Zero Days Summary, Characters and Themes

“Zero Days,” a psychological thriller by Ruth Ware, follows the relentless journey of Jack Cross, a skilled penetration tester, who finds herself ensnared in a nightmarish scenario. After returning home from a routine job, she discovers her husband, Gabe, brutally murdered. 

With the police targeting her as the prime suspect, Jack goes on the run, determined to find the real killer. As she navigates a web of deception and cyber threats, Jack uncovers a dark secret that could endanger countless lives, leading to a final twist that gives her a new reason to keep fighting.


Jack Cross, an expert in cybersecurity, is in the midst of a routine assignment—breaking into a London office to expose vulnerabilities in its defenses. With her husband, Gabe, guiding her through the mission via Bluetooth, everything seems to be going according to plan until she’s apprehended by security. 

After a tense interrogation, Jack is released, thanks to the intervention of her ex-boyfriend, Jeff, a police officer whose abusive past still haunts her.

Returning home, Jack is met with a horrifying scene: Gabe has been murdered, his throat savagely slashed. 

The hard drive from his computer is missing, leaving Jack not only devastated but also the prime suspect in his death. Desperate to clear her name and find the truth, she contacts Gabe’s best friend, Cole Garrick, who offers his assistance. 

However, the situation spirals further when Jack receives an email from an insurance company about a large policy taken out in Gabe’s name—a policy neither she nor Gabe ever purchased.

Realizing she’s being framed, Jack flees, gathering supplies and evading the police. With her sister Hel’s help, she changes her appearance and finds refuge in a remote cabin, courtesy of Cole. 

However, the safety is short-lived. Jack’s suspicion grows when she receives strange messages from Hel, filled with uncharacteristic emojis, and when she narrowly escapes a police raid at the cabin.

Determined to get to the bottom of Gabe’s murder, Jack tracks down information about the suspicious insurance policy. 

Her investigation leads her to Sunsmile Insurance, where she discovers a recorded phone call that confirms her worst fears: the voice on the tape isn’t Gabe’s—it’s Cole’s.

As she pieces together the puzzle, Jack learns that Gabe had uncovered a major security flaw in an app developed by Cole’s company, Cerberus Security. This flaw allowed criminals to collect sensitive data on children. 

Gabe had planned to report it, but Cole, fearing the repercussions, tried to cover it up. 

When Gabe refused to stay silent, Cole orchestrated his murder to protect himself and the illegal profits he was making.

Jack’s situation becomes even more perilous as she realizes the person she thought was Hel is actually a manipulator using her sister’s identity. 

With nowhere else to turn, Jack hacks into Gabe’s cloud account to retrieve the evidence he left behind. She then exposes the security flaw to the public, using social media to force Cerberus to face the consequences.

In a dramatic confrontation at Cole’s apartment, Jack livestreams his confession just as the police arrive. 

Although Jack is arrested, her innocence is soon established. She wakes in a hospital to learn she is pregnant with Gabe’s child, a revelation that gives her the strength to move forward.

A year later, Jack, now a mother, has rebuilt her life. The investigation into Gabe’s murder is closed with the discovery of the real killers, and Jack finds peace, knowing that justice has been served and that she and her daughter, Gabby, are safe.

Zero Days Summary, Characters and Themes


Jack Cross

Jack Cross is the protagonist and narrator of Zero Days, embodying resourcefulness, resilience, and a deep-seated sense of justice. She is a “pen tester,” someone who tests the security of systems by attempting to breach them, showcasing her technical expertise and quick thinking.

Her character is defined by her determination and self-reliance, qualities that become even more prominent as she navigates the harrowing events following her husband’s murder. Jack’s narrative is driven by her need to clear her name and uncover the truth about Gabe’s death, all while being hunted by the police.

Despite her formidable skills, Jack is not invulnerable. The story paints a vivid picture of her vulnerabilities—her grief over Gabe’s death, the trauma from her past relationship with Jeff, and the physical toll of her injuries.

These elements humanize her, making her a more complex and relatable character. As the story progresses, Jack’s emotional journey is as critical as the external plot.

She moves from shock and desperation to a place of resolve, and eventually, to a bittersweet acceptance of her new reality, particularly with the surprise revelation of her pregnancy.

Gabe Medway

Gabe Medway, Jack’s husband, is central to the story, though his presence is felt more through memories and the impact of his death than through his direct actions. Gabe is portrayed as a moral and principled man, which is highlighted by his refusal to exploit the security flaw he discovers.

His integrity ultimately costs him his life, positioning him as a tragic figure whose death propels the plot. Gabe’s relationship with Jack is depicted as loving and supportive, with their partnership being both personal and professional.

His murder not only devastates Jack emotionally but also triggers the unfolding of the story’s mystery. Gabe’s role is also crucial in revealing the darker side of the tech world, where ethics and profit often collide, leading to catastrophic consequences.

Cole Garrick

Cole Garrick is a complex and ultimately duplicitous character. Initially presented as a friend and ally to Jack, his true nature and intentions are slowly revealed, adding layers of tension and intrigue to the story.

Cole is a colleague of Gabe’s and ostensibly someone Jack can trust, but it becomes clear that he harbors his own agenda. His involvement in the creation or concealment of the security flaw and his attempt to cover it up by any means necessary, including implicating Jack, make him the story’s antagonist.

Cole’s actions reveal a darker side of the tech industry, where the pursuit of profit can lead individuals to betray their closest friends and associates. His ultimate downfall comes when Jack, using her wits and skills, forces him to confess, thereby bringing justice for Gabe’s murder.

Helen “Hel” Cross

Helen, or “Hel,” is Jack’s sister and one of her few remaining confidants. Hel’s character serves as a contrast to Jack’s; where Jack is action-oriented and independent, Hel is more grounded and nurturing.

Despite her initial distance from the events, Hel becomes a crucial support system for Jack, helping her when she is most vulnerable. Hel’s involvement also highlights the theme of family and loyalty, as she risks her safety to aid Jack.

Her skepticism of Cole’s story and her insights contribute significantly to Jack’s understanding of the real threat. This underscores Hel’s importance not just as emotional support but also as an intellectual ally.

Jeff Leadbetter

Jeff Leadbetter is a figure from Jack’s past, representing trauma and unresolved issues. As an abusive ex-boyfriend who now holds a position of power as a police officer, Jeff’s character is a study in the misuse of authority and the lasting impact of abusive relationships.

His continued presence in Jack’s life, and his eventual betrayal when she seeks his help, reinforces the idea that some wounds from the past can never fully heal. Jeff’s character adds a layer of personal conflict to Jack’s struggle, making her fight for justice not just about solving a crime but also about overcoming the shadows of her past.

His eventual downfall—being fired due to his abusive behavior—offers a sense of closure and justice for Jack.

Detective Constable Miles and Detective Sergeant Malik

Detective Constable Miles and Detective Sergeant Malik represent the law enforcement side of the story, embodying both the pressures of police work and the challenges of dealing with a complex case. Malik, in particular, is portrayed as a more nuanced character.

While he is initially part of the force that views Jack as a suspect, his interactions with her reveal a more empathetic and methodical approach. By the end of the novel, Malik becomes a symbol of the system working as it should—pursuing the truth rather than simply closing a case.

His eventual recognition of Jack’s innocence and his role in the resolution of the case serve to restore some faith in the justice system. This contrasts with the more corrupt and flawed characters like Jeff and Cole.


Gabby, the daughter Jack unknowingly carries during her ordeal, represents hope and the future. Although she is not present for much of the novel, her existence is a turning point for Jack.

The revelation of her pregnancy gives Jack a new reason to fight and survive, shifting her motivations from revenge and survival to protection and nurturing. Gabby’s presence in the epilogue signifies a new chapter in Jack’s life—one that is shaped by loss and pain but also by love and the promise of new beginnings.

Her name, derived from Gabe, also serves as a poignant reminder of Jack’s journey and the enduring impact of Gabe’s life and death on her future.


Trust and Deception

One of the central themes in Zero Days is the precarious nature of trust and the omnipresence of deception, particularly in the realm of personal relationships and technology. Jack Cross, the protagonist, experiences a harrowing journey where she learns that trust can be both a strength and a vulnerability.

The novel begins with Jack’s implicit trust in her husband, Gabe, whose sudden and brutal murder shatters her world. As Jack delves deeper into the circumstances of Gabe’s death, she is forced to confront the deceit that permeates her life.

Her reliance on trusted figures, such as Cole Garrick, ultimately leads to betrayal, revealing how easily trust can be manipulated. This theme is further highlighted by the novel’s exploration of cybersecurity, where technological trust is exploited through the discovery of a zero-day flaw—a metaphorical representation of the hidden dangers lurking beneath seemingly secure systems.

The theme of trust versus deception underscores the narrative, illustrating how characters navigate a world where appearances can be deceiving and where trust, once broken, can have devastating consequences.

Female Resilience and Empowerment

Jack Cross embodies the theme of female resilience and empowerment as she navigates a male-dominated world filled with physical and psychological threats. The novel portrays Jack as a resourceful, self-reliant woman who, despite being framed for her husband’s murder, refuses to succumb to the victimhood that her circumstances seem to dictate.

Her background as a penetration tester—a profession that requires cunning, technical acumen, and physical agility—symbolizes her ability to penetrate barriers, both literal and figurative, that are designed to confine or defeat her. The narrative also contrasts Jack’s resilience with the toxic masculinity exemplified by characters like Jeff Leadbetter, whose abusive past continues to haunt her.

Yet, Jack’s journey is not one of isolation; she is helped by strangers along the way, indicating a network of support that empowers her to continue her quest for truth. Ultimately, Jack’s resilience is rewarded not only by her survival but also by the revelation of her unexpected pregnancy, which adds another layer to her empowerment—a future defined not by loss but by new life and hope.

The Impact of Technology on Privacy and Security

Zero Days delves deeply into the theme of technology’s impact on privacy and security, reflecting contemporary anxieties about the pervasive role of digital systems in everyday life. Gabe’s murder is tied to his discovery of a security flaw in a widely-used app, a flaw that allows for the harvesting of personal information—a dire warning of the potential consequences of unchecked technological advancements.

The novel presents a world where digital information, once thought secure, is vulnerable to exploitation, underscoring the fragility of privacy in the digital age. Jack’s journey to uncover the truth about Gabe’s death is also a journey through the murky waters of cybersecurity, where the line between safety and vulnerability is constantly shifting.

The theme highlights the dual-edged sword of technology: it is a tool for empowerment and survival, as seen in Jack’s use of digital tools to evade capture and solve the mystery, but it is also a source of danger, capable of turning lives upside down in an instant.

By exploring the implications of technological vulnerabilities, Ware’s novel underscores the growing tension between the convenience of digital life and the risks it poses to personal security.