A Soul of Ash and Blood Summary, Characters and Themes

A Soul of Ash and Blood is a fantasy romance novel by Jennifer Armentrout. It’s the fifth book in the Blood and Ash series. 

The story follows Casteel Da’Neer and Penellaphe Balfour Da’Neer, who are fighting a war against Ascended (vampires) after defeating the evil Queen Ileana. Poppy, who is also the Primal God of Life and Death, needs to enter stasis to complete her magical puberty. Cas decides to tell her their love story while she sleeps, rehashing the plot of the first book From Blood and Ash from his perspective.


A Soul of Ash and Blood revisits the story of Poppy and Cas from Cas’s perspective.

The story opens in Solis, recently liberated from the tyrannical rule of the Ascended, vampire-like creatures. Poppy, now revealed as the Primal of Life and Death, is searching for her imprisoned father, the god Ires. 

However, she falls unconscious and enters a stasis to complete her transformation.

Cas decides to recount their love story to help Poppy during her slumber. We travel back to when Cas, undercover as Atlantian guard Hawke Flynn, infiltrated Solis to capture Poppy, then known as the Maiden, and ransom her for his brother Malik.

Cas, raised by Atlantian royalty, witnessed the corruption of Solis firsthand. Queen Ileana, who manipulates mortals with lies, created an army of Ascended who feed on mortals. Cas seeks to expose Ileana’s cruelty and free Solis without war.

Everything changes when the Maiden, a defiant and intriguing young woman, enters his room. Cas, initially drawn to her rebellious spirit and fighting skills, soon develops genuine feelings for her. He becomes her guard, “Poppy,” and navigates the strict rules of her life.

Poppy uses silence as a shield, but Cas coaxes her into opening up with teasing and humor. He admires her resilience, especially after discovering the physical and emotional abuse she suffers from Duke Teerman.

While Cas intends to kidnap Poppy, his feelings complicate his mission. When her guard Vikter, suspicious of Cas, is killed, Cas and his team take Poppy on a fake journey to the capital. They secretly divert to a rebel town and reveal the truth about the Ascended.

Poppy, initially devastated, eventually trusts Cas. However, Atlantian traitors within the group attempt to kill her. Cas saves her life by giving her his Atlantian blood, but she attacks him, fearing manipulation. They fight, Cas heals, and they discover a deeper connection through their blood.

Cas declares his love and proposes marriage, vowing to protect her as Atlantian royalty.

The story then jumps between the past, detailing Cas and Poppy’s growing bond, and the present, where they face a new threat – the Revenant army created by Ileana. 

Here, Cas unlocks shapeshifting abilities. 

The book ends with Poppy awakening, her silver eyes gleaming, leaving the reader in suspense.

A Soul of Ash and Blood Summary


Casteel Da’Neer (Cas)

Casteel, the central character of the novel, is portrayed with deep complexity, narrating the events from his perspective. 

His character evolution is a focal point as he transitions from an Atlantian prince with a mission of vengeance to a lover whose priorities shift profoundly upon meeting Penellaphe. 

Initially, Casteel’s character is driven by a blend of duty to his kingdom and a personal vendetta against the Ascended who have wronged his family. However, his encounters with Poppy reveal a softer, more vulnerable side. 

Casteel’s journey through love and war highlights his struggles with loyalty, love, and leadership, underlining his growth from a scheming warrior to a dedicated partner willing to challenge his morals for the sake of those he loves.

Penellaphe Balfour Da’Neer (Poppy)

Penellaphe, known as Poppy, is initially shrouded in mystery and bound by her role as the Maiden. 

Throughout the series, and particularly in this retrospective narrative, her character is explored through her interactions with Casteel. Poppy is strong-willed, curious, and fiercely independent, traits that often clash with the subservient role she is forced into. 

Her transformation from a sheltered, controlled figure to a powerful entity aware of her godly heritage encapsulates themes of self-discovery and empowerment. 

Her journey is not just about discovering love but also about harnessing her inner strength and abilities to reshape her destiny.

Kieran Contou

Kieran, Casteel’s best friend and bonded companion, plays a crucial role in the dynamics between Poppy and Casteel. 

His character serves as both a bridge and a buffer, facilitating their relationship while also providing an external viewpoint on their development. 

Kieran’s loyalty to Casteel is unwavering, yet his bond with Poppy introduces complexity to his character, illustrating themes of friendship, sacrifice, and the blurred lines between duty and personal attachment.


Queen Ileana, revealed to be Isbeth, is the primary antagonist, whose actions drive much of the plot’s conflict. 

Her role as Poppy’s biological mother adds layers to her villainous persona, presenting a conflict between her maternal link to Poppy and her tyrannical ambitions. 

Isbeth’s character embodies the corrupting influence of power and the extremes one might reach when driven by vengeance and a distorted vision of love and legacy.

Millicent and Malik

The subplot involving Millicent and Malik enriches the narrative, offering a parallel to Poppy and Casteel’s story. 

Millicent, as Poppy’s sister, and Malik, as Casteel’s brother, mirror the main couple’s challenges but from a different perspective. Their experiences emphasize themes of familial bonds, betrayal, and redemption, contributing to the broader discourse on loyalty and love within the series.

Nektas and the Draken

Nektas, as the leader of the draken, introduces an element of the mythical and fantastical that is central to the series’ lore. 

His role is pivotal in managing the delicate balance between the mortal realms and the divine, providing guidance and enforcing the ancient laws that govern their world. 

The draken, with their loyalty to the gods and their transformative powers, add a layer of majesty and mystery to the narrative, representing the ever-present link between the old world and the new challenges the characters face.


Love’s Influence on Identity

In “A Soul of Ash and Blood,” the transformative power of love plays a central role, particularly in the evolution of Casteel Da’Neer’s character. 

Love not only influences personal identity but also reshapes perceptions and priorities. 

Casteel, initially focused on strategic goals and his personal vendetta against the Ascended, experiences a profound change in his sense of self and purpose upon falling in love with Penellaphe Balfour. 

This love catalyzes a shift from a life of subterfuge and manipulation to one of openness and sincerity. 

As their relationship deepens, Casteel’s motivations transition from using Poppy as a means to an end, to genuinely striving to protect and empower her. 

This shift is evident in his choices and actions, reflecting a broader theme in romantic literature where love acts as a force of personal growth and redefinition. 

Casteel’s love for Poppy not only redefines his identity but also impacts his worldview, altering his approach from conquest and revenge to collaboration and protection.

Understanding and Countering Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms

The novel explores the theme of coping mechanisms through its characters’ responses to trauma and adversity. 

Poppy and Casteel, both shaped by traumatic pasts, exhibit different methods of dealing with their pain. Poppy’s upbringing under strict and abusive conditions leads her to use silence and compliance as her primary coping strategies. 

This silence, however, is not mere submission but a form of control and self-preservation, allowing her to maintain a sense of autonomy under oppressive circumstances. 

Casteel, on the other hand, adopts a façade of charm and disinterest to mask his underlying motivations and emotional scars. 

The narrative delves into how these mechanisms are challenged and reshaped through their relationship. Their mutual understanding and support provide a safe space for confronting and addressing their unhealthy patterns. 

This dynamic is crucial in fantasy romance narratives, as it not only adds depth to the characters but also offers a blueprint for healing and growth through empathy and love.

Reconciling Contradictory Beliefs

The novel brings the theme of reconciling contradictory beliefs through its characters’ journeys, particularly as they navigate a world rife with deception and revealed truths. 

Poppy’s realization of her heritage and her role as the Primal God of Life and Death forces her to reassess her understanding of her world and her place within it. Similarly, Casteel’s experiences in Solis, coupled with his interactions with the Ascended and other characters, challenge his previously held beliefs about his enemies and his own leadership. 

The characters’ evolving understanding of their identities and the political landscape around them highlights the often-painful process of reconciling conflicting truths with one’s beliefs and values. 

This theme is central to the narrative, driving the characters’ internal conflicts and their interactions with each other, ultimately guiding them toward a more nuanced understanding of their complex world.