Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie Summary, Characters and Themes

Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie is a young adult novel by Jordan Sonnenblick. 

It follows Steven, a thirteen-year-old drummer with a normal life: band, crush on a girl, and an annoying younger brother, Jeffrey. When Jeffrey gets diagnosed with leukemia, Steven’s world is turned upside down. The title’s “Dangerous Pie” is a concoction made by Jeffrey, reflecting the humor and seriousness the book blends as Steven deals with family, illness, and finding his way through a difficult time.


Steven Alper is a typical eighth-grader, focused on drumming, his crush on Renee Albert, and the usual annoyances of having a younger brother, Jeffrey. 

But his world shatters when Jeffrey, after a minor fall, is diagnosed with acute lymphatic leukemia (ALL). Steven’s initial denial gives way to anger and a deep sense of helplessness. Consumed by his worries, Steven neglects his schoolwork and distances himself from friends.

The reality of Jeffrey’s illness is inescapable. Jeffrey’s chemotherapy sessions leave him weak and nauseous, his hair falls out, and the financial burden of medical bills strains the family. Steven grapples with guilt and anger. 

While his teachers are concerned about his failing grades, he can’t bring himself to tell them the truth.

As Steven witnesses the toll Jeffrey’s cancer takes, moments of self-pity lessen. He finds an empathetic ear in his school counselor, Mrs. Galley, who helps him focus on the things he can control. 

This leads Steven to make impactful choices—quitting drum lessons to save money for his family and shaving his own head in solidarity with Jeffrey when his brother faces teasing for being bald.

Steven’s friend Annette, a fellow musician, plays a pivotal role. After breaking her arm and being unable to perform in their band’s spring concert, she and Renee transform the event into a fundraiser to help the Alpers. 

Their efforts raise a phenomenal $22,000!

But fate throws another curveball. On the day of the concert, Jeffrey develops a fever, and Steven is hospitalized with his brother in Philadelphia. 

Here, he meets Samantha, a girl with ALL who shares how distant her sister has become since her diagnosis. Samantha makes Steven promise to always support Jeffrey, a promise that echoes in his heart.

Just before taking the stage for his big drum solo, news of Jeffrey’s fever forces a difficult choice. 

Remembering his promise, Steven abandons the concert to be by his brother’s side. Thankfully, Jeffrey is fine, but tragedy strikes when they learn the next day of Samantha’s passing.

The novel concludes on a bittersweet note. Jeffrey achieves remission, and Steven, now more mature, has a newfound appreciation for his brother and a budding relationship with Annette. 

The experience deeply changes him, reminding him of the fragility of life and the importance of showing love to those who matter most.

Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie Summary, Characters and Themes


Steven Alper

Steven begins the novel as a sarcastic, somewhat self-centered eighth-grader. His world revolves around drumming, girls, and the typical frustrations of having a younger brother. 

Jeffrey’s diagnosis shatters his carefree existence, thrusting him into a maelstrom of emotions. Initially, denial shields him from fully grasping the severity of the situation. As reality sets in, he struggles with anger, guilt, and a deep sense of helplessness. However, as the story unfolds, Steven’s character arc reveals growth and resilience. 

Mrs. Galley’s guidance helps him realize he can’t control his brother’s illness, but he can take action where possible. This new perspective prompts him to quit drum lessons, support Jeffrey emotionally, and work hard to catch up on his academics. 

The encounter with Samantha emphasizes the seriousness of Jeffrey’s disease and the importance of staying present, reinforcing Steven’s commitment to his brother. 

In the end, Steven emerges more mature and compassionate, with a deeper appreciation for family.

Jeffrey Alper

Jeffrey is the lovable, energetic five-year-old whose diagnosis turns the Alper family’s life upside down. 

While his young age limits a full understanding of his leukemia, Jeffrey’s spirit shines through. He endures chemotherapy’s harsh effects with bravery but also experiences moments of fear and vulnerability. 

The playground scene highlights how his illness isolates him, making Steven’s act of shaving his head all the more poignant. Jeffrey remains a symbol of both strength and uncertainty, and his battle with cancer becomes a catalyst for change within his brother and the family as a whole.

Mr. and Mrs. Alper

Steven’s parents are portrayed as loving and supportive figures who struggle beneath the weight of their child’s illness. 

Mrs. Alper often becomes the primary caretaker for Jeffrey, her worry and exhaustion visible throughout the novel. Mr. Alper, while providing a rock of stability, grapples with the added financial strain brought on by Jeffrey’s medical expenses. 

Their relationship shows moments of stress, but they ultimately manage to navigate the crisis together, finding support and understanding within their love for each other and their sons.

Annette Watson

Annette starts as Steven’s friend and fellow band member. 

Her kindness and perceptiveness become a source of strength for Steven, who initially hides his struggles from her. When she breaks her arm, it sets in motion a remarkable act of friendship.

Annette’s initiative, alongside Renee’s support, to turn a concert into a fundraiser exemplifies selflessness and the transformative power of community during difficult times. 

The novel concludes with her budding into Steven’s girlfriend, hinting at a deeper connection forming throughout their shared experiences.


1. The Power of Family in Times of Adversity

At its core, the story is about the strength and resilience found within the bonds of family. 

When faced with Jeffrey’s life-threatening diagnosis, the Alpers experience a rollercoaster of emotions – fear, anger, and desperation. Yet, through it all, their love for each other becomes a powerful force for survival. 

Steven’s initial resentment gives way to the fierce protectiveness of his brother. 

Parents who were once preoccupied with typical parental worries now unite with an unwavering determination to support their sick child. 

While financial strain and the exhaustion of caregiving threaten to break them, the Alpers ultimately emerge from this ordeal with a deepened connection and unbreakable spirit.

2. Navigating Grief and Finding Hope

The novel masterfully portrays the complexities of grief, not as a linear process, but as an unpredictable and ongoing experience. 

Steven cycles through denial, anger, bargaining, sadness, and eventually a degree of acceptance. He grapples with conflicting emotions: the despair of confronting his brother’s mortality and the relentless need for hope that things will improve. 

Jeffrey’s illness casts a long shadow, impacting every aspect of Steven’s life, and he struggles to find meaning in the face of such suffering. 

The book offers no easy resolution but underscores the importance of finding a way to hold onto hope, even amidst grief and uncertainty. 

Support from those like Mrs. Galley acts as a guiding light for Steven to navigate these emotionally turbulent waters.

3. The Transformative Power of Perspective

Steven begins the novel as a self-absorbed teen focused on drumming, girls, and the typical frustrations of adolescence. 

Jeffrey’s illness forces him to confront the world beyond his immediate concerns. Witnessing his brother’s suffering and the sacrifices of his parents irrevocably changes Steven’s perspective. 

Small annoyances fade, and acts of kindness from friends like Annette and Renee take on profound significance. His initial bitterness melts away, replaced by a sense of responsibility and determination to make a difference, as seen through his decision to give up drum lessons and support Jeffrey in tangible ways. 

While the events are deeply painful, the novel highlights the extraordinary potential for growth and selflessness that can emerge from even the darkest of circumstances.