Requiem for the American Dream Book Summary
In the compelling work “Requiem for the American Dream,” Noam Chomsky, a renowned linguist and political activist, delves into the alarming rise of income inequality in the United States over the past 40 years.
Published in 2017 and based on the 2015 documentary of the same name, this book offers a critical look at the effects of neoliberalism since the 1970s, highlighting a stark concentration of wealth and power among the elite, to the detriment of lower and middle classes.
Requiem for the American Dream Full Summary and Principles
Chomsky presents a thought-provoking narrative, structured around ten thematic principles, each dissecting a different aspect of how American elites systematically undermine democratic processes to expand their dominance.
These principles, interspersed with insightful excerpts from a variety of sources, offer a comprehensive analysis of this complex issue.
The journey begins with a preface titled “A Note on the American Dream,” where Chomsky contrasts current socioeconomic conditions with those during the Great Depression.
The introduction then sets the stage by defining democracy and assessing how the US measures up against this ideal.
Now here are the 10 principles that the book talks about.
1. Reduce Democracy
Chomsky explores how the democratic process has been systematically diminished to ensure that the real decision-making power rests with the wealthy elite.
This principle is not about eliminating democracy outright but subtly reducing its scope. He discusses how mechanisms like voter suppression, gerrymandering, and the influence of money in politics serve to disenfranchise large segments of the population.
The goal, as Chomsky sees it, is to keep the appearance of democratic processes while ensuring that the critical decisions are made by a small, elite group whose interests often conflict with those of the broader public.
2. Shape Ideology
This principle delves into the manipulation and control of public opinion to maintain the status quo.
Chomsky argues that the elite class, through their influence over media, education, and other cultural institutions, shapes societal values and norms in a way that justifies and perpetuates their power and wealth.
This involves promoting ideologies that favor free market principles, individualism, and consumerism, while downplaying values like community, cooperation, and public welfare.
This ideological control ensures that people accept the economic and social order as natural or inevitable, thereby reducing resistance and criticism.
3. Redesign the Economy
Chomsky examines the structural changes in the economy that have led to greater wealth concentration.
He discusses the shift from a production-based economy to one dominated by finance and investment, where wealth is increasingly generated through financial manipulation rather than the production of goods and services.
This shift has been accompanied by policies such as deregulation of industries, tax policies favoring the wealthy, and the erosion of workers’ rights and protections.
These changes have not only resulted in the rich getting richer but also in increased economic instability and crises, which often further hurt the lower and middle classes.
4. Shift the Burden
In this principle, Chomsky describes how economic policies have increasingly shifted the tax burden from the rich and corporations onto the middle and working classes.
He points out how tax policies, government subsidies, and loopholes are designed to benefit the wealthy, allowing them to accumulate greater wealth.
At the same time, social services and safety nets for the poor and middle class are cut in the name of fiscal responsibility.
This shifting of the burden also includes greater reliance on regressive taxes, like sales taxes, which disproportionately affect lower-income individuals.
5. Attack Solidarity
Chomsky highlights the strategic weakening of groups and institutions that promote collective action among the working and middle classes. Key to this principle is the decline of labor unions and other collective bodies that could challenge the power of the elite.
He discusses how anti-union legislation, corporate-led campaigns against collective bargaining, and the general cultural shift against organized labor have diminished workers’ ability to fight for better wages, working conditions, and benefits.
This weakening of solidarity extends to other forms of collective action and community organization that could resist or offer alternatives to the prevailing economic and political order.

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6. Run the Regulators
Chomsky discusses the concept of regulatory capture, where regulatory agencies are dominated by the industries they are supposed to regulate.
This principle asserts that powerful business interests exert significant influence over the agencies tasked with overseeing their activities, leading to regulations that often favor the interests of the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the public.
Chomsky highlights instances where former industry executives are appointed to key positions in regulatory bodies, and how lobbying and the revolving door between the corporate sector and government agencies undermine the effectiveness of regulation.
This process not only weakens regulatory oversight but also contributes to a business environment where corporate misdeeds are more likely to go unpunished.
7. Engineer Elections
This principle focuses on the manipulation of the electoral process to ensure political outcomes that favor the elite.
Chomsky delves into how campaign finance has become a tool for the wealthy to exert disproportionate influence over politics.
The increasing cost of election campaigns means that politicians are often beholden to their wealthy donors, skewing their priorities towards the interests of the few.
This principle also covers the impact of lobbying, political advertising, and the media’s role in shaping voter perceptions and opinions, often in ways that favor elite interests.
8. Keep the Rabble in Line
Here, Chomsky explores the methods used to suppress dissent and protest movements.
He argues that the elite class views any form of popular mobilization that could challenge their interests as a threat, and they use various strategies to discredit, marginalize, or outright suppress these movements.
This includes the use of law enforcement and surveillance, the manipulation of public opinion to portray protesters as illegitimate or extremist, and the co-optation of movements by offering superficial concessions without addressing the underlying issues.
9. Manufacture Consent
Borrowing from the term he famously coined with Edward S. Herman, Chomsky discusses how mass media serves to propagate messages that align with elite interests and help legitimize the status quo.
This principle is about the control of information and the shaping of public discourse. The media, according to Chomsky, plays a key role in defining what topics are considered newsworthy, how these topics are framed, and what narratives are promoted.
This process results in a public that is often misinformed or distracted from key issues, reducing the potential for critical thought and resistance to elite power structures.
10. Marginalize the Population
In this final principle, Chomsky argues that a significant goal of the elite is to ensure that the general population is marginalized from the political process.
This is achieved through the various mechanisms outlined in the previous principles, such as undermining democratic processes, controlling ideology, and suppressing dissent.
The result is a populace that is disengaged, disillusioned, or feels powerless to effect change.
This marginalization is crucial for maintaining the concentration of wealth and power, as it reduces the likelihood of organized resistance or demands for more equitable distribution of resources and power.
Final Thoughts
Chomsky’s analysis in “Requiem for the American Dream” offers a critical and thought-provoking perspective on the systemic issues of wealth and power concentration in American society.
By elucidating these ten principles, he not only dissects the mechanisms through which inequality is perpetuated but also implicitly urges the reader to consider the broader implications for democracy and social justice.
The book highlights the interplay between economic policies, political power, and public ideology, urging a deeper understanding of how these forces shape society.
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