The Secret History Summary and Key Themes

Written by debutant Donna Tartt and published in 1992, The Secret History talks about a group of six isolated students whose actual deeds are far more sinister than one can imagine. 

In the book, Richard Papen joins an elite Greek class at Hampden College, entangling with wealthy students harboring dark secrets. Their involvement in a murder and subsequent cover-up, culminating in a tragic suicide, leads to the group’s dissolution. Richard is left grappling with the haunting memories and unresolved emotions.

The Secret History Summary

In the year 1983, a young student named Richard Papen leaves his humble beginnings in Plano, California, for the allure of Hampden College in Vermont, captivated by its idyllic brochure. 

At Hampden, Richard is drawn into an exclusive and enigmatic ancient Greek program led by Professor Julian Morrow. 

The class comprises only six students: the enigmatic Henry, the carefree Bunny, the affluent Francis, and the mysterious twins Charles and Camilla.

Despite their wealth and seeming unity, Richard, who conceals his own financial struggles, initially feels like an outsider. His dedication to the program, which requires him to drop all other classes, and the invitation to Francis’s country house on weekends, gradually integrates him into the group’s secretive world.

As winter descends, Richard endures harsh conditions, working for a psychology professor and living in an unheated warehouse. 

His plight is discovered by Henry, who kindly offers him shelter. It’s during this time that Richard stumbles upon a startling discovery: Henry, Francis, and the twins had planned to flee to Argentina, a plan thwarted by insufficient funds. 

Henry reveals a dark secret: during a bacchanal, an attempt to reach a state of Dionysiac madness discussed in Julian’s class, they accidentally killed a farmer.

The situation escalates when Bunny, who had been unknowingly kept in the dark, learns about the murder. 

His growing demands and taunts about the crime push the group to the brink. Henry, once contemplating poisoning Bunny, decides on a more drastic measure: pushing Bunny off a ravine during his weekly hike.

In the aftermath of Bunny’s death, the group begins to unravel. 

The FBI investigates, initially suspecting drug involvement. 

Bunny’s body is eventually discovered, leading to more strain within the group. Charles descends into alcoholism, Francis is overwhelmed by anxiety, and the relationships within the group are exposed – the secret romance between Charles and Camilla, and Camilla’s manipulative tendencies.

The climax reaches a fever pitch when Charles, paranoid and fearful, disappears. 

In a confrontation at a hotel, Charles arrives with a gun, which Henry manages to seize. In a shocking turn, Henry whispers something to Camilla before ending his own life.

The group dissolves after this tragedy. Richard, the only one to graduate from Hampden, reflects on the aftermath: Francis’s suicide attempt, Camilla’s continued manipulation, and the severed ties between Charles and Camilla. 

Years later, Richard is still haunted by his love for Camilla and the enigmatic figure of Henry, whose influence lingers in his dreams.

the secret history summary

Key Themes

1. The Perils of Escapism and Idealization

Richard Papen’s journey to Hampden College represents a common desire to escape from one’s past or present circumstances in search of something better or more ideal. The novel demonstrates the dangers of such escapism, particularly when it involves idealizing people or situations. 

Richard’s idealization of his new friends and their seemingly glamorous lifestyle blinds him to their flaws and the moral complexities of their actions. 

This lesson underscores the importance of confronting reality and accepting both the good and the bad in our lives, rather than seeking refuge in a possibly illusory or harmful alternative.

2. The Complexity of Moral Choices and Their Consequences

The story is a profound exploration of moral relativism and the consequences of our actions. 

The students’ decision to engage in a bacchanal, leading to the accidental death of a farmer, sets off a chain of events that spiral out of control. Their subsequent actions, particularly the murder of Bunny to cover up their initial crime, highlight how one moral compromise can lead to greater ethical transgressions. 

This narrative thread serves as a cautionary tale about the slippery slope of moral justification and the far-reaching impact our choices can have, not only on our lives but also on the lives of others.

3. The Illusion of Exclusivity and Its Impact on Relationships

The novel delves into the dynamics of exclusive groups and the allure they hold.

The Greek class, limited to a select few students, creates a sense of special status and privilege. However, this exclusivity leads to isolation and a distorted view of the world and relationships. 

The students become so engrossed in their insular group that they lose sight of broader moral and social norms. 

This lesson highlights the dangers of exclusivity, particularly how it can foster an us-versus-them mentality, lead to unhealthy group dynamics, and ultimately result in destructive behavior. 

It’s a reminder of the importance of maintaining a balanced perspective and remaining open to diverse viewpoints and experiences.

Final Thoughts

“The Secret History” is a narrative that masterfully intertwines themes of elitism, morality, and the destructive nature of secrets. The story, rich in psychological depth, explores the complexities of human relationships and the consequences of actions driven by desperation and fear.