I Have Some Questions for You Summary, Characters and Themes

“I Have Some Questions for You” is a novel by Rebecca Makkai, published in 2023. It tells the story of Bodie Kane, a successful film professor and podcaster, who returns to her former boarding school to teach a course. While there, she becomes drawn into the unsolved murder of her former roommate, Thalia Keith, and begins to question the circumstances surrounding the conviction of the school’s athletic trainer, Omar Evans.

The book explores themes of collective memory, the flaws in the criminal justice system, and the lingering trauma of the past. It is a thought-provoking and suspenseful read that has garnered critical acclaim for its insightful exploration of complex issues.


Bodie Kane, a film professor and podcaster, returns to her New Hampshire boarding school alma mater, Granby, to teach a course on podcasts. However, her true motivation is to delve into the unsolved murder of her former roommate, Thalia Keith, a case that has haunted her for years. 

The prime suspect at the time was Omar Evans, a Black athletic trainer, who was swiftly convicted based on circumstantial evidence, including DNA found at the scene.

With the advent of the #MeToo movement and a renewed focus on the flaws in the criminal justice system, Bodie, along with one of her students, Britt, decides to create a podcast re-examining the case. 

Britt’s research uncovers rumors about Thalia’s affair with an older man, initially believed to be Omar. However, Bodie’s buried memories resurface, and she realizes the man was actually Mr. Dennis Bloch, a music teacher at Granby who was close to both her and Thalia.

Bodie’s personal life also takes a tumultuous turn when her estranged husband, Jerome, is accused of predatory behavior. 

As she grapples with the fallout from these accusations and the impact on her own podcast, Starlet Fever, she delves deeper into Thalia’s case. She explores various theories, even suspecting Thalia’s boyfriend, Robbie Serenho, and ultimately becoming convinced of Bloch’s involvement.

Throughout the novel, Bodie’s memories of her time at Granby intertwine with her present-day investigation. 

She reconnects with her former classmate, Fran, who still works at Granby, and also seeks solace in an affair with Yahav, a law professor.

As Bodie and her students continue to investigate, new evidence emerges, casting doubt on Omar’s guilt. Bodie’s memories lead them to previously unexplored areas on campus, including the athletic equipment shed, where Thalia might have been killed. 

The mounting evidence prompts a hearing for a retrial in Omar’s case.

Part 2 of the novel focuses on the hearing, where Bodie testifies for the defense. Former classmates, including Mike Stiles and Robbie Serenho, are also called to testify. 

Tensions rise as witnesses reveal Granby’s influence in the original conviction and the school’s attempts to protect its reputation.

Bodie’s pursuit of the truth leads her to Vermont, where she confronts Beth Docherty, Thalia’s best friend. 

Beth reveals that she was assaulted at Granby and that Bloch acted predatorily towards both her and Thalia. She also shares information about Robbie’s abusive behavior towards Thalia and his late arrival at a party the night of the murder, further implicating him.

After the hearing, Bodie returns to LA, but the case continues to haunt her. 

Months later, she returns to Granby, where she reconnects with friends and learns about the deaths of others, including Carlotta, a former classmate. In the meantime, allegations of predatory behavior against Bloch emerge from survivors at other schools, strengthening Bodie’s belief in his guilt.

The novel ends with Bodie finding solace in a new relationship with Geoff, a former classmate, and the lingering hope that justice will eventually be served for Thalia.

I Have Some Questions For You Summary


Bodie Kane

Bodie Kane, the protagonist of the story, is a film professor at UCLA and an avid podcaster. 

Her primary interest lies in revisiting the unresolved mysteries of her past, particularly the murder of her roommate, Thalia Keith, at Granby, a boarding school she attended in the 1990s. 

Bodie’s dual role as an educator and amateur sleuth reflects her deep-seated desire for justice and truth, which drives her to encourage her student Britt to reexamine the murder case through a podcast. 

Bodie’s character is shaped by her personal connection to the case, as well as her experiences with the #MeToo Movement, which influence her perceptions and motivations. 

Throughout the novel, Bodie grapples with her own complex relationships, including her estranged husband Jerome, who faces allegations of predatory behavior, and her affair with Yahav, a law professor.

Thalia Keith

Thalia Keith is the murder victim around whom the novel’s central mystery revolves. 

As Bodie’s roommate at Granby, Thalia’s life and untimely death leave a lasting impact on Bodie. Thalia’s character is depicted through the memories and investigations of others, particularly Bodie and Britt. 

Thalia was involved in an affair with an older man, later revealed to be Dennis Bloch, which adds layers to the narrative and underscores the themes of power dynamics and exploitation. 

Thalia’s presence looms large in the novel, serving as a catalyst for Bodie’s quest for justice and truth.

Omar Evans

Omar Evans, a Black athletic trainer at Granby, was wrongfully convicted of Thalia Keith’s murder. His conviction was based on circumstantial evidence and racial bias, highlighting the novel’s critique of institutional corruption and systemic racism. 

Omar’s character is central to the novel’s exploration of justice and the flaws within the criminal justice system. 

As the investigation progresses and new evidence comes to light, Omar’s wrongful conviction becomes increasingly apparent, symbolizing the broader issues of racial injustice and the need for reexamination of past convictions.

Dennis Bloch

Dennis Bloch, a music teacher at Granby, emerges as a key suspect in Thalia’s murder. Bloch served as a mentor to Bodie during her time at Granby, often working backstage on theater productions, including the night of Thalia’s death. 

His predatory behavior and inappropriate relationships with students, including Thalia and Beth Docherty, are gradually revealed through Bodie’s investigation and Beth’s testimony. 

Bloch’s character embodies the abuse of power and the failure of institutions to protect vulnerable individuals, themes that are central to the novel.


Britt is a student of Bodie’s who proposes the idea of creating a podcast to reexamine Thalia’s murder. 

Her initiative and enthusiasm for the project drive much of the novel’s plot. Britt’s character represents the younger generation’s engagement with true crime media and their desire to seek justice through modern platforms like podcasts. 

Her collaboration with Bodie brings new perspectives and insights into the case, ultimately contributing to the weakening of the case against Omar and the uncovering of new evidence.


Jerome, Bodie’s estranged husband, is a controversial figure due to allegations of predatory behavior made by a younger performance artist named Jasmine Wilde. 

Jerome’s character adds complexity to Bodie’s personal life and highlights the novel’s exploration of the #MeToo Movement. 

The accusations against Jerome force Bodie to confront issues of abuse, harassment, and violence, both in her own life and in the broader context of her investigations.


Vanessa is Thalia’s younger sister, who plays a crucial role in providing new evidence that supports the reexamination of Omar’s conviction. 

Vanessa’s willingness to share information with Bodie and the podcast team signifies the importance of family and the pursuit of justice for victims of unsolved crimes. 

Her involvement underscores the theme of uncovering hidden truths and the long-term impact of unresolved trauma on families.


Fran is a peer from Granby who still lives and works there. She reconnects with Bodie during her return to the school and becomes a supportive figure in Bodie’s investigation. 

Fran’s character represents the continuity of the past and present, as well as the bonds formed during formative years. Her presence in the novel helps Bodie navigate her memories and the complex social dynamics of their shared history.

Robbie Serenho

Robbie Serenho, Thalia’s boyfriend at the time of her murder, is another key suspect in the case. 

His abusive behavior toward Thalia and his suspicious movements on the night of her death are explored through Bodie’s investigation and Beth’s testimony. 

Robbie’s character adds another layer to the narrative, illustrating the potential for intimate partners to be both protectors and perpetrators of violence.

Beth Docherty

Beth Docherty, Thalia’s best friend at Granby, provides critical testimony during the hearing for Omar Evans’s retrial. 

Her revelations about her own experiences with assault and Bloch’s predatory behavior add depth to the novel’s themes of abuse and institutional failure. 

Beth’s character highlights the importance of survivors’ voices in seeking justice and the complexities of navigating traumatic memories. Her interactions with Bodie reveal the lingering impact of their shared past and the importance of solidarity among survivors.


1. Institutional Corruption and Injustice

The book delves deeply into the theme of institutional corruption and the miscarriage of justice. Through the wrongful conviction of Omar Evans, a Black athletic trainer, Rebecca Makkai critiques the systemic biases and racial prejudices that pervade legal and educational institutions. 

Omar’s conviction is emblematic of how institutions often prioritize expedient resolutions over genuine justice, particularly when racial minorities are involved. The novel portrays Granby, the elite boarding school, as a microcosm of larger societal issues, revealing how institutions protect their own reputations at the expense of truth.

The reluctance of school authorities to investigate faculty and students thoroughly, coupled with their eagerness to pin the crime on Omar, underscores the extent of institutional corruption. 

This theme is further highlighted through the retrospective examination of the case in the context of the #MeToo movement, emphasizing how systemic failings continue to shield predators and perpetuate injustices.

2. The Complexity of Memory and Truth

Memory and its reliability form a central theme in the novel, particularly as protagonist Bodie Kane revisits her past to uncover the truth about Thalia Keith’s murder. 

Makkai explores how memories can be fragmented, selective, and influenced by time and perspective. Bodie’s recollections are not straightforward; they are interspersed with personal biases, evolving insights, and long-suppressed details. 

The novel portrays memory as a double-edged sword: it can be a powerful tool for uncovering truths but also a means of perpetuating falsehoods. 

The process of creating the podcast, with Bodie and her students piecing together memories, rumors, and new evidence, illustrates the intricate and often problematic nature of reconstructing the past. 

This theme is emphasized by the multiple perspectives and suspects Bodie considers, reflecting how truth is multifaceted and elusive.

3. The Impact of the #MeToo Movement

The novel situates its narrative within the broader context of the #MeToo movement, examining its impact on personal lives and institutional practices. 

Through Bodie’s podcast, which focuses on abuse and harassment in Hollywood, and the allegations against her estranged husband, Jerome, Makkai highlights the cultural shift towards accountability and justice for survivors of sexual misconduct. 

The movement provides Bodie with a lens to reexamine Thalia’s murder, particularly regarding the predatory behavior of Dennis Bloch and other faculty members.

It also serves as a catalyst for other survivors from Granby and similar institutions to come forward with their stories, thereby challenging the entrenched power dynamics that have historically silenced victims. 

The novel portrays the #MeToo movement as a force for change, empowering individuals to seek justice and exposing the pervasive culture of silence and complicity that has protected abusers for decades.