The Right Move Summary, Themes and Review

The Right Move by Liz Tomforde is a sports romance that masterfully blends the fake-dating trope with heartwarming character growth and an emotional connection that feels both real and profound. At its core, it’s about two seemingly opposite individuals who find themselves unexpectedly living together, discovering that love doesn’t always have to be loud to be powerful. 

Indy, a fun-loving and passionate woman, moves in with Ryan, a reserved basketball star, after her world crumbles. Together, they navigate their differences, heal old wounds, and redefine what it means to be loved for who you truly are. Prepare for slow-burn tension and heart-melting moments.


The story begins with Indy Ivers, a lively, confident woman whose life takes a sudden turn when she finds out her longtime boyfriend has been cheating on her. Heartbroken and without a place to go, she finds refuge through her best friend, Stevie, who suggests Indy stay with her twin brother, Ryan Shay. 

Ryan is a famous basketball player with a reputation for being cold and distant, someone who values his solitude above all else. Initially reluctant, Ryan agrees to let Indy move in, though their last encounter didn’t exactly leave a great impression on him.

Ryan’s world is quiet, orderly, and far removed from the emotional chaos Indy brings into his life. 

He is a man burdened by his past experiences, often feeling that people are drawn to him only for his fame and wealth. Indy, on the other hand, wears her heart on her sleeve, exuding warmth and humor, but also struggling with her own insecurities, especially around the issue of infertility. 

Despite these differences, the two slowly begin to connect, thanks in part to their close living quarters.

As they settle into their unusual arrangement, the tension between them simmers. Ryan’s initial resistance gradually turns into curiosity, and he begins to see Indy as more than just an inconvenient roommate. 

She challenges his introverted nature and invites him into her world, one filled with spontaneity and emotional vulnerability. 

Their fake dating arrangement, originally set up to help Ryan navigate the pressures of his public life, quickly spirals into something neither of them anticipated.

Indy and Ryan’s growing friendship is marked by small, tender moments that quietly turn into something deeper. Ryan starts to let his guard down, showing Indy a softer, more thoughtful side that few people ever get to see. 

He begins to take care of her in ways that go beyond the superficial, such as learning sign language to communicate with her father and building her a special bookshelf. These gestures reveal a man who is deeply attentive, even if he struggles to express his feelings openly.

Their relationship becomes a dance between two opposites—Indy’s chaotic energy balancing Ryan’s need for control and quiet. 

The banter between them is filled with wit and charm, and the sexual tension builds at a steady, almost excruciating pace. As they open up about their pasts, including Indy’s heartbreak and Ryan’s deep-rooted trust issues, they find healing in each other’s company.

Eventually, the emotional walls come down, and their relationship blossoms into a profound love. Ryan, once reserved and hesitant, becomes fiercely protective and deeply invested in Indy’s happiness, while Indy learns to trust again. 

Their love story culminates in a beautiful, heartwarming ending that feels like the reward for all the emotional growth and sacrifices they’ve made along the way.

Ultimately, the book is a story of two flawed individuals finding solace in each other, proving that sometimes the quietest love can be the loudest.

The Right Move Summary


The Healing Power of Vulnerability and Emotional Intimacy

One of the central themes in this story is the idea that true emotional intimacy can only be achieved through vulnerability, a theme explored with remarkable depth. Both Indy and Ryan enter the relationship with significant emotional baggage—Indy from her painful breakup and struggles with infertility, and Ryan from his trust issues and the fear of being used because of his wealth and status.

Their journey isn’t about grand declarations or quick solutions but about slowly peeling back layers of armor they’ve both worn for years. The narrative emphasizes how love doesn’t just happen when two people meet, but when they begin to share their most hidden fears, desires, and insecurities.

Ryan’s quiet, almost stoic demeanor masks a need to be accepted for who he truly is, not just as a celebrity athlete. Indy, who wears her heart on her sleeve, is initially overwhelmed by her emotions but learns to lean into them in a way that brings both of them closer.

The book portrays vulnerability not as a weakness, but as a necessary strength that leads to healing for both characters.

Reconstruction of Identity Through Relationships and Self-Acceptance

Another complex theme is the reconstruction of one’s identity through relationships, but also the importance of maintaining individuality. Both Ryan and Indy struggle with how they are perceived by others and what those perceptions mean for their self-worth.

Ryan, despite his fame, has been burdened by the notion that people see him only for his external success, leading him to close off emotionally. Indy’s identity crisis stems from her feelings of inadequacy following her breakup and her worries about her future, especially regarding her dreams of becoming a mother.

Their relationship becomes a catalyst for self-redefinition. Through their growing connection, Ryan begins to see himself not just as an athlete or a public figure but as someone worthy of love for who he truly is.

Similarly, Indy’s journey of self-acceptance reaches a pivotal moment as she realizes her worth does not hinge on societal expectations or past relationships. The novel, in this sense, portrays love not as an act of losing oneself but as an opportunity to rebuild and strengthen one’s identity.

Quiet Love as a Form of Fierce Devotion

The book delves into the theme that love doesn’t always need to be loud or dramatic to be meaningful. In fact, the novel argues that the quietest forms of love—small gestures, deep conversations, and mutual respect—can often be the most powerful and lasting.

Ryan’s character embodies this “quiet love,” as his affection for Indy is expressed not in grand romantic gestures but in subtle, meaningful actions that reflect his deep commitment. Whether it’s learning ASL to communicate with her father or quietly adjusting his routines to make her feel more at home, Ryan’s love language is rooted in attentiveness and thoughtfulness.

This contrasts with the often flamboyant, sweeping portrayals of love in romance novels. The story shows that consistency, reliability, and mutual understanding can be just as intense as passionate declarations.

Indy and Ryan’s love story, while it simmers rather than explodes, becomes all the more profound because of its quiet strength.

The Intersection of Personal Trauma and Romantic Relationships

This novel tackles the intersection of personal trauma and romantic relationships, portraying how past emotional wounds inevitably shape the way individuals approach love and intimacy. Both Ryan and Indy are haunted by their pasts—Ryan by the distrust bred from people who exploited his fame, and Indy by the pain of betrayal and infertility.

The novel does not shy away from showing how these traumas influence their interactions and perceptions of each other, especially in the beginning. Ryan’s hesitation to fully open up and Indy’s fear of being unlovable because of her past are realistic portrayals of how trauma can create emotional barriers.

However, rather than being obstacles to love, these traumas become central to the emotional depth of their relationship. The way they navigate each other’s wounds—with patience, understanding, and honesty—highlights the novel’s thematic exploration of how love can be a means of healing, not through fixing or saving one another, but through mutual acceptance and growth.

Emotional Growth and the Evolution of Love Through Communication

One of the more nuanced themes in the book is the evolution of love through communication, where growth comes not just from romantic attraction but from the way the characters learn to communicate effectively. Early on, both Ryan and Indy struggle with expressing their feelings—Ryan because he’s reserved and cautious, Indy because she’s overwhelmed by her emotions.

Their relationship becomes a testament to how communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship. It’s not just about sharing thoughts but about creating a safe space for each other to speak their truths without fear of judgment.

The novel emphasizes that love is not a static emotion but something that evolves as both partners learn to listen, compromise, and respect each other’s pace in communication. Ryan’s slow but steady progression from being closed-off to openly showing his vulnerabilities mirrors Indy’s shift from emotional turmoil to feeling secure and loved.

Their story is a celebration of how emotional growth is deeply tied to communication in a relationship.

The Concept of Unconventional Family and the Expansion of Love

Another intricate theme is the portrayal of unconventional families and how love can expand beyond traditional definitions. Indy’s complicated relationship with her dream of motherhood and her father’s disability adds a layer of emotional complexity to her character.

She finds a new kind of family with Ryan, but also through her bonds with friends and Ryan’s family. The book suggests that family is not only about blood relations or the conventional milestones of life (like having children), but about the people who support, care for, and grow with you.

Ryan, too, comes from a background where family dynamics are complicated by his fame and the distrust it brings. The way both characters create a sense of family with each other and those close to them underlines a broader thematic message: that love, in all its forms, is what truly defines family, rather than rigid societal constructs.

Love as a Catalyst for Personal Transformation

The final theme that weaves through the narrative is how love can serve as a catalyst for personal transformation. This transformation doesn’t diminish individuality but enhances it.

Both Indy and Ryan are changed by their relationship, but not because they are trying to fit into each other’s lives. Instead, their love helps them become fuller versions of themselves.

Ryan, who is initially withdrawn and emotionally stunted, finds a sense of freedom and peace in his relationship with Indy, which allows him to open up and embrace vulnerability. Indy, who starts off emotionally fractured from her past relationship, learns to trust again and rediscover her self-worth.

The novel presents love as a transformative force that doesn’t overpower personal identity but instead nurtures and elevates it. True growth in a relationship comes when both partners can be their most authentic selves while being with each other.


A tender, slow-burn sports romance that seamlessly blends the fake dating trope with heartfelt emotional growth. 

When I first saw the 550-page length, I was skeptical, but by the end, I was begging for more. Ryan Shay has officially set a new standard for fictional boyfriends—every man could learn a thing or two from this guy!

Indy Ivers is an absolute joy to follow. She’s fiercely independent, overflowing with charisma, and deeply caring toward the people in her life. From the beginning, it’s clear she just wants to be loved for who she is. 

Indy’s emotional vulnerability is both refreshing and relatable, especially as she navigates her desires for motherhood and tackles her insecurities head-on. She’s been hurt before, but watching her rebuild her self-worth was so satisfying. 

The way her growth was portrayed was exceptional; she didn’t settle for less than she deserved, which made her journey that much more rewarding to witness.

Ryan, on the other hand, is a more reserved character, and his development throughout the novel is equally captivating. He starts off as distant, wary of people taking advantage of him due to his wealth and success. But beneath that cool exterior is a man who loves deeply and attentively. 

His actions speak louder than words, as he demonstrates his affection in the most thoughtful, understated ways. The way he paid attention to Indy’s smallest preferences, like keeping her coffee just the right temperature, was incredibly endearing. 

His transformation from a guarded, emotionally detached man into someone willing to open up and trust again felt real and earned.

Together, Indy and Ryan share a chemistry that’s both electric and quiet at the same time. Their opposites-attract dynamic works beautifully, with Indy’s exuberant personality complementing Ryan’s calm demeanor. 

Their banter is sharp, witty, and filled with tension, while the moments where they support each other’s growth are deeply touching. The forced proximity situation only intensifies their connection, with every scene dripping with subtle, unspoken intimacy. 

I loved how they pushed each other outside their comfort zones, helping each other heal from past wounds while falling quietly and passionately in love.

Though their love story was slow-burning, it never dragged. The pacing felt natural as their friendship gradually transformed into something deeper. 

The fake-dating trope was integrated seamlessly into the plot, never feeling contrived or forced. I was particularly impressed with how the novel handled sensitive themes like infertility, adding depth and authenticity to Indy’s character.

This book is more than just a romance—it’s about finding comfort and growth through love. 

The emotional depth, character growth, and subtle romance left me swooning. Ryan Shay, with his quiet devotion and protective nature, is the ultimate book boyfriend, and Indy is his perfect match. 

Their story is heartwarming, emotional, and unforgettable, and I highly recommend it to any romance lover seeking a genuinely moving love story.