Us Against You Summary, Charactes and Themes

“Us Against You” by Fredrik Backman brings to us a profound narrative set in the heart of Beartown, a secluded town nestled in the woods, sharing a deep-rooted love for hockey with its neighboring town, Hed. 

This novel, through a third-person collective viewpoint, intricately explores the interconnected lives of its residents, unveiling the fabric of a community tested by adversity and bound by the love of the game.


The story unfolds in the aftermath of a harrowing event: the assault of Maya Andersson by Kevin Erdahl, which sets off a chain reaction of violence, threatening the cohesiveness of Beartown and its inhabitants. 

The situation escalates when Beartown’s hockey funding is redirected to Hed, jeopardizing the future of the local team and stoking the flames of rivalry. 

The fallout sees Maya and her ally Benji Ovich, ostracized for his support, becoming targets of harassment.

At the heart of Beartown’s turmoil is the Andersson family, grappling with the strains on their bond. 

Peter Andersson, preoccupied with his role in the hockey club, faces resentment from his wife, Kira, who seeks fulfillment beyond her familial roles. Their daughter Maya, burdened by guilt over her assault’s repercussions, watches as her family drifts apart.

The narrative further complicates as Richard Theo, a manipulative politician, schemes to gain control over Beartown through the hockey club and the local factory. 

His machinations involve hiring Elisabeth Zackell as the new coach, aiming to puppeteer the town through her and Peter. His ultimate goal is to monopolize power by exploiting the hockey club and the factory’s influence, sowing discord among the townsfolk.

Central to the story is Benji Ovich, whose journey of self-discovery and acceptance is poignantly depicted against the backdrop of community prejudice and personal loss. 

His evolution, alongside the growth and camaraderie of the hockey team, underscores the novel’s thematic focus on identity and belonging.

The rivalry between Beartown and Hed escalates to a tragic climax with the death of a young player, Vidar, in a violent confrontation. 

This calamity becomes a catalyst for reconciliation, as both towns come together in mourning, sparking a movement towards forgiveness and unity.

Us Against You Summary


Maya Andersson

Maya is at the center of the novel’s conflict, having been assaulted by Kevin Erdahl. 

Her journey through trauma, and the impact it has on her family and community, is a central theme. Maya’s struggle with the consequences of the assault and her search for healing encapsulate the novel’s exploration of resilience and forgiveness.

Benji Ovich

Benji, a key member of the Beartown hockey team, faces his own set of challenges. After siding with Maya, he becomes isolated and targeted by the community. Benji’s journey is one of self-discovery, as he navigates his sexuality, deals with the loss of his father, and finds his place within his team and community.

Peter Andersson

Peter is Maya’s father and the general manager of the Beartown hockey club. His dedication to hockey puts a strain on his family relationships, particularly with his wife, Kira, and daughter, Maya. Peter’s decisions and moral dilemmas play a significant role in the unfolding events within Beartown and its hockey community.

Kira Andersson

Kira, Peter’s wife, struggles with her own desires for career fulfillment against the backdrop of her family’s crisis. Her journey reflects the themes of sacrifice, loyalty, and the search for individuality within the context of family and community responsibilities.

Kevin Erdahl

Kevin is the perpetrator of the assault on Maya, an event that triggers the main conflict in the novel. His actions and their aftermath highlight the community’s complex reactions to crime, justice, and loyalty, especially in the context of sports and local heroism.

Richard Theo

A manipulative politician, Richard seeks to exploit the tensions within Beartown to gain power. His schemes involve controlling the hockey club and the local economy, showcasing the novel’s exploration of power, corruption, and the impact of politics on community life.

Elisabeth Zackell

Hired by Richard Theo to coach the Beartown hockey team, Elisabeth becomes a pawn in Richard’s broader scheme to control the town. Her role touches on themes of ambition, manipulation, and the challenges faced by women in leadership positions within male-dominated sports.

The Hockey Team

The players of the Beartown hockey team, including younger members like Amat, Bobo, and Vidar, represent the diverse aspects of youth and community in Beartown. Their development, rivalries, and camaraderies underline the novel’s themes of growth, identity, and the unifying power of sports.


1. Community and Identity

At its core, the book is a story about how a place and its traditions shape the identities of those who live within it. 

Beartown, with its deep-rooted hockey culture, is more than just a setting—it’s a character in its own right, influencing the lives and decisions of its inhabitants. The book scrutinizes how the collective identity of a community can both empower and imprison individuals, fostering a sense of belonging while also igniting divisions. 

As the town faces the threat of losing its hockey team, the residents’ reactions reveal the intricate balance between personal identity and communal belonging. 

This theme is further complicated by characters like Benji, whose personal identity struggles clash with the town’s expectations, showcasing the tension between individuality and community norms.

2. Resilience in the Face of Adversity

The novel is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to endure and rise above hardship. Through the trials faced by the Andersson family, the ostracization of Maya and Benji, and the broader community’s economic and social challenges, Backman portrays resilience not just as a matter of survival but as a path to transformation. 

The characters’ journeys through pain, betrayal, and loss highlight the theme of resilience, showing how adversity can lead to growth, understanding, and change. 

The narrative arc, culminating in a tragic event that brings the towns of Beartown and Hed together, underscores the idea that healing and unity are possible even after profound loss.

3. Power, Manipulation, and Morality

The machinations of Richard Theo and the ensuing political and social turmoil in Beartown reveal the darker aspects of human nature. 

Backman explores how the pursuit of power can corrupt and divide, using the microcosm of a hockey team and a small town to reflect broader societal issues. 

The theme of morality is intricately woven into the narrative, as characters navigate the murky waters of right and wrong in their personal and collective struggles. The novel raises questions about the moral compromises people are willing to make for success, belonging, and survival, and how those choices affect the fabric of their community. 

Through the character of Richard Theo, Backman examines the impact of manipulation and deceit, prompting readers to reflect on the consequences of unchecked ambition and the true cost of power.

Final Thoughts

Fredrik Backman masterfully captures the essence of small-town life, the passion for hockey, and the complex web of human relationships. “Us Against You” is not just a story about a town and its hockey team; it’s a deep dive into the dynamics of society, exploring themes of loyalty, identity, and the power of community in the face of adversity. 

Through the lens of Beartown and its residents, Backman invites readers into a world where the love of a game can both divide and heal, making “Us Against You” a compelling tale of resilience and redemption.