal role in the story’s resolution. 

Enzo’s actions underscore the narrative’s exploration of power dynamics and the significance of empathy and solidarity across different strata of society.

the housemaid by freida mcfadden summary

My Review

Hold onto your seats, thriller fans, because “The Housemaid” by Freida McFadden is a rollercoaster ride of chills and thrills that will have you clutching your blanket a little tighter! 

This book is the definition of creepy – with characters so unnerving, they’ll send shivers down your spine faster than a ghost in a haunted mansion.

Now here is a bit of the plot if you have not read the summary above. 

Nina & Andrew Winchester, living the dream in their picture-perfect home, with Andrew landing his ideal job and their daughter Cecilia attending a posh private school. 

They decide it’s time to hire a nanny for their sprawling mansion and precious Cecilia. 

Enter Millie, who’s been roughing it in her car, freshly booted from a burger joint gig. She thinks this nanny job is her golden ticket. Little does she know, she’s stepping into a labyrinth of madness.

Nina, all sunshine and roses at first, quickly reveals a dark side that makes you wonder if she’s more witch than woman. The moment Millie steps into her attic room, the air thick with dread, you just know things are about to go off the rails. 

The Winchesters may be high society, but beneath that glossy surface lies a web of secrets so tangled, you’ll need a map to navigate it. 

And Andrew, the seemingly level-headed one, tries to keep the peace, but let’s just say things get a little…complicated.

McFadden has crafted a tale with more red herrings than a fish market, keeping you guessing at every turn. Just when you think you’ve figured it all out, BAM! 

The plot twists hit you like a bolt of lightning. And oh boy, Cecilia – that kid could give the bad seed a run for her money. 

But as the story unfolds, her character arc adds layers to the narrative that will have you rethinking everything.

In true McFadden style, the prose is twisty, dark, and utterly unputdownable. 

This book will not only make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, but it will also have them doing a little dance. 

“The Housemaid” was my first foray into McFadden’s world, and let me tell you, it won’t be my last. If you’re into psychological thrillers that pack a punch and leave you a little afraid of the dark, this one’s for you. 

Key Themes

1. The Dynamics of Power and Control

At the heart of McFadden’s novel is the exploration of power dynamics within domestic settings. 

The story meticulously dissects the shifting power balances between employer and employee, husband and wife, and parent and child. Millie’s position as a housemaid places her at the mercy of her employers, particularly highlighting how economic vulnerability can lead to exploitation. 

In contrast, Nina’s interactions with Millie showcase a twisted form of control masked as benevolence. Moreover, Andrew’s character embodies the darkest aspects of power – using wealth and charm as tools for manipulation and abuse. 

This theme serves as a stark reminder of how power, when wielded without empathy, can corrupt relationships and destroy lives.

2. The Psychology of Victimhood and Abuse

McFadden delves deep into the psychological impacts of abuse, both physical and emotional. 

The novel portrays the complexities of victimhood through Nina’s character, who is subjected to Andrew’s sadistic control. Her journey from a victim to a manipulator underscores the cyclical nature of abuse. 

The narrative also touches on societal perceptions of mental health and how they can be weaponized to discredit and gaslight victims. 

Millie’s background and her reactions to the unfolding events further accentuate the long-lasting effects of past traumas and how they shape one’s responses to new threats.

3. The Illusion of Normalcy in Dysfunction

A recurring theme in the novel is the facade of normalcy that characters maintain despite underlying dysfunctions. 

The Winchester household, with its outward appearance of affluence and stability, masks a reality of mental illness, domestic abuse, and moral decay. 

This theme extends beyond the household, touching on broader societal tendencies to overlook or misinterpret signs of domestic turmoil. 

The story challenges readers to question the veneer of normality and recognize the often-hidden struggles individuals face within their private lives.


  1. “He has no idea this is just the beginning.”

  2. “Then again, plenty of men are idiots.”

  3. “There’s something about this room that’s making a little ball of dread form in the pit of my stomach.”

  4. “He’s almost perfect. And I hate his guts.”

  5. “I initially wanted to hire a maid in hopes that she would become my replacement—that if Andrew fell in love with another woman, he would finally let me go. But that’s not why I hired Millie. That’s not why I gave her a copy of the key to the room. And that’s not why I left a bottle of pepper spray in the blue bucket in the closet. I hired her to kill him. She just doesn’t know it.”

  6. “Those are the four most beautiful words in the English language. You can go now.”

  7. “As Nina and I exchange details about tomorrow, I wonder if she would feel the same way about me if she knew I spent the last ten years of my life in prison.”

  8. “What do you like to read?” “Books.” “What kind of books?” “The kind with words.”

  9. “My husband is a monster,” I say aloud. “He tortures me. He holds me hostage in the attic.”

  10. “I could just barely make out the word he said. Pericolo. Whatever that means.”

Final Thoughts

“The Housemaid” is a gripping psychological thriller that masterfully weaves a tale of manipulation, power dynamics, and survival. 

Freida McFadden’s skillful storytelling keeps us engaged through unexpected twists and deep character explorations. The novel not only entertains but also invites reflection on the darker aspects of human nature and the complex interplay of victim and perpetrator roles.