14 The Perfect Marriage Book Club Questions For Discussion

A super powerful lawyer Sarah and her writer hubby Adam seem like the perfect DC couple. But things get messy when Adam cheats, and his mistress ends up dead in a brutal murder. 

Now Sarah’s stuck defending Adam in court, but is he innocent? 

Or is there a dark secret lurking beneath the surface?

This book club guide will dive into some juicy questions about “The Perfect Marriage” and why you should totally read it. 

We’re talking infidelity, messed-up childhoods, and how things can spiral out of control in ways you won’t see coming.

The Perfect Marriage Book CLub Questions

The Perfect Marriage Book Club Questions

  1. Sarah’s actions throughout the novel reveal a chilling level of calculated malice directed at multiple people in her life. Did you suspect her motives at any point, or were you entirely surprised by the final revelations? What aspects of Sarah’s character made her capable of planning such elaborate and long-term deceit?

  2. In a story where no one is truly innocent, how did you feel about Sarah’s justifications for her actions? Do you believe taking revenge, especially in this brutal and premeditated way, can ever be excused? If Sarah had confided in someone or sought other ways to escape her unhappy marriage, could the tragedy have been avoided?

  3. The justice system ultimately provides Sarah with a chance to clear Adam’s name, but she chooses the path of revenge instead. Discuss the line between justice, closure, and vengeance. Do you think Sarah would ever have faced any real consequences if she hadn’t revealed herself to Adam in his final moments?

  4. Fidelity versus deceit emerges as a central theme in the book. Discuss how the characters’ actions reflect the blurred lines between loyalty and betrayal. In what ways do characters like Sarah, Adam, and Sheriff Stevens navigate moral ambiguity, and how does their deceit contribute to a pervasive atmosphere of mistrust and manipulation within the narrative?

  5. Since the story unfolds from Sarah and Adam’s perspectives, how reliable do you think their individual narratives are? Could Adam’s affair and poor choices have been colored by his own self-preservation during the trial? Would Sarah’s version of events change if the story included Kelly/Jenna’s point of view?

  6. The title is deeply ironic, considering the web of lies that defines Sarah and Adam’s union. What do you think the marriage would have looked like if the affair never happened? Does the book suggest that “perfect” relationships are even possible, and what elements are required to build a healthy partnership?

  7. Sarah is portrayed as the dominant partner in her marriage to Adam, wielding her professional success and influence. In what ways does her position of power make her both an effective manipulator and a victim of her own ambition? How did Sarah use her career as a shield for both her infidelity and her ultimate crime?

  8. The book hints at several people who may have suspected Sarah’s plans or at least sensed a sinister motive. Friends, colleagues, and even members of law enforcement seemed to harbor doubts about her actions. Could Adam’s conviction have been avoided if anyone had dared to challenge Sarah or spoken up? Why do you think characters like Matthew (Sarah’s friend) or Sheriff Stevens remained silent even when things didn’t seem right?

  9. Revenge versus justice is a complex tension explored in the novel. Analyze Sarah’s justification of her actions as seeking “justice” for Adam’s perceived crimes. How does the narrative challenge the notion of vigilante justice, and what are the implications of Sarah and Bob’s actions for the broader themes of morality and legal integrity within the story?

  10. Eleanor, Adam’s mother, blames Sarah for her son’s infidelity and eventual conviction because of Sarah’s focus on her career. Could the story be interpreted as a commentary on how working women, specifically those who are driven, face unique challenges and societal prejudices within relationships? How do you think the narrative would have changed if the power balance between Sarah and Adam was reversed?

  11. The story reveals troubling events in Sarah’s past, including her involvement in her mother’s death. Does the book suggest that Sarah was inherently malicious, or do you believe the trauma from her background played a significant role in shaping her personality? Can crimes be justified, or at least understood in a different way, when there is a history of abuse or neglect?

  12. Eleanor’s character serves as a critical voice against Sarah and Adam’s unconventional marriage dynamic. Explore Eleanor’s perspective on traditional gender roles and her condemnation of Sarah’s career-oriented mindset. How does Eleanor’s adherence to traditional values contribute to the novel’s exploration of power dynamics and societal expectations surrounding marriage and gender roles?

  13. The book’s ending is open to interpretation. What do you think Sarah’s future holds? Do you believe she and Bob would ever face consequences for their crimes? Could Summer, their daughter, end up uncovering the truth about her mother’s past and the true circumstances of Kelly/Jenna’s death?

  14. Reflecting on the overarching themes of power, deceit, and revenge, how does the narrative ultimately critique the efficacy of the legal system in upholding justice? Discuss the ways in which the characters’ manipulation of legal processes and personal vendettas undermine the pursuit of truth and fairness. What broader commentary does the novel offer on the fragility of justice when corrupted by individual agendas and moral compromises?

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