The Perfect Father Summary and Key Lessons

The Perfect Father is a detailed account of the shocking murder story of Chris Watts and his family. Published in 2020, the book offers insights into the Watts family’s dynamics and the events leading up to the tragedy.

The Perfect Father Summary

The narrative paints Shanann Watts as a controlling figure, often at odds with her husband and his family. She is portrayed as someone obsessed with appearances on social media, pushing the family into debt with her lavish lifestyle aspirations. Her determination to have more children, despite health complications, is also highlighted. 

The book likens Shanann’s relationship with Chris to Meghan Markle’s with Prince Harry.

However, the criticism of the book centers on its lack of depth and objectivity. Glatt’s primary source seems to be Shanann’s Facebook page, where she promoted a product called “Thrive.” 

Other sources mentioned in the book appear to be biased, with both sides of the family supporting their respective kin. The book doesn’t delve deeply into the possible motives behind Chris Watts’ horrific actions.

The most glaring oversight is the lack of an interview with Chris Watts himself, which leaves many questions unanswered. Readers and viewers are left to wonder about the exact nature of the Watts’ marital problems, the motivations behind Chris Watts’ actions, and many other pressing questions.

Despite these shortcomings, the book highlights the undeniable tragedy of the situation. The families of both Shanann and Chris are portrayed as victims, their grief exploited for public consumption.

Additional Observations

  1. There’s mention of a controversial multi-million dollar civil lawsuit filed by Shanann’s family against Chris Watts.
  2. Chris Watts’ jail letter to his deceased daughter, written on her fourth birthday, is criticized for lacking remorse and self-reflection.
  3. The role of Nikki Kessinger, Chris Watts’ mistress, is also explored. Her strategic response to the situation is highlighted.
  4. The fate of the family dog, Dieter, remains unknown.
the perfect father summary

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Key Lessons

1. The Power and Pitfalls of Social Media

Shanann Watts’ portrayal in the book underscores how social media can be used to curate a specific image or lifestyle, regardless of the reality behind closed doors. 

Her drive for a more luxurious lifestyle, fueled by the need to maintain appearances online, pushed the family into large amounts of debt. This teaches the dangerous side of equating self-worth with online validation and the tangible impacts of seeking validation through materialistic means.

This highlights the importance of being cautious about how much one divulges online and how much one reads into others’ online personas. As depicted, constant sharing can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, or added pressures in a relationship eventually leading to dangerous outcomes.

2. The Complexity of Human Relationships and Dynamics

The book, primarily relying on Shanann’s Facebook posts and media interviews, offers a one-dimensional view of the Watts family. 

This reinforces the idea that genuine understanding of human relationships requires in-depth, personal interactions and not just surface-level observations.

So, remember that when collecting information or forming opinions, it’s crucial to recognize and account for potential biases. 

The sources used in the book are either from Shanann’s side or Chris’s side, leading to a polarized view. It’s a reminder to always seek balanced perspectives when trying to understand complex situations.

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3. The Importance of Thorough Research and Objectivity in Journalism

The glaring omission of Chris Watts’ perspective in the book underscores the need to always seek primary sources when reporting or analyzing events. It’s heavy reliance on public records and already available online data serves as a cautionary tale about the pitfalls of not conducting original research. 

Using such methods can lead to perpetuating misconceptions or missing out on key pieces of information.

Hence, what I personally feel is that in delving into the personal lives of subjects, especially in sensitive cases like murder, journalists and authors must tread carefully. 

The exploitation of the grief of Shanann and Chris’s families for public consumption serves as a stark reminder of the ethical responsibilities inherent in storytelling.

Final Thoughts

The book is a superficial recounting of events, lacking investigative depth and relying heavily on already available information. It criticizes the portrayal of Shanann Watts and highlights the missed opportunity to provide readers with a more comprehensive understanding of the tragic events. 

The author’s personal observations add another layer to the story, bringing up issues not addressed in the book and indicating that there might be more to explore.

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