The Monkey’s Paw Summary, Themes and Characters

“The Monkey’s Paw,” a chilling tale of wishes gone awry, begins in a quaint English home at the dawn of the 20th century. 

The story revolves around the White family, who come into possession of a mysterious monkey’s paw. Said to be cursed by an old fakir, the paw grants its holder three wishes, but with a dire warning: the fulfillment of these wishes brings unforeseen and tragic consequences.

Full Summary

The White family—elderly Mr. and Mrs. White and their son Herbert—are nestled in their cozy living room. 

Outside, a storm rages as father and son engage in a game of chess, and Mrs. White knits by the warm fire. They await a visitor, Sergeant-Major Morris, who soon arrives, bringing with him enthralling stories of his time in India.

Morris shares a peculiar tale about a monkey’s paw, an object cursed by an Indian fakir to demonstrate the perils of interfering with fate. The paw grants three wishes, but at a terrible cost. 

Despite Morris’s warnings and his dramatic disposal of the paw into the fire, Mr. White retrieves it, driven by curiosity and a desire to test its powers.

The Whites, half in jest, wish for £200 to pay off their mortgage. That night, Herbert is unnerved by a vision of a monkey face in the fire and an unsettling encounter with the paw. 

The next day, as life resumes its usual pace, a stranger arrives with devastating news: Herbert has died in an accident at work, and the family is to receive £200 compensation—the exact sum wished for.

In the wake of Herbert’s funeral, the desolate family home becomes the setting for a harrowing decision. Mrs. White, driven by grief, insists they use the paw to bring Herbert back. 

Mr. White, horrified at the thought of resurrecting their mangled son, succumbs to her insistence. The night grows tense as a knock echoes at their door. 

In a frenzy of hope and terror, Mrs. White rushes to answer, while Mr. White, realizing the potential horror that awaits, uses his final wish.

As Mrs. White opens the door to an empty street, the story closes on a note of haunting ambiguity, leaving readers to ponder the consequences of tampering with fate and the true cost of wishes fulfilled.

The Monkey's Paw Summary


Mr. White 

Mr. White, an elder with a thin grey beard, displays a curious and risk-taking nature, particularly evident in his approach to chess. Despite his contentment with family life, his fascination with the exotic monkey’s paw leads him to unwisely use it, despite understanding its potential dangers. After his son’s death, he becomes increasingly cautious, ultimately making a final wish to undo the tragic consequences of his earlier actions.

Mrs. White 

Initially dismissive of the monkey’s paw, Mrs. White, a caring and white-haired matron, undergoes a dramatic transformation after the loss of her son Herbert. Overwhelmed by grief, she becomes desperate to use the paw’s power to bring Herbert back, showing a stark shift from skepticism to a willingness to embrace the supernatural, driven by maternal love.

Herbert White 

Herbert, the Whites’ jovial and affectionate son, initially scoffs at the monkey’s paw’s supposed powers. His lighthearted suggestion for a monetary wish inadvertently leads to his own tragic demise, turning him from a source of joy to a symbol of the paw’s curse.

Sergeant-Major Morris 

Sergeant-Major Morris, a seasoned traveler, introduces the ominous monkey’s paw to the White family. His reluctance to discuss the paw and attempts to destroy it hint at its malevolent power, setting the stage for the story’s tragic events. His character serves as a warning unheeded by the Whites.


1. The Perils of Tempting Fate

At its core, the story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of disturbing the natural order of things. 

The story meticulously explores the consequences of meddling with fate through the White family’s tragic experience. The monkey’s paw, a mystical artifact that grants wishes, symbolizes the human desire to control and alter destiny. 

However, each granted wish comes with unforeseen and disastrous consequences, underscoring the theme that there are limits to human control and that tampering with fate can lead to irreversible damage. 

This theme resonates with the reader, prompting reflection on the potential repercussions of our desires and the importance of accepting life’s unpredictability.

2. The Price of Greed and Desire

Jacobs delves into the theme of greed and insatiable desire by illustrating how the Whites’ wishes, initially made in innocence and jest, spiral into a cycle of greed that ultimately leads to their downfall. 

The story vividly portrays how the allure of easy solutions to life’s problems, symbolized by the monkey’s paw, can blind individuals to the potential consequences. 

The family’s initial wish for money, seemingly harmless, sets off a chain of events driven by their inability to recognize the true cost of their desires. 

This theme serves as a moral lesson on the dangers of greed and the importance of contentment, highlighting how unbridled desire can corrupt and destroy lives.

3. The Illusion of Control in a Chaotic World

“The Monkey’s Paw” masterfully explores the illusion of control humans believe they possess in a world governed by chaos and chance. 

The Whites’ experience with the paw reveals how their belief in their ability to control their destiny is nothing but an illusion, shattered by the unpredictable outcomes of their wishes. The story suggests that despite our best efforts to shape our futures, there are forces beyond our comprehension and control at play. 

This theme resonates deeply, compelling the reader to consider the extent of their control over life’s events and the futility of attempting to manipulate outcomes to our advantage. 

Jacobs uses this theme to underscore the unpredictability of life and the inherent chaos that lies beneath the surface of our seemingly ordered existence.

Final Thoughts

“The Monkey’s Paw” is a masterful blend of suspense and horror, serving as a cautionary tale about the dangers of tampering with fate and the unintended consequences of our desires. 

The story’s ability to instill a sense of dread and leave a lasting impression with its open-ended conclusion is a testament to W. W. Jacobs’ skill as a storyteller. 

It remains a classic in horror literature, reminding us that sometimes, the greatest horrors stem from our own wishes and the unforeseen ways they can unravel.