Heartstopper: Volume One Summary, Characters and Themes

Heartstopper: Volume 1 is a graphic novel by Alice Oseman, first published in 2018. It is a young adult LGBTQ+ romance and coming-of-age story that follows Charlie, a shy and openly gay 14-year-old, and Nick, a friendly rugby player a year older. As they form a deep friendship, Charlie falls for Nick, who begins to question his own feelings and sexuality. 

The novel explores themes of identity, acceptance, and young love, with a focus on the struggles and triumphs of LGBTQ+ youth. Heartstopper has been acclaimed for its heartwarming and authentic portrayal of teenage relationships.


The story follows Charlie, a 14-year-old boy who has recently come out as gay and is navigating his relationships and identity at an all-boys school. Charlie is shy and has been bullied in the past, but he’s also popular and well-liked by his peers. 

When he’s seated next to Nick, a friendly and charming rugby player, in his new registration class, Charlie is immediately smitten. However, he assumes Nick is straight and tries to brush off his feelings.

As Charlie and Nick spend more time together, they develop a strong friendship. Nick invites Charlie to join the rugby team, and they bond over their shared love of sports and music. Charlie can’t help but develop a crush on Nick, but he’s afraid of being rejected or hurt.

Meanwhile, Charlie is also dealing with the aftermath of a toxic relationship with Ben, who used him for secret kisses while maintaining a public relationship with his girlfriend. 

When Ben tries to assault Charlie again, Nick steps in and defends him, showing a deeper level of care and concern for Charlie’s well-being.

As the story progresses, Nick starts to realize his own feelings for Charlie. He’s confused and unsure if he’s gay or not, but he can’t deny the connection he feels with Charlie. When they spend time together at each other’s homes, Nick starts to feel a sense of comfort and belonging around Charlie.

At a party, Nick’s friends try to push him to talk to a girl named Tara, but he’s relieved to find out she’s a lesbian with no interest in him. When Charlie asks Nick if he’d date someone who’s not a girl, Nick hesitates but eventually says yes. When Charlie asks if Nick would kiss him, Nick says yes again, and they share a romantic kiss.

However, Nick becomes overwhelmed and pulls away, leaving Charlie feeling confused and hurt. The volume ends on a cliffhanger, with Charlie crying and apologizing to himself for messing everything up.

Heartstopper Volume 1


Charlie Spring

Charlie is the protagonist of Heartstopper: Volume 1

As a 14-year-old boy in year 10 at Truham Grammar School for Boys, he navigates the complexities of his sexual identity in a largely unsupportive environment

Despite facing intense bullying when he came out as gay, Charlie has managed to become popular at school, though this popularity does not shield him from self-doubt and insecurity. 

Charlie’s shy demeanor around Nick, whom he perceives as out of his league, highlights his struggle with self-esteem. His interactions with Ben, a closeted and abusive boy, further emphasize Charlie’s vulnerability and the emotional toll of being used and discarded. 

However, Charlie’s resilience is evident in his decision to end things with Ben and his gradual opening up to Nick, showing his capacity for growth and courage in the face of adversity.

Nicholas (Nick) Nelson

Nick is a year 11 student and a friendly rugby player who initially appears to be a stereotypical straight jock. 

However, as the story progresses, Nick’s character unfolds to reveal depth and complexity. He forms a genuine bond with Charlie, moving from casual friendliness to a deep and caring relationship. 

Nick’s protective instincts are highlighted when he defends Charlie from Ben, indicating his growing affection and concern for Charlie’s well-being. 

Nick’s journey of self-discovery is central to the narrative, as he grapples with his emerging feelings for Charlie and questions his own sexual orientation. 

His internal conflict and search for identity are poignantly depicted, making him a relatable and sympathetic character.

Ben Hope

Ben represents the darker side of the struggles with sexual identity. As a closeted gay student, Ben is ashamed of his sexuality and projects his self-loathing onto Charlie. 

His abusive behavior towards Charlie, including secretive and forceful encounters, underscores his internalized homophobia and fear of exposure. 

Ben’s character serves as a foil to Nick, highlighting different responses to similar struggles with identity. 

While Ben resorts to manipulation and aggression, Nick seeks understanding and connection, making Ben’s actions a crucial catalyst for Charlie’s growth and Nick’s protective instincts.

Tao Xu

Tao is Charlie’s close friend and a grounding presence in his life. He is protective of Charlie and wary of Nick, fearing that Charlie will get hurt by falling for a straight boy. 

Tao’s skepticism about Nick’s intentions and his warnings to Charlie underscore his loyalty and concern. However, his constant reminders about Nick’s presumed heterosexuality also add to Charlie’s internal conflict and doubt. 

Tao’s character provides a realistic portrayal of a supportive friend who, despite his good intentions, sometimes struggles to fully understand and navigate his friend’s experiences.

Tara Jones

Though her role in Volume 1 is relatively minor, Tara serves as a significant point of reference for Nick’s understanding of his feelings. 

As a lesbian who has a girlfriend, Tara represents a confident and self-assured acceptance of one’s sexuality, contrasting with the struggles faced by other characters. 

Her presence at the party and the misunderstanding about her and Nick highlight the complexities of social perceptions and expectations regarding sexual orientation.


Nick’s dog, Nellie, while not a human character, plays a symbolic role in the story. 

Nellie represents a safe and comforting presence for Nick, reflecting the unconditional acceptance and joy that contrasts with the uncertainty and turmoil of his human relationships. 

The scenes involving Nellie often coincide with moments of bonding between Nick and Charlie, emphasizing the warmth and simplicity of their growing connection.

Nick’s Mother

Nick’s mother, though a secondary character, provides valuable insights into Nick’s personality. Her observation that Nick is more himself around Charlie than his other friends underscores the authenticity and depth of Nick’s feelings. 

Her supportive and perceptive nature hints at a potentially positive family environment for Nick, which might influence his journey of self-acceptance.


Self-Discovery and Identity

Heartstopper delves deeply into the theme of self-discovery and identity, particularly through the characters of Charlie and Nick. 

Charlie’s journey is one of acceptance and pride in his sexual orientation after experiencing severe bullying. Despite becoming more comfortable with his identity, Charlie continues to struggle with self-esteem issues, especially concerning his feelings for Nick. 

On the other hand, Nick’s narrative arc is centered around his exploration of his sexuality. Initially confident in his heterosexuality, Nick’s growing closeness with Charlie prompts him to question and eventually begin to accept the possibility of being bisexual. 

This theme is illustrated through Nick’s internal struggles, such as his late-night searches for information about his sexuality and his gradual realization of his feelings for Charlie. 

The graphic novel portrays these journeys with sensitivity, highlighting the confusion, fear, and eventual acceptance that often accompany the process of self-discovery.

Friendship and Support

The theme of friendship and support is crucial in Heartstopper, as it underscores the importance of having a supportive network during challenging times. 

Charlie’s friends, particularly Tao Xu, play a significant role in providing him with a sense of belonging and security. Although Tao is wary of Charlie’s burgeoning relationship with Nick, his concern is rooted in a desire to protect his friend from potential heartbreak. 

Nick’s friendship with Charlie also evolves into a strong bond that is characterized by genuine care and mutual respect. This theme is poignantly depicted in scenes where Nick stands up for Charlie against Ben’s harassment and when he reaches out to check on Charlie’s well-being. 

Additionally, Nick’s mother’s observation that Nick is more himself around Charlie than his other friends highlights the transformative power of a supportive and understanding friendship. 

Through these relationships, the graphic novel emphasizes the significance of having allies who offer emotional support and encouragement.

The Impact of Bullying

Bullying is a recurring theme in Heartstopper, illustrating its profound impact on the characters’ lives and emotional well-being. 

Charlie’s past experiences with bullying due to his sexual orientation have left deep scars, influencing his self-esteem and his cautious approach to new relationships. 

The graphic novel does not shy away from depicting the harsh realities of bullying, as seen in the scenes where Charlie is harassed by Ben and the lingering effects this has on him. Nick’s growing awareness of the bullying Charlie endured further complicates his feelings, driving him to protect and support Charlie more fervently. 

This theme is integral to understanding the characters’ motivations and the barriers they must overcome. By addressing the issue of bullying head-on, Heartstopper advocates for empathy and the importance of standing up against such behavior to foster a more inclusive and supportive environment.

Love and Romantic Exploration

The exploration of love and romance is a central theme in Heartstopper, particularly the nuances of young LGBTQ+ relationships. The evolving relationship between Charlie and Nick is portrayed with a delicate balance of innocence and complexity. 

Initially, Charlie’s crush on Nick seems unrequited and potentially painful, but as the story progresses, it becomes evident that Nick’s feelings are more complicated than they appear. Their interactions, from playful moments on the rugby field to intimate conversations about their feelings, gradually build up to their first kiss. 

This development is not just about romantic attraction but also about emotional connection and mutual understanding. The graphic novel captures the exhilaration and uncertainty of first love, especially within the context of exploring one’s sexual orientation. 

Through Charlie and Nick’s journey, Heartstopper highlights the beauty and challenges of young love, emphasizing that romantic exploration is a significant part of personal growth and self-discovery.