No More Mr. Nice Guy | Book Summary
“No More Mr Nice Guy” is a self-help book written by Dr. Robert A. Glover, originally published in 2000. The book is designed primarily for men who identify as “Nice Guys” and who are typically seeking approval and validation from others, often to their detriment.
The book is written with the aim to help these men recognize their behavior, understand why it’s harmful, and offer a pathway to change their lives for the better.
No More Mr. Nice Guy Summary
The book is divided into multiple chapters, each focusing on different aspects of the “Nice Guy Syndrome,” its origins, impacts, and potential solutions. Below is a more detailed summary:
- The Nice Guy Syndrome: Dr. Glover introduces the concept of “Nice Guy Syndrome” in the opening chapter. According to him, Nice Guys are men who believe that they need to please others to get what they want in life. They avoid conflict, hide their flaws, seek constant approval, and often put others’ needs above their own.
- The Making of a Nice Guy: This chapter delves into the origins of the Nice Guy Syndrome, typically rooted in early childhood experiences. These men often grow up in environments where their needs weren’t adequately met or where they received negative messages about their masculinity.
- Learned Behaviors: Dr. Glover further explores how Nice Guys develop harmful behaviors and patterns as coping mechanisms for their unmet needs and negative self-perceptions. They may lie, manipulate, or become passive-aggressive to avoid displeasing others or revealing their perceived flaws.
- Breaking Free from the Nice Guy Syndrome: This section starts the practical advice on how to break free from the syndrome. Dr. Glover suggests a series of actions that include setting boundaries, prioritizing their own needs, being honest with themselves and others, and letting go of the need for approval.
- Reclaiming Personal Power: This part continues the actionable steps, but now focused on reclaiming personal power. Dr. Glover advises men to connect with other men, establish healthy relationships, express feelings, and embrace their masculinity. It also includes strategies to build personal integrity and self-confidence.
- Getting the Love You Want: The book emphasizes that changing oneself often changes the dynamics of existing relationships. It discusses how Nice Guys can create satisfying relationships by expressing needs, being honest, and learning to be okay with conflict.
- Getting the Sex You Want: This chapter talks about sexual satisfaction. Dr. Glover encourages Nice Guys to acknowledge and express their sexual desires in a healthy and respectful manner without fear of rejection or judgement.
- Getting the Life You Want: The concluding chapter discusses the long-term impact of overcoming the Nice Guy Syndrome, including improved relationships, better career prospects, and an overall increased satisfaction with life.

What can you learn from the book?
1. Understanding the “Nice Guy” Syndrome
This “Nice Guy” syndrome is characterized by behaviors that are driven by the need for approval, specifically from others.
Nice Guys tend to believe that they will be loved and get what they want if they are good and do everything right. However, they often feel frustrated and unfulfilled when their needs are not met, despite their efforts.
A common example of this would be a man who constantly agrees with his partner, even when he disagrees, to avoid conflict. In the long run, this leads to suppressed feelings, resentment, and an unhealthy relationship.
Understanding this pattern is the first step towards transforming one’s behaviors and achieving personal fulfillment.
2. Embracing Self-care and Prioritizing Personal Needs
This lesson teaches that it’s not selfish to prioritize oneself.
Rather, it’s a necessity for mental and emotional wellbeing.
Nice Guys tend to prioritize others’ needs, even at their own expense. They might feel guilty or fear being seen as selfish. An example of this would be someone who constantly sacrifices their own time or hobbies to accommodate others.
However, Glover argues that a balance is needed and it’s important to establish personal boundaries, prioritize self-care, and invest time in one’s own interests and hobbies.
3. Assertive Communication and Honest Expression of Needs
Nice Guys often suppress their true feelings or desires in fear of rejection or conflict. However, this can lead to passive-aggressive behaviors, frustration, and resentment.
An example would be a man who keeps quiet about his dislike for a certain activity because he fears his partner’s reaction. This can lead to long-term dissatisfaction and strain in the relationship.
Glover emphasizes that being honest and assertive with one’s feelings and needs is vital for healthy relationships and personal wellbeing.
4. Breaking Free from the Approval-seeking Mindset
Glover asserts that Nice Guys often seek external validation and approval, but this can lead to a perpetual cycle of feeling unfulfilled.
An individual cannot control how others perceive them, and trying to do so can result in the suppression of their true selves.
An example of this would be someone who constantly tries to impress their boss, even at the cost of their personal life or wellbeing.
Glover encourages us to focus on internal validation, self-acceptance, and personal growth, rather than being overly concerned about others’ opinions.
By doing so, individuals can achieve a more authentic sense of self and enjoy more fulfilling relationships.
Final Thoughts
Throughout “No More Mr Nice Guy”, Dr. Glover combines case studies, practical advice, and exercises to help Nice Guys identify their patterns, understand their past, and take concrete steps towards a more assertive, confident, and healthier way of living.
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