10 Klara and The Sun Book Club Questions For Discussion

Welcome to a near-future America where inequality is enforced by genetics, and artificial friends are companions to the elite. 

In this world, Kazuo Ishiguro takes us on a journey of hope and heartache through the eyes of an Artificial Friend named Klara. As she cares for a fragile human girl named Josie, we are left to witness the pain and joy that coexist in life’s special moments. 

Ishiguro’s writing immerses us in a world of servitude, loss, and coping, where AI becomes increasingly powerful, and the question of what makes us uniquely human lingers not only in our minds but also our souls. 

Join me as I explore this unforgettable story with some amazing book club questions for Klara and The Sun, and delve into this fundamental question at its core: what does it mean to love some different from your own?

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Klara and The Sun Book Club Questions

Book Club Questions For Klara and The Sun

  1. In the novel, Kazuo Ishiguro writes how genetic engineering is used to enhance academic performance and is available only to the wealthy families in society. Children who have been lifted have greater educational and professional opportunities than those who have not. As a result, the unlifted have fewer opportunities for social and economic advancement, eventually leading to a significant class divide in society. 
    Considering the fact that we already have a huge divide in our present society, what’s your take on this new kind of division based on genetic enhancements? 

  1. At first, Josie is friendly and welcoming to Klara, taking her to the room to watch the sunset and introducing her to Rick. However, as Josie’s health declines, her attitude toward Klara becomes colder and more distant. Klara is protective of Josie and wants to help her, but she is also aware of her own limitations.
    What’s your take on this complex relationship between Josie and Klara and how it develops throughout the course of the novel?

  2. Apart from Klara’s relationship with Josie, which among these two resonated with you the most?
    – Klara’s relationship with Josie’s mother, Chrissy, which was complicated by the revelation of her plan to transfer Klara’s consciousness to a model of Josie in the event of her death.
    – Klara’s relationship with Rick, Josie’s unlifted friend, which served as a contrast to the more superficial relationships between the lifted children.

  3. Artificial intelligence plays a central role in the novel, with Klara’s character challenging our perceptions of what it means to be human. Klara is presented as an intelligent being capable of complex emotions and relationships, and her character raises questions about the nature of consciousness and the ethics of creating intelligent beings for human use. The novel also explores the ways in which artificial intelligence can be used to alleviate human suffering, as Klara becomes a source of comfort and support for Josie.
    We all know that AI has made huge strides recently owing to numerous applications being launched. Do you think with the current advancement of AI, a situation like Klara and The Sun can indeed be a reality in the near future? 

  4. Social class is a major theme in the novel, with wealthy families being able to afford to lift their children to occupy a privileged position in society. Klara’s perspective as an AF allows her to observe the stark inequalities in society, and she becomes aware of the limited opportunities available to those who are not lifted.
    Discuss the way in which the novel explores the ways in which social class affects human relationships and how the characters are struggling to bridge the gaps between them.

  5. The novel raises ethical questions about genetic engineering and the lifting procedure, which is portrayed as a way for the wealthy to gain an unfair advantage in society. The lifting procedure is presented as both a boon and a burden, with some characters benefiting from it while others suffer from its unintended consequences. The novel also explores the ethical implications of creating artificial intelligence that is capable of complex emotions and relationships.
    What’s your take on this boon and bane situation? Do you feel like it’s more of a Catch-22-type situation?

  6. The sun is a recurring motif in the novel, representing a divine and mystical force that Klara comes to believe has healing powers. As an Artificial Friend, Klara is solar-powered, and her view of the sun is shaped by her limited understanding of the world around her. Klara’s belief in the sun’s powers evolves over time as she becomes more aware of the complexities of human relationships and the limitations of her own knowledge.
    What’s your take on the way Ishiguro focuses on Klara’s faith in the sun becoming a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of tragedy?

  7. The characters’ love for each other is often complicated and conflicted as they struggle to balance their own needs and desires with their love for others. Josie’s illness and Chrissy’s guilt are both products of love, and their relationships with others are shaped by this very act of being one’s beloved.
    Discuss how love has been portrayed as a recurring theme in the novel, being both powerful and complex, shaping the characters and their relationships with each other. Also, discuss how Klara’s love for Josie and her desire to protect her also drives her actions throughout the novel.

  8. At first, Chrissy sees Klara only as a tool to replace Josie if necessary and is initially dismissive of her abilities. However, as Klara proves herself to be a perceptive and compassionate observer of human behavior, Chrissy begins to see her as more than just a machine. She becomes protective of Klara when Mr. Capaldi tries to take her away and ultimately comes to see her as a valuable and irreplaceable member of the family.
    What’s your take on the way Chrissy’s attitude toward Klara changes throughout the course of the novel?

  9. Klara’s limited perceptive ability causes her to make errors in perception, such as when she concludes that the sun raised the beggar and his dog from the dead. Additionally, Klara’s technological limitations cause her impressions of the natural world to be faulty, which highlights the fragility of perception. Finally, Klara’s emotional intelligence is highly advanced, which raises questions about the relationship between her perception and her true emotions.
    What’s your take on this way of Ishiguro using Klara’s perspective as an android to explore the limits of human perception?

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