The Science Of Getting Rich Summary and Key Lessons

“The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Wattles is a classic self-help book published in 1910. It delves into the philosophy that individuals have the power to shape their own economic destinies through positive thinking and clear intention.

Wattles presents a precise formula for acquiring wealth, emphasizing the importance of gratitude, visualization, and unwavering belief. He asserts that anyone, regardless of their circumstances, can attract prosperity by tapping into the ‘Certain Way,’ a mindset focusing on constructive action and positive thought.

The Science Of Getting Rich Summary

The Right to Be Rich and The Science Behind It

Wattles begins by asserting that every person has the right to be rich. He believes that wanting to get rich is not about mere superficial desires but is an aspiration to unfold one’s greatest self, to realize one’s fullest potential. 

Wealth, according to Wattles, isn’t just about accumulating money but encompasses a holistic abundance in all aspects of life. He introduces the idea that there is a science to getting rich, similar to how there’s a science to mathematics or engineering. 

This science is precise; if one follows it in the correct manner, they are sure to achieve wealth.

The Role of Thought

A significant portion of the book is dedicated to the power of thought. Wattles emphasizes that the way one thinks plays a pivotal role in the kind of life one leads. 

He introduces the concept of the “thinking substance” – a force, omnipresent, that can shape itself into any form through the process of thought. This substance permeates everything in the universe. Thus, our thoughts, being a form of creative energy, can influence this substance. 

By having a clear and unwavering thought pattern about what one desires, and by holding onto that with unwavering faith, one can bring forth riches from the formless substance.

The Importance of Gratitude and the Right Actions

Wattles stresses the importance of gratitude as a critical component of wealth acquisition. 

He believes that being grateful puts the mind in closer harmony with the creative energies of the universe. A grateful mind expects good things, and expectation becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

Alongside the right mindset, taking the right actions is crucial. He warns against mere daydreaming without action.

It’s not enough to visualize wealth; one must act on the inspirations and insights that arise from such visualizations. Wattles encourages readers to take proactive steps daily, however small, towards their financial aspirations.

The Competitive vs. The Creative Mindset

Wattles draws a distinction between the competitive mindset and the creative mindset. The former is based on the erroneous belief that there’s a limited supply of resources, leading to cutthroat competition, jealousy, and scarcity thinking. 

The latter, which he advocates for, is rooted in the understanding that new forms of wealth can always be created from the infinite “thinking substance” of the universe. 

By adopting a creative mindset, one focuses on creating value and tapping into new avenues of wealth, rather than fighting over existing resources.

The Harmonious Life

Finally, Wattles emphasizes that getting rich isn’t just about personal gain. It’s about evolving into the best version of oneself and leading a harmonious life. 

He believes that by becoming rich through the science he describes, one can contribute positively to society and uplift others. He concludes by reminding readers that wealth acquisition should not come at the cost of one’s morals or at the detriment of others. 

The true science of getting rich is as much about enriching one’s soul and character as it is about monetary abundance.

The Science Of Getting Rich Summary and Key Lessons

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Key Lessons

1. The Power of Thought and Visualization

One of the fundamental lessons from the book is the understanding that our thoughts have creative energy. 

Wattles emphasizes that there’s a “thinking substance” that permeates the universe, which can be shaped and molded by our thoughts. 

By visualizing what we desire with clarity and conviction, we impress these desires onto this formless substance, making the manifestation of our goals more probable. However, it’s crucial that these thoughts are unwavering and backed by faith. 

The lesson here is to be conscious of our thought patterns, ensuring they align with our aspirations, and to regularly visualize our goals as if they’re already achieved, thereby setting the stage for their realization.

2. Gratitude as a Catalyst for Abundance

Wattles introduces gratitude not just as an emotion but as a strategic tool for wealth creation. 

By maintaining a grateful mindset, one aligns more harmoniously with the creative energies of the universe. A heart filled with gratitude resonates at a frequency that attracts more things to be grateful for, including wealth and opportunities. 

This lesson teaches us to cultivate an attitude of gratitude daily, acknowledging and appreciating what we already have. In doing so, we create a fertile ground for attracting even more abundance into our lives.

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3. The Creative Mindset Over the Competitive Mindset

In a world that often pits individuals against each other in fierce competition, Wattles advises a shift in perspective. He contrasts the competitive mindset, which sees resources as limited and leads to rivalry, with the creative mindset, which recognizes the infinite possibilities of the universe. 

By adopting a creative approach, one focuses on generating value and creating new opportunities rather than vying for existing resources. 

This lesson underscores the importance of innovation and creativity in wealth creation. 

Instead of viewing others as competitors, see them as potential collaborators, and instead of seeing challenges as roadblocks, view them as opportunities to create something new and valuable.

Final Thoughts

“The Science of Getting Rich” is more than just a guide to amassing wealth; it’s a philosophical treatise on the mindset and actions that lead to success in any endeavor. 

While some might find its principles dated or too simplistic, its core message—that one’s mindset, gratitude, and actions play a pivotal role in achieving success—remains relevant today. 

The book underscores the importance of personal responsibility and proactive behavior in the quest for success, making it a valuable read for anyone seeking personal growth and prosperity.

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